use crate::comms::BusMessage; use crate::db::{DbEvent, DbPerson, DbPersonRelay, DbRelay}; use crate::error::Error; use crate::feed::Feed; use crate::relationship::Relationship; use crate::settings::Settings; use crate::signer::Signer; use nostr_types::{Event, Id, IdHex, PublicKey, PublicKeyHex, Unixtime, Url}; use rusqlite::Connection; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use tokio::sync::{broadcast, mpsc, Mutex, RwLock}; use tracing::info; /// Only one of these is ever created, via lazy_static!, and represents /// global state for the rust application pub struct Globals { /// This is our connection to SQLite. Only one thread at a time. pub db: Mutex>, /// This is a broadcast channel. All Minions should listen on it. /// To create a receiver, just run .subscribe() on it. pub to_minions: broadcast::Sender, /// This is a mpsc channel. The Overlord listens on it. /// To create a sender, just clone() it. pub to_overlord: mpsc::UnboundedSender, /// This is ephemeral. It is filled during lazy_static initialization, /// and stolen away when the Overlord is created. pub tmp_overlord_receiver: Mutex>>, /// This is an mpsc channel. The Syncer listens on it. /// To create a sender, just clone() it. pub to_syncer: mpsc::UnboundedSender, /// This is ephemeral. It is filled during lazy_static initializtion, /// and stolen away when the Syncer is created. pub tmp_syncer_receiver: Mutex>>, /// All nostr events, keyed by the event Id pub events: RwLock>, /// Events coming in from relays that are not processed yet pub incoming_events: RwLock>, /// All relationships between events pub relationships: RwLock>>, /// The date of the latest reply. Only reply relationships count, not reactions, /// deletions, or quotes pub last_reply: RwLock>, /// Desired events, referred to by others, with possible URLs where we can /// get them. We may already have these, but if not we should ask for them. pub desired_events: RwLock>>, /// All nostr people records currently loaded into memory, keyed by pubkey pub people: RwLock>, /// All nostr relay records we have pub relays: RwLock>, /// Whether or not we are shutting down. For the UI (minions will be signaled and /// waited for by the overlord) pub shutting_down: AtomicBool, /// Settings pub settings: RwLock, /// Signer pub signer: RwLock, /// Dismissed Events pub dismissed: RwLock>, /// Event is new pub event_is_new: RwLock>, /// Feed pub feed: Mutex, } lazy_static! { pub static ref GLOBALS: Globals = { // Setup a communications channel from the Overlord to the Minions. let (to_minions, _) = broadcast::channel(256); // Setup a communications channel from the Minions to the Overlord. let (to_overlord, tmp_overlord_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); // Setup a communications channel from the UI (or anybody else) to the Syncer. let (to_syncer, tmp_syncer_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); Globals { db: Mutex::new(None), to_minions, to_overlord, tmp_overlord_receiver: Mutex::new(Some(tmp_overlord_receiver)), to_syncer, tmp_syncer_receiver: Mutex::new(Some(tmp_syncer_receiver)), events: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), incoming_events: RwLock::new(Vec::new()), relationships: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), last_reply: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), desired_events: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), people: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), relays: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()), shutting_down: AtomicBool::new(false), settings: RwLock::new(Settings::default()), signer: RwLock::new(Signer::default()), dismissed: RwLock::new(Vec::new()), event_is_new: RwLock::new(Vec::new()), feed: Mutex::new(Feed::new()), } }; } impl Globals { pub async fn store_desired_event(id: Id, url: Option) { let mut desired_events = GLOBALS.desired_events.write().await; desired_events .entry(id) .and_modify(|urls| { if let Some(ref u) = url { let n = Url::new(u); if n.is_valid() { urls.push(n); } } }) .or_insert_with(|| if let Some(u) = url { vec![u] } else { vec![] }); } pub fn trim_desired_events_sync() { // danger - two locks could lead to deadlock, check other code locking these // don't change the order, or else change it everywhere let mut desired_events = GLOBALS.desired_events.blocking_write(); let events =; desired_events.retain(|&id, _| !events.contains_key(&id)); } pub async fn trim_desired_events() { // danger - two locks could lead to deadlock, check other code locking these // don't change the order, or else change it everywhere let mut desired_events = GLOBALS.desired_events.write().await; let events =; desired_events.retain(|&id, _| !events.contains_key(&id)); } async fn get_desired_events_prelude() -> Result<(), Error> { Self::trim_desired_events().await; // Load from database { let ids: Vec = GLOBALS .desired_events .read() .await .iter() .map(|(id, _)| Into::::into(*id)) .collect(); let db_events = DbEvent::fetch_by_ids(ids).await?; let mut events: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(db_events.len()); for dbevent in db_events.iter() { let e = serde_json::from_str(&dbevent.raw)?; events.push(e); } let mut count = 0; for event in events.iter() { count += 1; crate::process::process_new_event(event, false, None).await?; } info!("Loaded {} desired events from the database", count); } Self::trim_desired_events().await; // again Ok(()) } pub async fn get_desired_events() -> Result<(HashMap>, Vec), Error> { Globals::get_desired_events_prelude().await?; let desired_events =; let mut output: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); let mut orphans: Vec = Vec::new(); for (id, vec_url) in desired_events.iter() { if vec_url.is_empty() { orphans.push(*id); } else { for url in vec_url.iter() { output .entry(url.to_owned()) .and_modify(|vec| vec.push(*id)) .or_insert_with(|| vec![*id]); } } } Ok((output, orphans)) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn get_desired_events_for_url(url: Url) -> Result, Error> { Globals::get_desired_events_prelude().await?; let desired_events =; let mut output: Vec = Vec::new(); for (id, vec_url) in desired_events.iter() { if vec_url.is_empty() || vec_url.contains(&url) { output.push(*id); } } Ok(output) } pub async fn add_relationship(id: Id, related: Id, relationship: Relationship) { let r = (related, relationship); let mut relationships = GLOBALS.relationships.write().await; relationships .entry(id) .and_modify(|vec| { if !vec.contains(&r) { vec.push(r.clone()); } }) .or_insert_with(|| vec![r]); } pub async fn update_last_reply(id: Id, time: Unixtime) { let mut last_reply = GLOBALS.last_reply.write().await; last_reply .entry(id) .and_modify(|lasttime| { if time > *lasttime { *lasttime = time; } }) .or_insert_with(|| time); } pub fn get_replies_sync(id: Id) -> Vec { let mut output: Vec = Vec::new(); if let Some(vec) = GLOBALS.relationships.blocking_read().get(&id) { for (id, relationship) in vec.iter() { if *relationship == Relationship::Reply { output.push(*id); } } } output } // FIXME - this allows people to react many times to the same event, and // it counts them all! pub fn get_reactions_sync(id: Id) -> Vec<(char, usize)> { let mut output: HashMap = HashMap::new(); if let Some(relationships) = GLOBALS.relationships.blocking_read().get(&id).cloned() { for (_id, relationship) in relationships.iter() { if let Relationship::Reaction(reaction) = relationship { if let Some(ch) = reaction.chars().next() { output .entry(ch) .and_modify(|count| *count += 1) .or_insert_with(|| 1); } else { output .entry('+') // if empty, presumed to be an upvote .and_modify(|count| *count += 1) .or_insert_with(|| 1); } } } } let mut v: Vec<(char, usize)> = output.iter().map(|(c, u)| (*c, *u)).collect(); v.sort(); v } } pub async fn followed_pubkeys() -> Vec { let people =; people .iter() .map(|(_, p)| p) .filter(|p| p.followed == 1) .map(|p| p.pubkey.clone()) .collect() } #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn follow_key_and_relay(pubkey: String, relay: String) -> Result { let pubkeyhex = PublicKeyHex(pubkey.clone()); // Validate the url let u = Url::new(&relay); if !u.is_valid() { return Err(format!("Invalid url: {}", relay)); } // Create or update them let person = match DbPerson::fetch_one(pubkeyhex.clone()) .await .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))? { Some(mut person) => { person.followed = 1; DbPerson::update(person.clone()) .await .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?; person } None => { let mut person = DbPerson::new(pubkeyhex.clone()); person.followed = 1; DbPerson::insert(person.clone()) .await .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?; person } }; // Insert (or ignore) this relay let dbrelay = DbRelay::new(relay.clone()).map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?; DbRelay::insert(dbrelay) .await .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?; // Insert (or ignore) this person's relay DbPersonRelay::insert(DbPersonRelay { person: pubkey, relay, ..Default::default() }) .await .map_err(|e| format!("{}", e))?; // Tell the overlord to update the minion to watch for their events // possibly starting a new minion if necessary. // FIXME TODO // Reply to javascript with the person which will be set in the store Ok(person) }