Mike Dilger 5c1834da50 Rename Web of Trust to Friends of Friends:
for backwards compatibility:
* database name stays the same
* spam script handles either 'fof' or 'wot' the same
2024-09-24 09:58:12 +12:00

177 lines
5.3 KiB

// This is a sample spam filtering script for the gossip nostr
// client. The language is called Rhai, details are at:
// https://rhai.rs/book/
// For gossip to find your spam filtering script, put it in your
// gossip profile directory. See
// https://docs.rs/dirs/latest/dirs/fn.data_dir.html
// to find the base directory. A subdirectory "gossip" is your
// gossip data directory which for most people is their profile
// directory too. (Note: if you use a GOSSIP_PROFILE, you'll need
// to put it one directory deeper into that profile directory).
// This filter is used to filter out and refuse to process incoming
// events as they flow in from relays, and also to filter which
// events get displayed in certain circumstances. It is only run on
// feed-displayable event kinds, and only events by authors you are
// not following. In case of error, nothing is filtered.
// You must define a function called 'filter' which returns one of
// these constant values:
// DENY (the event is filtered out)
// ALLOW (the event is allowed through)
// MUTE (the event is filtered out, and the author is
// automatically muted)
// Your script will be provided the following:
// caller - a string that is one of "Process", "Thread",
// "Inbox" or "Global" indicating which part of
// the code is running your script
// id - the event ID, as a hex string
// pubkey - the event author public key, as a hex string
// kind - the event kind as an integer
// tags - the event tags (array of array of strings)
// content - the event content as a string
// muted - if the author is in your mute list
// name - if we have it, the name of the author (or your
// petname), else an empty string
// fof - Friends of friends: Among you, the people you
// follow, and the people they follow, how many
// follow the pubkey of the event?
// nip05valid - whether nip05 is valid for the author, as a
// boolean
// pow - the Proof of Work on the event
// seconds_known - the number of seconds that the author of the
// event has been known to gossip
// spamsafe - true only if the event came in from a relay
// marked as SpamSafe during Process (even if the
// global setting for SpamSafe is off)
// Here is some notes on the language and syntax:
// * Functions are pure. Call them with fn!() syntax to propagate
// scope (global variables explained above) into the function.
// * '()' is nil.
// * The ?? operator coalesces values. If the first value is nil
// it moves on to the next one.
// This is the top level main function. It gets all the scope
// explained in the comments above.
fn filter() {
fn filter_mild() {
allow_global!() ??
filter_known_spam!() ??
fn filter_medium() {
allow_global!() ??
filter_known_spam!() ??
reject_new_pubkeys!() ??
fn filter_strong() {
allow_global!() ??
filter_known_spam!() ??
reject_new_pubkeys!() ??
allow_proven!() ??
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Show spam on global
// Global events and media are ephemeral, and people usually want
// to see everything there.
fn allow_global() {
if caller=="Global" {
return ALLOW;
// always return () if you don't have an answer
fn filter_known_spam() {
// Block ReplyGuy
if name.contains("ReplyGuy") || name.contains("ReplyGal") {
return DENY;
// NOTE: This works because giftwraps are unwrapped before the
// content is passed to this script
if content.to_lower().contains(
"Mr. Gift and Mrs. Wrap under the tree, KISSING!")
return DENY;
// always return () if you don't have an answer
// Reject events from pubkeys we have not seen before
// unless they have a high PoW.
// NOTE: If this turns out to be a legit person, we will
// start hearing their events 2 seconds from now, probably
// starting with their second event.
fn reject_new_pubkeys() {
if seconds_known <= 2 && pow < 25 {
return DENY;
// always return () if you don't have an answer
// Mute people that use offensive words
// (Mike Dilger does not recommend, but this is a good example)
fn mute_offensive_people() {
if content.to_lower().contains(" kike") ||
content.to_lower().contains("kike ") ||
content.to_lower().contains(" nigger") ||
content.to_lower().contains("nigger ")
return MUTE;
// always return () if you don't have an answer
// Allow events if proven to be good somehow
fn allow_proven() {
// Accept if the PoW is large enough
if pow >= 25 {
return ALLOW;
// Accept if their NIP-05 is valid
if nip05valid {
return ALLOW;
// Accept if the event came through a spamsafe relay
if spamsafe {
return ALLOW;
// Accept if anybody that you follow follows them
if fof > 0 {
return ALLOW;
// always return () if you don't have an answer