Mike Dilger bc8495db70 Events: Prevent multiple threads from seeking the same event in the database simultaneously:
With a high UI framerate it can fire many of these actions off before the first one completes.
2023-04-21 08:34:42 +12:00

312 lines
9.5 KiB

use crate::db::DbEventRelay;
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::globals::GLOBALS;
use async_recursion::async_recursion;
use dashmap::mapref::entry::Entry;
use dashmap::{DashMap, DashSet};
use nostr_types::{Event, Filter, Id, RelayUrl};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use tokio::task;
use vecmap::VecSet;
pub struct Events {
events: DashMap<Id, Event>,
// Seen on data uses relay_map to compress it's data
seen_on: DashMap<Id, VecSet<usize>>,
relay_map: RelayMap,
// Events we are currently seeking from the database
sought_events: DashSet<Id>,
impl Events {
pub fn new() -> Events {
Events {
events: DashMap::new(),
seen_on: DashMap::new(),
relay_map: RelayMap::new(),
sought_events: DashSet::new(),
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn insert(&self, event: Event, seen_on: Option<RelayUrl>) {
// Add seen on
if let Some(url) = seen_on {
self.add_seen_on(event.id, &url);
// this will just replace if already seen
let _ = self.events.insert(event.id, event);
pub fn add_seen_on(&self, id: Id, url: &RelayUrl) {
let relay_index = self.relay_map.relay_to_index(url);
match self.seen_on.entry(id) {
Entry::Occupied(mut oentry) => {
Entry::Vacant(ventry) => {
let mut set = VecSet::new();
pub fn contains_key(&self, id: &Id) -> bool {
pub fn get(&self, id: &Id) -> Option<Event> {
self.events.get(id).map(|e| e.value().to_owned())
pub fn get_seen_on(&self, id: &Id) -> Option<Vec<RelayUrl>> {
self.seen_on.get(id).map(|set| {
.map(|index| self.relay_map.index_to_relay(*index).unwrap())
/// Get the event from memory, and also try the database, by Id
pub async fn get_local(&self, id: Id) -> Result<Option<Event>, Error> {
if let Some(e) = self.get(&id) {
return Ok(Some(e));
// Don't go seeking in the database if some other thread already is.
if self.sought_events.contains(&id) {
return Ok(None);
// Mark that we are handling this one
if let Some(event) = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let mut stmt = db.prepare("SELECT raw FROM event WHERE id=?")?;
stmt.raw_bind_parameter(1, id.as_hex_string())?;
let mut rows = stmt.raw_query();
if let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
let s: String = row.get(0)?;
} else {
Ok::<Option<Event>, Error>(None)
// Process that event
crate::process::process_new_event(&event, false, None, None).await?;
self.insert(event.clone(), None);
} else {
/// Get event from database, by Filter
pub async fn get_local_events_by_filter(&self, filter: Filter) -> Result<Vec<Event>, Error> {
let mut conditions: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
if !filter.ids.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_prefix_condition("id", &filter.ids));
if !filter.authors.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_prefix_condition("pubkey", &filter.authors));
if !filter.kinds.is_empty() {
let mut c = "kind in (".to_owned();
let mut virgin = true;
for kind in filter.kinds.iter() {
if !virgin {
virgin = false;
let k: u64 = (*kind).into();
c.push_str(&format!("{}", k));
if !filter.a.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_tag_condition("a", &filter.a));
if !filter.d.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_tag_condition("d", &filter.d));
if !filter.e.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_tag_condition("e", &filter.e));
if !filter.g.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_tag_condition("g", &filter.g));
if !filter.p.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_tag_condition("p", &filter.p));
if !filter.r.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_tag_condition("r", &filter.r));
if !filter.t.is_empty() {
conditions.push(build_tag_condition("t", &filter.t));
if let Some(since) = filter.since {
conditions.push(format!("created_at >= {}", since.0));
if let Some(until) = filter.until {
conditions.push(format!("created_at <= {}", until.0));
let mut sql = format!("SELECT raw FROM event WHERE {}", conditions.join(" AND "));
if let Some(limit) = filter.limit {
sql.push_str(&(format!(" LIMIT {}", limit)));
tracing::trace!("get_local_events_by_filter SQL={}", &sql);
let events_result = task::spawn_blocking(move || -> Result<Vec<Event>, Error> {
let db = GLOBALS.db.blocking_lock();
let mut stmt = db.prepare(&sql)?;
let mut rows = stmt.raw_query();
let mut events: Vec<Event> = Vec::new();
while let Some(row) = rows.next()? {
let s: String = row.get(0)?;
let events = events_result?;
for event in events.iter() {
// Process that event
crate::process::process_new_event(event, false, None, None).await?;
// Add to memory
self.insert(event.clone(), None);
pub async fn get_highest_local_parent(&self, id: &Id) -> Result<Option<Id>, Error> {
if let Some(event) = self.get_local(*id).await? {
if let Some((parent_id, _opturl)) = event.replies_to() {
match self.get_highest_local_parent(&parent_id).await? {
Some(top_id) => Ok(Some(top_id)), // went higher
None => Ok(Some(*id)), // couldn't go higher, stay here
} else {
Ok(Some(*id)) // is a root
} else {
Ok(None) // not present locally
pub fn iter(&self) -> dashmap::iter::Iter<Id, Event> {
pub async fn load_event_seen_data(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
tracing::info!("Loading event seen-on data...");
for dashref in self.events.iter() {
let id = dashref.key();
let vecurl = DbEventRelay::get_relays_for_event(*id).await?;
for url in vecurl.iter() {
self.add_seen_on(*id, url);
fn build_prefix_condition<T: Display>(field: &str, values: &[T]) -> String {
let mut c = "(".to_owned();
let mut virgin = true;
for val in values.iter() {
if !virgin {
c.push_str(" OR ");
virgin = false;
c.push_str(&format!("{} LIKE '{}%'", field, val));
fn build_tag_condition<T: Display>(tag: &str, values: &[T]) -> String {
// "id in (SELECT event FROM event_tag WHERE label='e' AND field0={})";
let mut c = format!(
"id in (SELECT event FROM event_tag WHERE label='{}' AND field0 IN (",
let mut virgin = true;
for val in values.iter() {
if !virgin {
virgin = false;
c.push_str(&format!("'{}'", val));
// This maps a RelayURL to a usize, and the inverse as well.
struct RelayMap {
relay_to_index: DashMap<RelayUrl, usize>,
index_to_relay: DashMap<usize, RelayUrl>,
next: AtomicUsize,
impl RelayMap {
pub fn new() -> RelayMap {
RelayMap {
relay_to_index: DashMap::new(),
index_to_relay: DashMap::new(),
next: AtomicUsize::new(0),
pub fn insert(&self, url: &RelayUrl) -> usize {
// If we already have it, return it
if let Some(u) = self.relay_to_index.get(url) {
return *u;
let index = self.next.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let _ = self.index_to_relay.insert(index, url.to_owned());
let _ = self.relay_to_index.insert(url.to_owned(), index);
pub fn relay_to_index(&self, url: &RelayUrl) -> usize {
if let Some(index) = self.relay_to_index.get(url) {
return *index.value();
pub fn index_to_relay(&self, index: usize) -> Option<RelayUrl> {
.map(|r| r.value().to_owned())