2024-05-10 15:58:06 -07:00

164 lines
3.6 KiB

0. DON'T update dependencies ('cargo update'). Do that kind of stuff right after releasing. Because that stuff presents risk.
1. Stabilize the code. Make all these happy:
cargo clippy
cargo fmt
cargo test
1. Test it on Windows and MacOS. Then repeat at step 1 if fixes are needed.
1. Update the documentation including:
- LICENSE.txt may need a copyright range update
- Help page in the UI
1. Update packaging files:
- packaging/debian/Dockerfile may need a new rust version
- packaging/windows/gossip.VERSION.wxs needs creating and a UUID update
1. Edit Cargo.toml and change the version (remove the -unstable).
Compile so you get a new Cargo.lock
- Commit these 2 new Cargo files as a commit named after the version.
1. Tag this as vVERSION, and push the tag
1. Tag again with -unstable
- build to get Cargo.lock,
- commit both as next commit,
- push,
- checkout the release commit again for the rest.
1. Build the debian:
cd debian
1. Build the appimage:
cd appimage
1. Build the flatpak:
- Follow the [Flatpak README](flatpak/README.md)
1. Build the windows:
- Follow the [Windows README](windows/README.md)
1. Build the macos:
cd macos
1. Bundle the files, create SHA256 hashes
files in files/
create changelog.txt like this:
git log --oneline v0.8.2..v0.9.0 > changelog.txt
1. Upload release to github
1. Update the AUR packages
1. Announce release on nostr under gossip account
This is a draft of the steps taken to make a release.
I intend to flesh this out as I actually make releases.
Update crates from the bottom up:
├── eframe
│ ├── egui
│ ├── egui-winit
│ └── egui_glow
├── egui-winit
├── egui_extras
├── gossip-relay-picker
│ └── nostr-types
│ └-- speedy
├── nostr-types
└── qrcode
Try to push our dependency changes upstream:
<https://github.com/mikedilger/qrcode-rust> (unlikely, stale for >3 years)
-- cargo update, and check for new versions, maybe update dependencies
-- cargo test
-- cargo clippy; cargo fmt
-- FORK 0.N:
-- all deps switch to released versions
-- version 0.N
-- package/publish
-- version to 0.N.1-unstable
-- master:
-- version to 0.N+1.0-unstable
-- cargo update, and check for new versions, maybe update dependencies
-- cargo test
-- cargo clippy; cargo fmt
-- FORK 0.N:
-- all deps switch to released versions
-- version 0.N
-- package/publish
-- version to 0.N.1-unstable
-- master:
-- version to 0.N+1.0-unstable
-- cargo update, and check for new versions, maybe update dependencies
-- cargo test
-- cargo clippy; cargo fmt
-- FORK 0.N:
-- all deps switch to released versions
-- version 0.N
-- package/publish (see below)
-- version 0.N.1-unstable
-- master
-- version 0.N+1.0-unstable
Package & Publish of gossip:
Package for windows:
* main version, as .msi
* main version with lang-cjk, as .msi
Package for debian:
* main version, as .msi
* main version with lang-cjk, as .msi
Create github release (it will create source tar files)
* Post the windows .msi files
* Post the debian .deb files
Update aur.archlinux.org PKGBUILD