
219 lines
7.1 KiB

use crate::comms::{ToMinionMessage, ToMinionPayload};
use crate::globals::GLOBALS;
use nostr_types::PublicKeyHex;
use nostr_types::{Event, EventKind, Id};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum FeedKind {
pub struct Feed {
current_feed_kind: RwLock<FeedKind>,
general_feed: RwLock<Vec<Id>>,
replies_feed: RwLock<Vec<Id>>,
// We only recompute the feed at specified intervals
interval_ms: RwLock<u32>,
last_computed: RwLock<Instant>,
// We track these to update subscriptions on them
my_event_ids: RwLock<Vec<Id>>,
followed_event_ids: RwLock<Vec<Id>>,
impl Feed {
pub fn new() -> Feed {
Feed {
current_feed_kind: RwLock::new(FeedKind::General),
general_feed: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
replies_feed: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
interval_ms: RwLock::new(1000), // Every second, until we load from settings
last_computed: RwLock::new(Instant::now()),
my_event_ids: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
followed_event_ids: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
pub fn set_feed_to_general(&self) {
// We are always subscribed to the general feed. Don't resubscribe here
// because it won't have changed, but the relays will shower you with
// all those events again.
*self.current_feed_kind.write() = FeedKind::General;
pub fn set_feed_to_replies(&self) {
*self.current_feed_kind.write() = FeedKind::Replies;
pub fn set_feed_to_thread(&self, id: Id) {
let _ = GLOBALS.to_minions.send(ToMinionMessage {
target: "all".to_string(),
payload: ToMinionPayload::SubscribeThreadFeed(id),
*self.current_feed_kind.write() = FeedKind::Thread(id);
pub fn set_feed_to_person(&self, pubkey: PublicKeyHex) {
let _ = GLOBALS.to_minions.send(ToMinionMessage {
target: "all".to_string(),
payload: ToMinionPayload::SubscribePersonFeed(pubkey.clone()),
*self.current_feed_kind.write() = FeedKind::Person(pubkey);
pub fn get_feed_kind(&self) -> FeedKind {
pub fn get_general(&self) -> Vec<Id> {
let now = Instant::now();
if *self.last_computed.read() + Duration::from_millis(*self.interval_ms.read() as u64) < now
*self.last_computed.write() = now;
pub fn get_replies(&self) -> Vec<Id> {
let now = Instant::now();
if *self.last_computed.read() + Duration::from_millis(*self.interval_ms.read() as u64) < now
*self.last_computed.write() = now;
pub fn get_thread_parent(&self, id: Id) -> Id {
let mut event = match GLOBALS.events.get(&id).map(|r| r.value().to_owned()) {
None => return id,
Some(e) => e,
// Try for root
if let Some((root, _)) = event.replies_to_root() {
if GLOBALS.events.contains_key(&root) {
return root;
// Climb parents as high as we can
while let Some((parent, _)) = event.replies_to() {
if let Some(e) = GLOBALS.events.get(&parent) {
event = e.to_owned();
} else {
// The highest event id we have
pub fn get_person_feed(&self, person: PublicKeyHex) -> Vec<Id> {
let mut events: Vec<Event> = GLOBALS
.map(|r| r.value().to_owned())
.filter(|e| e.kind == EventKind::TextNote)
.filter(|e| e.pubkey.as_hex_string() == person.0)
.filter(|e| !GLOBALS.dismissed.blocking_read().contains(&e.id))
events.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.created_at.cmp(&a.created_at));
events.iter().map(|e| e.id).collect()
pub fn get_my_event_ids(&self) -> Vec<Id> {
// we assume the main get() happens fast enough to recompute for us.
pub fn get_followed_event_ids(&self) -> Vec<Id> {
// we assume the main get() happens fast enough to recompute for us.
fn recompute(&self) {
let settings = GLOBALS.settings.blocking_read().clone();
*self.interval_ms.write() = settings.feed_recompute_interval_ms;
let events: Vec<Event> = GLOBALS
.map(|r| r.value().to_owned())
.filter(|e| e.kind == EventKind::TextNote)
let mut pubkeys = GLOBALS.people.blocking_read().get_followed_pubkeys();
if let Some(pubkey) = GLOBALS.signer.blocking_read().public_key() {
pubkeys.push(pubkey.into()); // add the user
// My event ids
if let Some(pubkey) = GLOBALS.signer.blocking_read().public_key() {
*self.my_event_ids.write() = events
.filter_map(|e| if e.pubkey == pubkey { Some(e.id) } else { None })
} else {
*self.my_event_ids.write() = vec![];
// Followed event ids
*self.followed_event_ids.write() = events
.filter_map(|e| {
if pubkeys.contains(&e.pubkey.into()) {
} else {
// Filter further for the general feed
let mut fevents: Vec<Event> = events
.filter(|e| !GLOBALS.dismissed.blocking_read().contains(&e.id))
.filter(|e| pubkeys.contains(&e.pubkey.into())) // something we follow
fevents.sort_by(|a, b| b.created_at.cmp(&a.created_at));
*self.general_feed.write() = fevents.iter().map(|e| e.id).collect();
// Filter differently for the replies feed
let my_events: HashSet<Id> = self.my_event_ids.read().iter().copied().collect();
let mut revents: Vec<Event> = events
.filter(|e| !GLOBALS.dismissed.blocking_read().contains(&e.id))
.filter(|e| {
// FIXME: maybe try replies_to_ancestors to go deeper
if let Some((id, _)) = e.replies_to() {
if my_events.contains(&id) {
return true;
revents.sort_by(|a, b| b.created_at.cmp(&a.created_at));
*self.replies_feed.write() = revents.iter().map(|e| e.id).collect();