2023-09-27 14:54:29 +13:00

137 lines
3.0 KiB

0. DON'T update dependencies. DON'T 'cargo update'. Do that kind of stuff right after
releasing. Because that stuff presents risk.
1. Update the documentation including:
help page in the UI
2. Stabilize the code. Make all these happy:
$ cargo clippy
$ cargo fmt
$ cargo test
3. Edit Cargo.toml and change the version (remove the -unstable).
Compile so you get a new Cargo.lock
Commit these 2 new Cargo files as a commit named after the version.
4. Tag this as vVERSION, and push the tag
4b. Tag again with -unstable,
build to get Cargo.lock,
commit both as next commit,
checkout the release commit again for the rest.
5. Build the debian:
$ cd debian
$ ./deb.sh
6. Build the appimage
$ cd appimage
$ cargo appimage --features="lang-cjk,video-ffmpeg"
7. Build the windows
$ cd windows
Follow the windows/README.txt
8. Build the macos
$ cd macos
$ ./build_macos.sh
$ ./build_macos_intel.sh
9. Bundle the files, create SHA256 hashes
10. Upload release to github
11. Update the AUR packages
12. Announce release on nostr under gossip account
This is a draft of the steps taken to make a release.
I intend to flesh this out as I actually make releases.
Update crates from the bottom up:
├── eframe
│ ├── egui
│ ├── egui-winit
│ └── egui_glow
├── egui-winit
├── egui_extras
├── gossip-relay-picker
│ └── nostr-types
│ └-- speedy
├── nostr-types
└── qrcode
Try to push our dependency changes upstream:
https://github.com/mikedilger/qrcode-rust (unlikely, stale for >3 years)
-- cargo update, and check for new versions, maybe update dependencies
-- cargo test
-- cargo clippy; cargo fmt
-- FORK 0.N:
-- all deps switch to released versions
-- version 0.N
-- package/publish
-- version to 0.N.1-unstable
-- master:
-- version to 0.N+1.0-unstable
-- cargo update, and check for new versions, maybe update dependencies
-- cargo test
-- cargo clippy; cargo fmt
-- FORK 0.N:
-- all deps switch to released versions
-- version 0.N
-- package/publish
-- version to 0.N.1-unstable
-- master:
-- version to 0.N+1.0-unstable
-- cargo update, and check for new versions, maybe update dependencies
-- cargo test
-- cargo clippy; cargo fmt
-- FORK 0.N:
-- all deps switch to released versions
-- verison 0.N
-- package/publish (see below)
-- version 0.N.1-unstable
-- master
-- version 0.N+1.0-unstable
Package & Publish of gossip:
Package for windows:
* main version, as .msi
* main version with lang-cjk, as .msi
Package for debian:
* main version, as .msi
* main version with lang-cjk, as .msi
Create github release (it will create source tar files)
* Post the windows .msi files
* Post the debian .deb files
Update aur.archlinux.org PKGBUILD