Nicola Benaglia 6206b18247 Cargo fmt
2023-08-19 11:56:52 +02:00

208 lines
6.7 KiB

use crate::comms::{RelayJob, ToMinionMessage, ToOverlordMessage};
use crate::delegation::Delegation;
use crate::feed::Feed;
use crate::fetcher::Fetcher;
use crate::media::Media;
use crate::people::{People, Person};
use crate::relay::Relay;
use crate::relay_picker_hooks::Hooks;
use crate::signer::Signer;
use crate::status::StatusQueue;
use crate::storage::Storage;
use dashmap::DashMap;
use gossip_relay_picker::RelayPicker;
use nostr_types::{Event, Id, PayRequestData, Profile, PublicKey, RelayUrl, UncheckedUrl};
use parking_lot::RwLock as PRwLock;
use regex::Regex;
use rhai::{Engine, AST};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, AtomicUsize};
use tokio::sync::{broadcast, mpsc, Mutex, RwLock};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ZapState {
CheckingLnurl(Id, PublicKey, UncheckedUrl),
SeekingAmount(Id, PublicKey, PayRequestData, UncheckedUrl),
LoadingInvoice(Id, PublicKey),
ReadyToPay(Id, String), // String is the Zap Invoice as a string, to be shown as a QR code
/// Only one of these is ever created, via lazy_static!, and represents
/// global state for the rust application
pub struct Globals {
/// Is this the first run?
pub first_run: AtomicBool,
/// This is a broadcast channel. All Minions should listen on it.
/// To create a receiver, just run .subscribe() on it.
pub to_minions: broadcast::Sender<ToMinionMessage>,
/// This is a mpsc channel. The Overlord listens on it.
/// To create a sender, just clone() it.
pub to_overlord: mpsc::UnboundedSender<ToOverlordMessage>,
/// This is ephemeral. It is filled during lazy_static initialization,
/// and stolen away when the Overlord is created.
pub tmp_overlord_receiver: Mutex<Option<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ToOverlordMessage>>>,
/// All nostr people records currently loaded into memory, keyed by pubkey
pub people: People,
/// The relays currently connected to
pub connected_relays: DashMap<RelayUrl, Vec<RelayJob>>,
/// The relay picker, used to pick the next relay
pub relay_picker: RelayPicker<Hooks>,
/// Whether or not we are shutting down. For the UI (minions will be signaled and
/// waited for by the overlord)
pub shutting_down: AtomicBool,
/// Signer
pub signer: Signer,
/// Dismissed Events
pub dismissed: RwLock<Vec<Id>>,
/// Feed
pub feed: Feed,
/// Fetcher
pub fetcher: Fetcher,
/// Failed Avatars
/// If in this map, the avatar failed to load or process and is unrecoverable
/// (but we will take them out and try again if new metadata flows in)
pub failed_avatars: RwLock<HashSet<PublicKey>>,
pub pixels_per_point_times_100: AtomicU32,
/// UI status messages
pub status_queue: PRwLock<StatusQueue>,
/// How many data bytes have been read from the network, not counting overhead
pub bytes_read: AtomicUsize,
/// How many subscriptions are open and not yet at EOSE
pub open_subscriptions: AtomicUsize,
/// Delegation handling
pub delegation: Delegation,
/// Media loading
pub media: Media,
/// Search results
pub people_search_results: PRwLock<Vec<Person>>,
pub note_search_results: PRwLock<Vec<Event>>,
/// UI note cache invalidation per note
// when we update an augment (deletion/reaction/zap) the UI must recompute
pub ui_notes_to_invalidate: PRwLock<Vec<Id>>,
/// UI note cache invalidation per person
// when we update a Person, the UI must recompute all notes by them
pub ui_people_to_invalidate: PRwLock<Vec<PublicKey>>,
/// Current zap data, for UI
pub current_zap: PRwLock<ZapState>,
/// Hashtag regex
pub hashtag_regex: Regex,
/// LMDB storage
pub storage: Storage,
/// Events Processed
pub events_processed: AtomicU32,
/// Filter
pub filter_engine: Engine,
pub filter: Option<AST>,
lazy_static! {
pub static ref GLOBALS: Globals = {
// Setup a communications channel from the Overlord to the Minions.
let (to_minions, _) = broadcast::channel(512);
// Setup a communications channel from the Minions to the Overlord.
let (to_overlord, tmp_overlord_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let storage = match Storage::new() {
Ok(s) => s,
Err(e) => panic!("{e}")
let filter_engine = Engine::new();
let filter = crate::filter::load_script(&filter_engine);
Globals {
first_run: AtomicBool::new(false),
tmp_overlord_receiver: Mutex::new(Some(tmp_overlord_receiver)),
people: People::new(),
connected_relays: DashMap::new(),
relay_picker: Default::default(),
shutting_down: AtomicBool::new(false),
signer: Signer::default(),
dismissed: RwLock::new(Vec::new()),
feed: Feed::new(),
fetcher: Fetcher::new(),
failed_avatars: RwLock::new(HashSet::new()),
pixels_per_point_times_100: AtomicU32::new(139), // 100 dpi, 1/72th inch => 1.38888
status_queue: PRwLock::new(StatusQueue::new(
"Welcome to Gossip. Status messages will appear here. Click them to dismiss them.".to_owned()
bytes_read: AtomicUsize::new(0),
open_subscriptions: AtomicUsize::new(0),
delegation: Delegation::default(),
media: Media::new(),
people_search_results: PRwLock::new(Vec::new()),
note_search_results: PRwLock::new(Vec::new()),
ui_notes_to_invalidate: PRwLock::new(Vec::new()),
ui_people_to_invalidate: PRwLock::new(Vec::new()),
current_zap: PRwLock::new(ZapState::None),
hashtag_regex: Regex::new(r"(?:^|\W)(#[\w\p{Extended_Pictographic}]+)(?:$|\W)").unwrap(),
events_processed: AtomicU32::new(0),
impl Globals {
pub fn get_your_nprofile() -> Option<Profile> {
let public_key = match GLOBALS.signer.public_key() {
Some(pk) => pk,
None => return None,
let mut profile = Profile {
pubkey: public_key,
relays: Vec::new(),
.filter_relays(|ri| ri.has_usage_bits(Relay::OUTBOX))
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("{}", e);
return None;
Ok(relays) => {
for relay in relays {