mirror of git://jb55.com/damus synced 2024-09-18 19:23:49 +00:00
William Casarin 4e447ddbed ndb/txn: inherit active transactions on the same thread
Many different parts of the codebase could be opening transactions when
somewhere higher in the heirarchy on the main thread might already have
an active transaction. This can lead to failed transaction opening which
is bad.

Instead of relying on passing down the transaction to subviews, lets
keep track of the active transactions in a thread-local dictionary. That
way whenever we create a new transaction we can inherit the one that is
already active in the current thread.

Inherited transactions don't end the query when they are garbage
collected, we still expect the first-opened query to do this.
2023-12-04 13:26:24 -08:00

116 lines
3.5 KiB

// NdbTx.swift
// damus
// Created by William Casarin on 2023-08-30.
import Foundation
fileprivate var txn_count: Int = 0
// Would use struct and ~Copyable but generics aren't supported well
class NdbTxn<T> {
var txn: ndb_txn
private var val: T!
var moved: Bool
var inherited: Bool
init(ndb: Ndb, with: (NdbTxn<T>) -> T = { _ in () }) {
txn_count += 1
print("opening transaction \(txn_count)")
if let active_txn = Thread.current.threadDictionary["ndb_txn"] as? ndb_txn {
// some parent thread is active, use that instead
self.txn = active_txn
self.inherited = true
} else {
self.txn = ndb_txn()
let _ = ndb_begin_query(ndb.ndb.ndb, &self.txn)
Thread.current.threadDictionary["ndb_txn"] = self.txn
self.inherited = false
self.moved = false
self.val = with(self)
private init(txn: ndb_txn, val: T) {
self.txn = txn
self.val = val
self.moved = false
self.inherited = false
/// Only access temporarily! Do not store database references for longterm use. If it's a primitive type you
/// can retrieve this value with `.value`
var unsafeUnownedValue: T {
return val
deinit {
if moved || inherited {
txn_count -= 1;
print("closing transaction \(txn_count)")
Thread.current.threadDictionary.removeObject(forKey: "ndb_txn")
// functor
func map<Y>(_ transform: (T) -> Y) -> NdbTxn<Y> {
self.moved = true
return .init(txn: self.txn, val: transform(val))
// comonad!?
// useful for moving ownership of a transaction to another value
func extend<Y>(_ with: (NdbTxn<T>) -> Y) -> NdbTxn<Y> {
self.moved = true
return .init(txn: self.txn, val: with(self))
protocol OptionalType {
associatedtype Wrapped
var optional: Wrapped? { get }
extension Optional: OptionalType {
typealias Wrapped = Wrapped
var optional: Wrapped? {
return self
extension NdbTxn where T: OptionalType {
func collect() -> NdbTxn<T.Wrapped>? {
guard let unwrappedVal: T.Wrapped = val.optional else {
return nil
self.moved = true
return NdbTxn<T.Wrapped>(txn: self.txn, val: unwrappedVal)
extension NdbTxn where T == Bool { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == Bool? { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == Int { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == Int? { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == Double { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == Double? { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == UInt64 { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == UInt64? { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == String { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == String? { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == NoteId? { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }
extension NdbTxn where T == NoteId { var value: T { return self.unsafeUnownedValue } }