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2023-08-26 20:46:42 -07:00

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* Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if !os(WASI)
import Foundation
import SwiftOverlayShims
/// Verifiable is a protocol all swift flatbuffers object should conform to,
/// since swift is similar to `cpp` and `rust` where the data is read directly
/// from `unsafeMemory` thus the need to verify if the buffer received is a valid one
public protocol Verifiable {
/// Verifies that the current value is which the bounds of the buffer, and if
/// the current `Value` is aligned properly
/// - Parameters:
/// - verifier: Verifier that hosts the buffer
/// - position: Current position within the buffer
/// - type: The type of the object to be verified
/// - Throws: Errors coming from `inBuffer` function
static func verify<T>(
_ verifier: inout Verifier,
at position: Int,
of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable
extension Verifiable {
/// Verifies if the current range to be read is within the bounds of the buffer,
/// and if the range is properly aligned
/// - Parameters:
/// - verifier: Verifier that hosts the buffer
/// - position: Current position within the buffer
/// - type: The type of the object to be verified
/// - Throws: Erros thrown from `isAligned` & `rangeInBuffer`
/// - Returns: a tuple of the start position and the count of objects within the range
public static func verifyRange<T>(
_ verifier: inout Verifier,
at position: Int, of type: T.Type) throws -> (start: Int, count: Int)
let len: UOffset = try verifier.getValue(at: position)
let intLen = Int(len)
let start = Int(clamping: (position &+ MemoryLayout<Int32>.size).magnitude)
try verifier.isAligned(position: start, type: type.self)
try verifier.rangeInBuffer(position: start, size: intLen)
return (start, intLen)
extension Verifiable where Self: Scalar {
/// Verifies that the current value is which the bounds of the buffer, and if
/// the current `Value` is aligned properly
/// - Parameters:
/// - verifier: Verifier that hosts the buffer
/// - position: Current position within the buffer
/// - type: The type of the object to be verified
/// - Throws: Errors coming from `inBuffer` function
public static func verify<T>(
_ verifier: inout Verifier,
at position: Int,
of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable
try verifier.inBuffer(position: position, of: type.self)
// MARK: - ForwardOffset
/// ForwardOffset is a container to wrap around the Generic type to be verified
/// from the flatbuffers object.
public enum ForwardOffset<U>: Verifiable where U: Verifiable {
/// Verifies that the current value is which the bounds of the buffer, and if
/// the current `Value` is aligned properly
/// - Parameters:
/// - verifier: Verifier that hosts the buffer
/// - position: Current position within the buffer
/// - type: The type of the object to be verified
/// - Throws: Errors coming from `inBuffer` function
public static func verify<T>(
_ verifier: inout Verifier,
at position: Int,
of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable
let offset: UOffset = try verifier.getValue(at: position)
let nextOffset = Int(clamping: (Int(offset) &+ position).magnitude)
try U.verify(&verifier, at: nextOffset, of: U.self)
// MARK: - Vector
/// Vector is a container to wrap around the Generic type to be verified
/// from the flatbuffers object.
public enum Vector<U, S>: Verifiable where U: Verifiable, S: Verifiable {
/// Verifies that the current value is which the bounds of the buffer, and if
/// the current `Value` is aligned properly
/// - Parameters:
/// - verifier: Verifier that hosts the buffer
/// - position: Current position within the buffer
/// - type: The type of the object to be verified
/// - Throws: Errors coming from `inBuffer` function
public static func verify<T>(
_ verifier: inout Verifier,
at position: Int,
of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable
/// checks if the next verification type S is equal to U of type forwardOffset
/// This had to be done since I couldnt find a solution for duplicate call functions
/// A fix will be appreciated
if U.self is ForwardOffset<S>.Type {
let range = try verifyRange(&verifier, at: position, of: UOffset.self)
for index in stride(
from: range.start,
to: Int(clamping: range.start &+ range.count),
by: MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size)
try U.verify(&verifier, at: index, of: U.self)
} else {
try S.verifyRange(&verifier, at: position, of: S.self)
// MARK: - UnionVector
/// UnionVector is a container to wrap around the Generic type to be verified
/// from the flatbuffers object.
public enum UnionVector<S> where S: UnionEnum {
/// Completion handler for the function Verify, that passes the verifier
/// enum type and position of union field
public typealias Completion = (inout Verifier, S, Int) throws -> Void
/// Verifies if the current range to be read is within the bounds of the buffer,
/// and if the range is properly aligned. It also verifies if the union type is a
/// *valid/supported* union type.
/// - Parameters:
/// - verifier: Verifier that hosts the buffer
/// - keyPosition: Current union key position within the buffer
/// - fieldPosition: Current union field position within the buffer
/// - unionKeyName: Name of key to written if error is presented
/// - fieldName: Name of field to written if error is presented
/// - completion: Completion is a handler that WILL be called in the generated
/// code to verify the actual objects
/// - Throws: FlatbuffersErrors
public static func verify(
_ verifier: inout Verifier,
keyPosition: Int,
fieldPosition: Int,
unionKeyName: String,
fieldName: String,
completion: @escaping Completion) throws
/// Get offset for union key vectors and offset vectors
let keyOffset: UOffset = try verifier.getValue(at: keyPosition)
let fieldOffset: UOffset = try verifier.getValue(at: fieldPosition)
/// Check if values are within the buffer, returns the start position of vectors, and vector counts
/// Using &+ is safe since we already verified that the value is within the buffer, where the max is
/// going to be 2Gib and swift supports Int64 by default
let keysRange = try S.T.verifyRange(
at: Int(keyOffset) &+ keyPosition,
of: S.T.self)
let offsetsRange = try UOffset.verifyRange(
at: Int(fieldOffset) &+ fieldPosition,
of: UOffset.self)
guard keysRange.count == offsetsRange.count else {
throw FlatbuffersErrors.unionVectorSize(
keyVectorSize: keysRange.count,
fieldVectorSize: offsetsRange.count,
unionKeyName: unionKeyName,
fieldName: fieldName)
var count = 0
/// Iterate over the vector of keys and offsets.
while count < keysRange.count {
/// index of readable enum value in array
let keysIndex = MemoryLayout<S.T>.size * count
guard let _enum = try S.init(value: verifier._buffer.read(
def: S.T.self,
position: keysRange.start + keysIndex)) else
throw FlatbuffersErrors.unknownUnionCase
/// index of readable offset value in array
let fieldIndex = MemoryLayout<UOffset>.size * count
try completion(&verifier, _enum, offsetsRange.start + fieldIndex)
count += 1