
482 lines
16 KiB

use crate::db::DbPerson;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::globals::GLOBALS;
use image::RgbaImage;
use nostr_types::{Metadata, PublicKeyHex, Unixtime, Url};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use tokio::task;
pub struct People {
people: HashMap<PublicKeyHex, DbPerson>,
// We fetch (with Fetcher), process, and temporarily hold avatars
// until the UI next asks for them, at which point we remove them
// and hand them over. This way we can do the work that takes
// longer and the UI can do as little work as possible.
avatars_temp: HashMap<PublicKeyHex, RgbaImage>,
avatars_pending_processing: HashSet<PublicKeyHex>,
avatars_failed: HashSet<PublicKeyHex>,
impl People {
pub fn new() -> People {
People {
people: HashMap::new(),
avatars_temp: HashMap::new(),
avatars_pending_processing: HashSet::new(),
avatars_failed: HashSet::new(),
pub fn get_followed_pubkeys(&self) -> Vec<PublicKeyHex> {
let mut output: Vec<PublicKeyHex> = Vec::new();
for person in self
.filter_map(|(_, p)| if p.followed == 1 { Some(p) } else { None })
pub async fn create_if_missing(&mut self, pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.people.contains_key(pubkeyhex) {
return Ok(());
// Try loading from the database
let maybe_dbperson = Self::fetch_one(pubkeyhex).await?;
if let Some(dbperson) = maybe_dbperson {
// Insert into the map
self.people.insert(pubkeyhex.to_owned(), dbperson);
} else {
// Create new
let dbperson = DbPerson {
pubkey: pubkeyhex.to_owned(),
name: None,
about: None,
picture: None,
dns_id: None,
dns_id_valid: 0,
dns_id_last_checked: None,
metadata_at: None,
followed: 0,
// Insert into the map
self.people.insert(pubkeyhex.to_owned(), dbperson.clone());
// Insert into the database
pub async fn update_metadata(
&mut self,
pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex,
metadata: Metadata,
asof: Unixtime,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Sync in from database first
// Update the map
let person = self.people.get_mut(pubkeyhex).unwrap();
if let Some(metadata_at) = person.metadata_at {
if asof.0 <= metadata_at {
// Old metadata. Ignore it
return Ok(());
person.name = metadata.name;
person.about = metadata.about;
person.picture = metadata.picture;
if person.dns_id != metadata.nip05 {
person.dns_id = metadata.nip05;
person.dns_id_valid = 0; // changed, so reset to invalid
person.dns_id_last_checked = None; // we haven't checked this one yet
person.metadata_at = Some(asof.0);
// Update the database
let person = person.clone();
let pubkeyhex2 = pubkeyhex.to_owned();
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(
"UPDATE person SET name=?, about=?, picture=?, dns_id=?, metadata_at=? WHERE pubkey=?"
Ok::<(), Error>(())
pub async fn load_all_followed(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if !self.people.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::Internal(
"load_all_followed should only be called before people is otherwise used."
let sql =
"SELECT pubkey, name, about, picture, dns_id, dns_id_valid, dns_id_last_checked, \
metadata_at, followed FROM person WHERE followed=1"
let output: Result<Vec<DbPerson>, Error> = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(&sql)?;
let rows = stmt.query_map([], |row| {
Ok(DbPerson {
pubkey: PublicKeyHex(row.get(0)?),
name: row.get(1)?,
about: row.get(2)?,
picture: row.get(3)?,
dns_id: row.get(4)?,
dns_id_valid: row.get(5)?,
dns_id_last_checked: row.get(6)?,
metadata_at: row.get(7)?,
followed: row.get(8)?,
let mut output: Vec<DbPerson> = Vec::new();
for row in rows {
for person in output? {
self.people.insert(person.pubkey.clone(), person);
pub fn get(&mut self, pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex) -> Option<DbPerson> {
if self.people.contains_key(pubkeyhex) {
} else {
// We can't get it now, but we can setup a task to do it soon
let pubkeyhex = pubkeyhex.to_owned();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut people = GLOBALS.people.write().await;
if !people.people.contains_key(&pubkeyhex) {
match People::fetch_one(&pubkeyhex).await {
Ok(Some(person)) => {
let _ = people.people.insert(pubkeyhex, person);
Err(e) => tracing::error!("{}", e),
_ => {}
pub fn get_all(&self) -> Vec<DbPerson> {
let mut v: Vec<DbPerson> = self.people.values().map(|p| p.to_owned()).collect();
v.sort_by(|a, b| {
let c = a.name.cmp(&b.name);
if c == Ordering::Equal {
} else {
// If returns Err, means you're never going to get it so stop trying.
pub fn get_avatar(&mut self, pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex) -> Result<Option<image::RgbaImage>, ()> {
// If we have it, hand it over (we won't need a copy anymore)
if let Some(th) = self.avatars_temp.remove(pubkeyhex) {
return Ok(Some(th));
// If it failed before, error out now
if self.avatars_failed.contains(pubkeyhex) {
return Err(());
// If it is pending processing, respond now
if self.avatars_pending_processing.contains(pubkeyhex) {
return Ok(None);
// Get the person this is about
let person = match self.people.get(pubkeyhex) {
Some(person) => person,
None => {
return Err(());
// Fail if they don't have a picture url
// FIXME: we could get metadata that sets this while we are running, so just failing for
// the duration of the client isn't quite right. But for now, retrying is taxing.
if person.picture.is_none() {
return Err(());
// FIXME: we could get metadata that sets this while we are running, so just failing for
// the duration of the client isn't quite right. But for now, retrying is taxing.
let url = Url::new(person.picture.as_ref().unwrap());
if !url.is_valid() {
return Err(());
match GLOBALS.fetcher.try_get(url) {
Ok(None) => Ok(None),
Ok(Some(bytes)) => {
// Finish this later
let apubkeyhex = pubkeyhex.to_owned();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let image = match image::load_from_memory(&bytes) {
// DynamicImage
Ok(di) => di,
Err(_) => {
let _ = GLOBALS
let image = image.resize(
); // DynamicImage
let image_buffer = image.into_rgba8(); // RgbaImage (ImageBuffer)
.insert(apubkeyhex, image_buffer);
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("{}", e);
/// This is a 'just in case' the main code isn't keeping them in sync.
pub async fn populate_new_people() -> Result<(), Error> {
let sql = "INSERT or IGNORE INTO person (pubkey) SELECT DISTINCT pubkey FROM EVENT";
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
db.execute(sql, [])?;
Ok::<(), Error>(())
pub fn follow(&mut self, pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex, follow: bool) {
// We can't do it now, but we spawn a task to do it soon
let pubkeyhex = pubkeyhex.to_owned();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut people = GLOBALS.people.write().await;
if let Err(e) = people.async_follow(&pubkeyhex, follow).await {
tracing::error!("{}", e);
pub async fn async_follow(
&mut self,
pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex,
follow: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let f: u8 = u8::from(follow);
// Follow in database
let sql = "INSERT INTO PERSON (pubkey, followed) values (?, ?) \
ON CONFLICT(pubkey) DO UPDATE SET followed=?";
let pubkeyhex2 = pubkeyhex.to_owned();
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(sql)?;
stmt.execute((&pubkeyhex2.0, &f, &f))?;
Ok::<(), Error>(())
// Make sure memory matches
if let Some(dbperson) = self.people.get_mut(pubkeyhex) {
dbperson.followed = f;
} else {
// load
if let Some(person) = Self::fetch_one(pubkeyhex).await? {
self.people.insert(pubkeyhex.to_owned(), person);
pub async fn upsert_valid_nip05(
&mut self,
pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex,
dns_id: String,
dns_id_last_checked: u64,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Update memory
if let Some(dbperson) = self.people.get_mut(pubkeyhex) {
dbperson.dns_id = Some(dns_id.clone());
dbperson.dns_id_last_checked = Some(dns_id_last_checked);
// Update in database
let sql = "INSERT INTO person (pubkey, dns_id, dns_id_valid, dns_id_last_checked) \
values (?, ?, 1, ?) \
ON CONFLICT(pubkey) DO UPDATE SET dns_id=?, dns_id_valid=1, dns_id_last_checked=?";
let pubkeyhex2 = pubkeyhex.to_owned();
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(sql)?;
Ok::<(), Error>(())
async fn fetch(criteria: Option<&str>) -> Result<Vec<DbPerson>, Error> {
let sql =
"SELECT pubkey, name, about, picture, dns_id, dns_id_valid, dns_id_last_checked, metadata_at, followed FROM person".to_owned();
let sql = match criteria {
None => sql,
Some(crit) => format!("{} WHERE {}", sql, crit),
let output: Result<Vec<DbPerson>, Error> = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(&sql)?;
let rows = stmt.query_map([], |row| {
Ok(DbPerson {
pubkey: PublicKeyHex(row.get(0)?),
name: row.get(1)?,
about: row.get(2)?,
picture: row.get(3)?,
dns_id: row.get(4)?,
dns_id_valid: row.get(5)?,
dns_id_last_checked: row.get(6)?,
metadata_at: row.get(7)?,
followed: row.get(8)?,
let mut output: Vec<DbPerson> = Vec::new();
for row in rows {
async fn fetch_one(pubkeyhex: &PublicKeyHex) -> Result<Option<DbPerson>, Error> {
let people = Self::fetch(Some(&format!("pubkey='{}'", pubkeyhex))).await?;
if people.is_empty() {
} else {
async fn insert(person: DbPerson) -> Result<(), Error> {
let sql =
"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO person (pubkey, name, about, picture, dns_id, dns_id_valid, dns_id_last_checked, metadata_at, followed) \
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, ?9)";
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(sql)?;
Ok::<(), Error>(())
pub async fn delete(criteria: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let sql = format!("DELETE FROM person WHERE {}", criteria);
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let maybe_db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let db = maybe_db.as_ref().unwrap();
db.execute(&sql, [])?;
Ok::<(), Error>(())