CsvToTranslations script, uniform translate calls in code

This commit is contained in:
Martti Malmi 2023-02-03 21:31:59 +02:00
parent aa9d25ff5d
commit 8dc357dfc8
15 changed files with 2290 additions and 1941 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import fs from 'fs';
// Read the csv file with translations
let csv = fs.readFileSync('translations.csv', 'utf8');
let lines = csv.split('\n');
// Get the list of available languages
let languages = lines[0].split(',').map((l) => l.replace(/"/g, ''));
// Create an object to store the translations
let translations = {};
// Iterate through the csv lines and add the translations to the `translations` object
for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
let line = lines[i].split(',');
let key = line[0].replace(/"/g, '');
for (let j = 0; j < languages.length; j++) {
if (!translations[languages[j]]) {
translations[languages[j]] = {};
if (!line[j]) {
translations[languages[j]][key] = null;
} else {
translations[languages[j]][key] = line[j].replace(/"/g, '') || null;
// Write the translations back to the language files
for (let lang in translations) {
let fileContent = `export default ${JSON.stringify(translations[lang], null, 2)};`;
fs.writeFileSync(`../src/js/translations/${lang}.mjs`, fileContent);
console.log('Translations added successfully.');

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import { AVAILABLE_LANGUAGE_KEYS } from '../src/js/translations/Translation.mjs'
// The file is created in the current working directory.
// The file name is "translations.csv".
// TODO: read translations from .mjs files in ../src/js/translations/
async function translationsToCsv() {
let csv = '';
let languages = [];

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { createRef } from 'preact';
import Component from '../BaseComponent';
import Helpers from '../Helpers';
import Icons from '../Icons';
import { translate as tr } from '../translations/Translation';
import { translate as t } from '../translations/Translation';
const isOfType = (f, types) => types.indexOf(f.name.slice(-4)) !== -1;
const isVideo = (f) => isOfType(f, ['webm', '.mp4', '.ogg']);
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class Torrent extends Component {
renderLoadingTorrent() {
const s = this.state;
const t = s.torrent;
const to = s.torrent;
const p = s.player;
const playing = p && p.torrentId === this.props.torrentId && !p.paused;
let playButton = '';
@ -257,22 +257,22 @@ class Torrent extends Component {
${this.props.standalone || this.props.preview
? html`
<a href=${this.props.torrentId}>Magnet link</a>
${t && t.files
${to && to.files
? html`
<a href="" style="margin-left:30px;" onClick=${(e) => this.showFilesClicked(e)}
>${tr(s.showFiles ? 'hide_files' : 'show_files')}</a
>${t(s.showFiles ? 'hide_files' : 'show_files')}</a
: ''}
: html`
<a href="#/torrent/${encodeURIComponent(this.props.torrentId)}">${tr('show_files')}</a>
<a href="#/torrent/${encodeURIComponent(this.props.torrentId)}">${t('show_files')}</a>
${s.showFiles && t && t.files
${s.showFiles && to && to.files
? html`
<p>${tr('peers')}: ${t.numPeers}</p>
<p>${t('peers')}: ${to.numPeers}</p>
<div class="flex-table details">
(f) => html`
onClick=${() => this.openFile(f, true)}
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class Torrent extends Component {
!this.state.settings.torrenting &&
? html`
<a href="" onClick=${(e) => this.openTorrentClicked(e)}>${tr('show_attachment')}</a>
<a href="" onClick=${(e) => this.openTorrentClicked(e)}>${t('show_attachment')}</a>
: this.renderLoadingTorrent()}

View File

@ -1,115 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: 'Was ist Ihr Name?',
new_user_go: 'Auf Gehts',
already_have_an_account: 'Haben sie schon ein Konto eingerichtet?',
back: 'zurück',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Scan einen privaten Schlüssel QR code',
paste_private_key: 'Füge einen privaten Schlüssel ein',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Werde über neue Nachrichten notifiziert',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Stelle Desktop Notifikationen ein',
new_chat: 'Neue Unterhaltung',
"Sollte die andere Person die Nachricht nicht sehen, können Sie <b>Ihren</b> Unterhaltung's link über einen anderen Kanal senden:",
type_a_message: 'Schreiben sie eine Nachricht',
'Vorsicht wenn sie ihren Einladungslink Öffentlich teilen: Sie können mit Nachricht Anfragen gespammt werden. Teilen sie lieber ihren <a>Profil link</a>.',
your_invite_links: "Ihre Unterhaltung's links",
create_new_invite_link: 'Erstellen Sie einen neuen Einladungslink',
copy_your_invite_link: 'Kopieren Sie ihren Einladungslink',
have_someones_invite_link: 'Haben Sie einen Einladungslink von jemandem?',
paste_their_invite_link: 'Fügen Sie den Einladungslink hier ein',
give_your_invite_link: 'Teilen Sie ihren Einladungslink:',
or_scan_qr_code: 'Oder scannen Sie den QR code',
or_show_qr_code: 'Oder zeigen Sie ihren QR code',
new_group: 'Neue Gruppe',
group_name: 'Gruppen Name',
create: 'Erstellen',
settings: 'Einstellungen',
contacts: 'Kontakte',
market: 'Handelsplatz',
messages: 'Nachrichten',
media: 'Medien',
home: 'Start',
explorer: 'Explorer',
profile: 'Profile',
your_name: 'Ihr Name',
profile_picture: 'Profil Bild',
add_profile_picture: 'Profil Bild hinzufügen',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Profil Bild zu gross: maximale Grösse ist 200KB',
cancel: 'Abbrechen',
use_picture: 'Bild benutzen',
remove_picture: 'Bild entfernen',
about_text: "'Über uns' Text",
account: 'Konto',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: 'Speichern Sie ein Backup für Ihren privaten Schlüssel!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'Sonst können Sie nicht mehr in Ihr Konto einloggen.',
log_out: 'Ausloggen',
private_key: 'Privater Schlüssel',
download_private_key: 'Download Privaten Schlüssel',
'<b>Warnung!</b> Der private Schlüssel ist benötigt um <b>in Ihr Konto einzuloggen</b>. Geben Sie niemals Ihren privaten Schlüssel an Andere weiter!',
copy_private_key: 'Kopieren Sie den privaten Schlüssel',
show_privkey_qr: 'Zeigen Sie den privaten Schlüssel QR code',
hide_privkey_qr: 'Blended Sie den privaten Schlüssel QR code aus',
'Der sicherste Platz für Ihren privaten Schlüssel ist ein <b>Passwor Manager</b>.',
language: 'Sprache',
peers: 'Peers',
peer_url: 'Peer url',
public: 'Öffentlich',
remove: 'Entfernen',
enable: 'Einstellen',
disable: 'Ausstellen',
from: 'Von',
add: 'Hinzufügen',
'<i>Öffentliche</i> peers sind automatisch auffindbar für Leute in Ihren Unterhaltungen (und ausserhalb).',
'Peers sind GunDB nodes die Sie einfach <a>hochfahren</a> können. Kommend: Direkte Verbindung zu Freunden über WebRTC.',
webrtc_connection_options: 'WebRTC Verbindungsoptionen',
'WebRTC ist für Videoanrufe benutzt. Wenn Sie hinter einem NAT sind, müssen Sie wahrscheinlich einen TURN server hier definieren, der dann Ihr Video Verkehr weiterleitet. Bandwidth ist nicht kostenfrei, darum gibt es nicht viele kostenfreie TURN servers.',
restore_defaults: 'Einstellungen zurückstellen',
about: 'Über uns',
"Diese App ist ein ungeprüftes 'proof-of-concept' Implementation, also nicht für Sicherheit nötige Dinge benutzten.",
donate: 'Spenden',
'<b>Spenden</b> helfen dem Projekt weiter zu gehen und werden dankbar angenommen. Sie können via <a>Open Collective</a> oder <b>bitcoin</b> spenden.',
'Sie <b>können nicht wieder einloggen</b>, ausser Sie haben saved eine Kopie ihres privaten Schlüssels gespeichert.',
participants: 'Teilnehmer',
admin: 'admin',
add_participant: 'Teilnehmer hinzufügen',
new_participants_profile_link: "Neuer Teilnehmer's Unterhaltung's link",
add_friend: 'Freund hinzufügen',
send_message: 'Nachricht senden',
copy_link: 'Link kopieren',
chat_settings: 'Unterhaltunseinstellungen',
nicknames: 'Nicknames',
nickname: 'Nickname',
video_call: 'Video Anruf',
online: 'online',
last_active: 'Letztmals aktiv',
their_nickname_for_you: 'Ihr Nickname für die Anderen',
notifications: 'Notifikationen',
all_messages: 'Alle Nachrichten',
mentions_only: 'Nur Erwähnungen',
nothing: 'Nichts',
delete_chat: 'Unterhaltung löschen',
block_user: 'Benutzer blockieren',
typing: 'Schreibt...',
attachment: 'Anhang',
note_to_self: 'Notiz zu Selbst',
today: 'heute',
yesterday: 'gestern',
copied: 'Kopiert',
answer: 'antworten',
reject: 'ablehnen',
incoming_call: 'Einkommender Anruf',
call_rejected: 'Anruf abgelehnt',
close: 'Schliessen',
call_ended: 'Anruf beendet',
calling: 'Rufe an',
on_call_with: 'Anruf mit',
"about": "Über uns",
"about_text": "'Über uns' Text",
"account": "Konto",
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "Freund hinzufügen",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "Teilnehmer hinzufügen",
"add_profile_picture": "Profil Bild hinzufügen",
"add_to_cart": null,
"address": null,
"admin": "admin",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "Alle Nachrichten",
"already_have_an_account": "Haben sie schon ein Konto eingerichtet?",
"also": null,
"alternatively": null,
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": null,
"answer": "antworten",
"application_security_warning": "Diese App ist ein ungeprüftes 'proof-of-concept' Implementation",
"attachment": "Anhang",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": null,
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": null,
"back": "zurück",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Vorsicht wenn sie ihren Einladungslink Öffentlich teilen: Sie können mit Nachricht Anfragen gespammt werden. Teilen sie lieber ihren <a>Profil link</a>.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "Benutzer blockieren",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "Anruf beendet",
"call_rejected": "Anruf abgelehnt",
"calling": "Rufe an",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "Unterhaltunseinstellungen",
"close": "Schliessen",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": null,
"confirmation": null,
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": "Kontakte",
"copied": "Kopiert",
"copy": null,
"copy_link": "Link kopieren",
"copy_private_key": "Kopieren Sie den privaten Schlüssel",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Kopieren Sie ihren Einladungslink",
"create": "Erstellen",
"create_new_invite_link": "Erstellen Sie einen neuen Einladungslink",
"creator_of_this_distribution": null,
"delete": null,
"delete_chat": "Unterhaltung löschen",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": null,
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "Ausstellen",
"donate": "Spenden",
"donate_info": "<b>Spenden</b> helfen dem Projekt weiter zu gehen und werden dankbar angenommen. Sie können via <a>Open Collective</a> oder <b>bitcoin</b> spenden.",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "Download Privaten Schlüssel",
"download_webtorrent": null,
"email": null,
"email_optional": null,
"email_privkey_to_yourself": null,
"enable": "Einstellen",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": null,
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": "Explorer",
"follow": null,
"follow_someone_info": null,
"followers": null,
"following": null,
"follows": null,
"follows_you": null,
"from": "Von",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Werde über neue Nachrichten notifiziert",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "Teilen Sie ihren Einladungslink:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": null,
"go": null,
"group_name": "Gruppen Name",
"have_someones_invite_link": "Haben Sie einen Einladungslink von jemandem?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Blended Sie den privaten Schlüssel QR code aus",
"home": "Start",
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": "Sollte die andere Person die Nachricht nicht sehen",
"in_other_words": null,
"incoming_call": "Einkommender Anruf",
"invite_links": null,
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": null,
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "Sprache",
"last_active": "Letztmals aktiv",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "Ausloggen",
"logout_confirmation_info": "Sie <b>können nicht wieder einloggen</b>",
"market": "Handelsplatz",
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": "Medien",
"mentions_only": "Nur Erwähnungen",
"messages": "Nachrichten",
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "Neue Unterhaltung",
"new_group": "Neue Gruppe",
"new_participants_profile_link": "Neuer Teilnehmer's Unterhaltung's link",
"new_user_go": "Auf Gehts",
"next": null,
"nickname": "Nickname",
"nicknames": "Nicknames",
"no_contacts_in_list": null,
"no_followers_yet": null,
"no_followers_yet_info": null,
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "Notiz zu Selbst",
"nothing": "Nichts",
"notifications": "Notifikationen",
"on_call_with": "Anruf mit",
"online": "online",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "Oder scannen Sie den QR code",
"or_show_qr_code": "Oder zeigen Sie ihren QR code",
"or_small": null,
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "Sonst können Sie nicht mehr in Ihr Konto einloggen.",
"participants": "Teilnehmer",
"paste_private_key": "Füge einen privaten Schlüssel ein",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Fügen Sie den Einladungslink hier ein",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": null,
"peer_url": "Peer url",
"peers": "Peers",
"peers_info": "Peers sind GunDB nodes die Sie einfach <a>hochfahren</a> können. Kommend: Direkte Verbindung zu Freunden über WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "Privater Schlüssel",
"private_key_warning": "<b>Warnung!</b> Der private Schlüssel ist benötigt um <b>in Ihr Konto einzuloggen</b>. Geben Sie niemals Ihren privaten Schlüssel an Andere weiter!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "Der sicherste Platz für Ihren privaten Schlüssel ist ein <b>Passwor Manager</b>.",
"profile": "Profile",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "Profil Bild",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Profil Bild zu gross: maximale Grösse ist 200KB",
"public": "Öffentlich",
"public_messages": null,
"public_peer_info": "<i>Öffentliche</i> peers sind automatisch auffindbar für Leute in Ihren Unterhaltungen (und ausserhalb).",
"reject": "ablehnen",
"remove": "Entfernen",
"remove_picture": "Bild entfernen",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "Einstellungen zurückstellen",
"retype_email": null,
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "Speichern Sie ein Backup für Ihren privaten Schlüssel!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Scan einen privaten Schlüssel QR code",
"search": null,
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "Nachricht senden",
"set_up_your_own_peer": null,
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "Zeigen Sie den privaten Schlüssel QR code",
"show_qr_code": null,
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": null,
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": null,
"their_nickname_for_you": "Ihr Nickname für die Anderen",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": null,
"today": "heute",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Stelle Desktop Notifikationen ein",
"type_a_message": "Schreiben sie eine Nachricht",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "Schreibt...",
"unfollow": null,
"use_picture": "Bild benutzen",
"video_call": "Video Anruf",
"visibility": null,
"web_push_subscriptions": null,
"webrtc_connection_options": "WebRTC Verbindungsoptionen",
"webrtc_info": "WebRTC ist für Videoanrufe benutzt. Wenn Sie hinter einem NAT sind",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "Was ist Ihr Name?",
"when_local_peers": null,
"yesterday": "gestern",
"your_invite_links": "Ihre Unterhaltung's links",
"your_name": "Ihr Name",
"": null

View File

@ -1,200 +1,205 @@
export default {
about: 'About',
about_text: 'About text',
account: 'Account',
// source of the peer url, from whom we got it
add: 'Add',
add_friend: 'Add friend',
add_hashtag: '+ Add hashtag',
add_item: 'Add item',
add_participant: 'Add participant',
add_profile_picture: 'Add profile picture',
add_to_cart: 'Add to cart',
address: 'Address',
admin: 'admin',
all: 'All',
all_messages: 'All messages',
already_have_an_account: 'Already have an account?',
also: 'Also',
alternatively: 'Alternatively,',
alternatively_get_sms_verified: 'Alternatively, get <a>SMS verified</a> so others can find you.',
answer: 'answer',
// About Iris
"The application is an unaudited proof-of-concept implementation, so don't use it for security critical purposes.",
attachment: 'attachment',
automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments: 'Automatically load webtorrent attachments',
autoplay_webtorrent_videos: 'Autoplay webtorrent videos',
back: 'Back',
'Beware of sharing your invite link publicly: you might get spammed with message requests. Publicly share your <a>profile link</a> instead.',
block_user: 'Block user',
bluetooth_support_upcoming: 'Bluetooth support upcoming',
call_ended: 'Call ended',
call_rejected: 'Call rejected',
calling: 'Calling',
cancel: 'Cancel',
chat_settings: 'Chat Settings',
close: 'Close',
'Communicate and synchronize with local network peers without Internet access',
confirm_delete_msg: 'Delete message?',
confirmation: 'Confirmation',
connected_peers: 'Connected peers',
contacts: 'Contacts',
copied: 'Copied',
copy: 'Copy',
copy_link: 'Copy link',
copy_private_key: 'Copy private key',
copy_your_invite_link: 'Copy your invite link',
create: 'Create',
create_new_invite_link: 'Create new invite link',
creator_of_this_distribution: 'Creator of this Iris distribution',
delete: 'Delete',
delete_chat: 'Delete chat',
delete_item: 'Delete item',
delivery: 'Delivery',
'Direct-connect to the people you have an open chat with (if port 8767 open or upnp enabled in router)',
disable: 'Disable',
donate: 'Donate',
'<b>Donations</b> help keep the project going and are very much appreciated. You can donate via <a>Open Collective</a> or <b>bitcoin</b>',
download: 'Download',
download_private_key: 'Download private key',
'Download <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> to host your media files and paste their magnet links below.',
email: 'Email',
email_optional: 'Email (optional)',
email_privkey_to_yourself: 'Email the private key to yourself',
enable: 'Enable',
enable_public_peer_discovery: 'Enable public peer discovery',
everyone: 'Everyone',
explorer: 'Explorer',
follow: 'Follow',
follow_someone_info: 'Follow someone to see content from their network! Suggestions:',
followers: 'Followers',
following: 'Following',
follows: 'Follows',
follows_you: 'Follows you',
from: 'from',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Get notified of new messages',
get_the_desktop_application: 'Get the desktop application',
give_your_invite_link: 'Give your invite link:',
give_your_profile_link_to_someone: 'give your profile link to someone',
go: 'Go',
group_name: 'Group name',
have_someones_invite_link: "Have someone's invite link?",
hide_privkey_qr: 'Hide private key QR code',
home: 'Home',
"If the other person doesn't see your message, you can give them <b>your</b> invite link through some other channel:",
in_other_words: "In other words, you can't be deplatformed from Iris.",
incoming_call: 'Incoming call',
invite_links: 'Invite links',
'<b>Accessible.</b> No phone number or signup required. Just type in your name or alias and go!',
'<b>Always available.</b> It works offline-first and is not dependent on any single centrally managed server. Users can even connect directly to each other.',
iris_is_like: "Iris is like the social networking apps we're used to, but better.",
iris_is_secure: "<b>Secure.</b> It's open source. You can verify that your data stays safe.",
item_description: 'Item description',
item_id: 'Item ID',
language: 'Language',
last_active: 'last active',
log_out: 'Log out',
'You <b>cannot log in again</b> unless you have saved a copy of your private key.',
market: 'Market',
media: 'Media',
mentions_only: 'Mentions only',
messages: 'Messages',
'More secure and available: no need to open the browser application from a server',
name: 'Name',
new_chat: 'New chat',
new_group: 'New group',
new_participants_profile_link: "New participant's profile link",
new_user_go: 'Go',
nickname: 'Nickname',
nicknames: 'Nicknames',
no_contacts_in_list: 'No contacts in list',
no_followers_yet: 'Share your profile link so others can follow you:',
'Your posts, replies and likes are only shown to your followers and their network.',
no_items_to_show: 'No items to show',
no_notifications_yet: 'No notifications yet',
none: 'None',
note_to_self: 'Note to Self',
nothing: 'Nothing',
notifications: 'Notifications',
on_call_with: 'On call with',
online: 'online',
opens_to_background: 'Opens to background on login: stay online and get message notifications',
or_scan_qr_code: 'Or scan their QR code',
or_show_qr_code: 'Or show your QR code',
or_small: 'or',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: "Otherwise you can't log in back to this account.",
participants: 'Participants',
paste_private_key: 'Paste a private key',
paste_their_invite_link: 'Paste their invite link',
payment_method: 'Payment method',
peer_url: 'Peer url',
peers: 'Peers',
'Peers are GunDB nodes that you can easily <a>spin up</a>. Upcoming: direct connection with friends over WebRTC.',
popular_hashtags: 'Popular hashtags',
price: 'Price',
private_key: 'Private key',
"<b>DANGER!</b> Private key <b>gives access to your account</b>. Don't give or show your private key to anyone else!",
'The safest place to store your private key is a <b>password manager</b>.',
profile: 'Profile',
profile_picture: 'Profile picture',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Profile picture too big: maximum size is 200KB',
public: 'Public',
public_messages: 'Public messages',
'<i>Public</i> peers are automatically discoverable by people you chat with (and others).',
reject: 'reject',
remove: 'Remove',
remove_picture: 'Remove picture',
restore_defaults: 'Restore defaults',
retype_email: 'Retype email',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: 'Save a backup of your private key first!',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Scan private key QR code',
search: 'Search',
send_message: 'Send message',
set_up_your_own_peer: 'Set up your own peer',
settings: 'Settings',
show_privkey_qr: 'Show private key QR code',
show_qr_code: 'Show QR code',
store: 'Store',
store_description: 'Store description',
summary: 'Summary',
"The application is an unaudited proof-of-concept implementation, so don't use it for security critical purposes.",
their_nickname_for_you: 'Their nickname for you',
'This is a prototype store that shows items from merchants in your social network. Orders are sent via Iris private message. Your own store can be found <a>here</a>.',
today: 'today',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Turn on desktop notifications',
type_a_message: 'Type a message',
whats_on_your_mind: 'What\'s on your mind?',
typing: 'Typing...',
unfollow: 'Unfollow',
use_picture: 'Use picture',
video_call: 'Video call',
visibility: 'Your posts, replies and likes are only shown to your followers and their network.',
web_push_subscriptions: 'Web push subscriptions',
webrtc_connection_options: 'WebRTC connection options',
"WebRTC is used for video calls. If you're behind a NAT, you might need to specify a TURN server here, which will relay your video traffic.",
whats_your_name: "What's your name?",
'When local peers eventually connect to the Internet, your messages are relayed globally',
yesterday: 'yesterday',
your_invite_links: 'Your Invite Links',
your_name: 'Your name',
"about": "About",
"about_text": "About text",
"account": "Account",
"add": "Add",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "Add friend",
"add_hashtag": "+ Add hashtag",
"add_item": "Add item",
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "Add participant",
"add_profile_picture": "Add profile picture",
"add_to_cart": "Add to cart",
"address": "Address",
"admin": "admin",
"all": "All",
"all_messages": "All messages",
"already_have_an_account": "Already have an account?",
"also": "Also",
"alternatively": "Alternatively",
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": "Alternatively",
"answer": "answer",
"application_security_warning": " also nicht für Sicherheit nötige Dinge benutzten.",
"attachment": "attachment",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": "Automatically load webtorrent attachments",
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": "Autoplay webtorrent videos",
"back": "Back",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Beware of sharing your invite link publicly: you might get spammed with message requests. Publicly share your <a>profile link</a> instead.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "Block user",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": "Bluetooth support upcoming",
"call_ended": "Call ended",
"call_rejected": "Call rejected",
"calling": "Calling",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "Chat Settings",
"close": "Close",
"communicate_and_synchronize": "Communicate and synchronize with local network peers without Internet access",
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": "Delete message?",
"confirmation": "Confirmation",
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": "Connected peers",
"contacts": "Contacts",
"copied": "Copied",
"copy": "Copy",
"copy_link": "Copy link",
"copy_private_key": "Copy private key",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Copy your invite link",
"create": "Create",
"create_new_invite_link": "Create new invite link",
"creator_of_this_distribution": "Creator of this Iris distribution",
"delete": "Delete",
"delete_chat": "Delete chat",
"delete_item": "Delete item",
"delivery": "Delivery",
"direct_connect_to_the": "Direct-connect to the people you have an open chat with (if port 8767 open or upnp enabled in router)",
"disable": "Disable",
"donate": "Donate",
"donate_info": "<b>Donations</b> help keep the project going and are very much appreciated. You can donate via <a>Open Collective</a> or <b>bitcoin</b>",
"download": "Download",
"download_private_key": "Download private key",
"download_webtorrent": "Download <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> to host your media files and paste their magnet links below.",
"email": "Email",
"email_optional": "Email (optional)",
"email_privkey_to_yourself": "Email the private key to yourself",
"enable": "Enable",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": "Enable public peer discovery",
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": "Everyone",
"explorer": "Explorer",
"follow": "Follow",
"follow_someone_info": "Follow someone to see content from their network! Suggestions:",
"followers": "Followers",
"following": "Following",
"follows": "Follows",
"follows_you": "Follows you",
"from": "from",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Get notified of new messages",
"get_the_desktop_application": "Get the desktop application",
"give_your_invite_link": "Give your invite link:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": "give your profile link to someone",
"go": "Go",
"group_name": "Group name",
"have_someones_invite_link": "Have someone's invite link?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Hide private key QR code",
"home": "Home",
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": " können Sie <b>Ihren</b> Unterhaltung's link über einen anderen Kanal senden:",
"in_other_words": "In other words",
"incoming_call": "Incoming call",
"invite_links": "Invite links",
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": "<b>Accessible.</b> No phone number or signup required. Just type in your name or alias and go!",
"iris_is_always_available": "<b>Always available.</b> It works offline-first and is not dependent on any single centrally managed server. Users can even connect directly to each other.",
"iris_is_like": "Iris is like the social networking apps we're used to",
"iris_is_secure": "<b>Secure.</b> It's open source. You can verify that your data stays safe.",
"item_description": "Item description",
"item_id": "Item ID",
"language": "Language",
"last_active": "last active",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "Log out",
"logout_confirmation_info": " ausser Sie haben saved eine Kopie ihres privaten Schlüssels gespeichert.",
"market": "Market",
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": "Media",
"mentions_only": "Mentions only",
"messages": "Messages",
"more_secure_and_available": "More secure and available: no need to open the browser application from a server",
"name": "Name",
"new_chat": "New chat",
"new_group": "New group",
"new_participants_profile_link": "New participant's profile link",
"new_user_go": "Go",
"next": null,
"nickname": "Nickname",
"nicknames": "Nicknames",
"no_contacts_in_list": "No contacts in list",
"no_followers_yet": "Share your profile link so others can follow you:",
"no_followers_yet_info": "Your posts",
"no_items_to_show": "No items to show",
"no_notifications_yet": "No notifications yet",
"none": "None",
"note_to_self": "Note to Self",
"nothing": "Nothing",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"on_call_with": "On call with",
"online": "online",
"opens_to_background": "Opens to background on login: stay online and get message notifications",
"or_scan_qr_code": "Or scan their QR code",
"or_show_qr_code": "Or show your QR code",
"or_small": "or",
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "Otherwise you can't log in back to this account.",
"participants": "Participants",
"paste_private_key": "Paste a private key",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Paste their invite link",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": "Payment method",
"peer_url": "Peer url",
"peers": "Peers",
"peers_info": "Peers are GunDB nodes that you can easily <a>spin up</a>. Upcoming: direct connection with friends over WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": "Popular hashtags",
"posts": null,
"price": "Price",
"private_key": "Private key",
"private_key_warning": "<b>DANGER!</b> Private key <b>gives access to your account</b>. Don't give or show your private key to anyone else!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "The safest place to store your private key is a <b>password manager</b>.",
"profile": "Profile",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "Profile picture",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Profile picture too big: maximum size is 200KB",
"public": "Public",
"public_messages": "Public messages",
"public_peer_info": "<i>Public</i> peers are automatically discoverable by people you chat with (and others).",
"reject": "reject",
"remove": "Remove",
"remove_picture": "Remove picture",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "Restore defaults",
"retype_email": "Retype email",
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "Save a backup of your private key first!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Scan private key QR code",
"search": "Search",
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "Send message",
"set_up_your_own_peer": "Set up your own peer",
"settings": "Settings",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "Show private key QR code",
"show_qr_code": "Show QR code",
"store": "Store",
"store_description": "Store description",
"summary": "Summary",
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": "The application is an unaudited proof-of-concept implementation",
"their_nickname_for_you": "Their nickname for you",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": "This is a prototype store that shows items from merchants in your social network. Orders are sent via Iris private message. Your own store can be found <a>here</a>.",
"today": "today",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Turn on desktop notifications",
"type_a_message": "Type a message",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "Typing...",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"use_picture": "Use picture",
"video_call": "Video call",
"visibility": "Your posts",
"web_push_subscriptions": "Web push subscriptions",
"webrtc_connection_options": "WebRTC connection options",
"webrtc_info": " müssen Sie wahrscheinlich einen TURN server hier definieren",
"whats_on_your_mind": "What's on your mind?",
"whats_your_name": "What's your name?",
"when_local_peers": "When local peers eventually connect to the Internet",
"yesterday": "yesterday",
"your_invite_links": "Your Invite Links",
"your_name": "Your name",
"": null

View File

@ -1,145 +1,205 @@
export default {
about: 'Acerca de',
about_text: 'Sobre el texto',
account: 'Cuenta',
add: 'Añadir',
add_contact_or_create_group: 'Agrega un contacto o crea un grupo',
add_friend: 'Añadir amigo',
add_new_contact_or_group: 'Agrega un nuevo contacto o grupo',
add_participant: 'Añada participante',
add_profile_picture: 'Añadir foto de perfil',
admin: 'administración',
all_messages: 'Todos los mensajes',
already_have_an_account: '¿Ya tienes una cuenta?',
'Alternativamente, puede <a>verificar su cuenta por SMS</a> para que otros puedan encontrarlo.',
answer: 'responder',
'La aplicación es una implementación de prueba de concepto no auditada, así que no la use con fines críticos de seguridad.',
attachment: 'adjunto archivo',
autoplay_webtorrent_videos: 'Reproducir webtorrent videos automáticamente',
back: 'Volver',
connect_Ethereum_account: 'Conectar cuenta de Ethereum',
'Tenga cuidado de compartir su enlace de chat públicamente: puede recibir spam con solicitudes de mensajes. Comparta públicamente su <a> enlace de perfil </a> en su lugar.',
block: 'Bloquear',
unfollow: 'Dejar de seguir',
block_user: 'Bloquear usuario',
blocked_users: 'Usuarios bloqueados',
call_ended: 'Llamada finalizada',
call_rejected: 'Llamada rechazada',
calling: 'Llamando',
cancel: 'Cancelar',
chat_settings: 'Configuraciones de chat',
close: 'Cerrar',
contacts: 'Contactos',
copied: 'Copiado',
copy: 'Copiar',
copy_link: 'Copiar link',
copy_private_key: 'Copiar clave privada',
copy_your_invite_link: 'Copia tu enlace de chat',
create: 'Crear',
create_new_invite_link: 'Crear nuevo enlace de chat',
delete_chat: 'Eliminar chat',
disable: 'Inhabilitar',
donate: 'Donar',
'<b> Donaciones </b> ayudan a mantener el proyecto en marcha y son muy apreciados. Puede donar a través de <a> Open Collective </a> o <b> bitcoin </b>',
download_private_key: 'Descargar clave privada',
email_privkey_to_yourself: 'Envíese la clave privada por correo electrónico a usted mismo',
enable: 'Eliminar',
enable_webtorrent: 'Habilitar webtorrent',
everyone: 'Todos',
follow: 'Seguir',
followers: 'Seguidores',
following: 'Seguidos',
follows: 'Seguido',
from: 'desde',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Recibe notificaciones de nuevos mensajes',
give_your_invite_link: 'Pasa tu enlace de chat:',
group_name: 'Nombre del grupo',
have_someones_invite_link: '¿Tienes el enlace de chat de alguien?',
hide_privkey_qr: 'Ocultar código QR de clave privada',
home: 'Inicio',
'Si la otra persona no ve su mensaje, puede darle <b> su </b> enlace de chat a través de otro canal:',
incoming_call: 'Llamada entrante',
invite_people_or_create_group: 'Invita a personas o crea un grupo',
language: 'Idioma',
last_active: 'Último Activo',
log_out: 'Cerrar sesión',
'<b> no puede iniciar sesión de nuevo </b> a menos que haya guardado una copia de su clave privada.',
mentions_only: 'Solo menciones',
messages: 'Mensajes',
new_chat: 'Nueva conversación',
new_group: 'Nuevo grupo',
new_participants_profile_link: 'Enlace de chat del nuevo participante',
new_user_go: 'Ir',
nickname: 'Apodo',
nicknames: 'Apodos',
no_contacts_in_list: 'No tienes ningún contacto en tu lista.',
no_followers_yet: 'Comparte el link de tu perfil para que otros puedan seguirte:',
'Tus publicaciones, respuestas y Me gusta solo se muestran a tus seguidores y su red.',
none: 'No se han encontrado datos.',
note_to_self: 'Nota personal',
nothing: 'Nada',
notifications: 'Notificaciones',
on_call_with: 'En comunicación con',
online: 'en línea',
or_scan_qr_code: 'O escanee su código QR',
or_show_qr_code: 'O muestra tu código QR',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'De lo contrario, no puede volver a iniciar sesión en esta cuenta.',
participants: 'Participantes',
paste_private_key: 'Pegar una clave privada',
paste_their_invite_link: 'Pegue su enlace de chat',
peer_url: 'URL del par',
peers: 'Pares',
'Los pares son nodos GunDB que puede <a> girar fácilmente </a>. Próximamente: conexión directa con amigos a través de WebRTC.',
private_key: 'Llave privada',
'<b> ¡PELIGRO! </b> La clave privada se utiliza para <b> iniciar sesión en su cuenta </b>. ¡No le dé ni muestre su clave privada a nadie más!',
'El lugar más seguro para almacenar su clave privada es un <b> administrador de contraseñas </b>.',
profile: 'Perfil',
show_more: 'Ver mas...',
show_less: 'Ver menos...',
profile_picture: 'Foto de perfil',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Foto de perfil demasiado grande: el tamaño máximo es de 200 KB',
public: 'Público',
'Las personas con las que chatea (y otras) pueden detectar automáticamente a los pares <i> públicos </i>.',
reject: 'rechazar',
remove: 'Eliminar',
posts: 'Posteos',
replies: 'Repuestas',
likes: 'Me gusta',
remove_picture: 'Eliminar foto',
restore_defaults: 'Restaurar los valores predeterminados',
retype_email: 'Reingrese su email',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: '¡tenga una copia de seguridad de su clave privada primero!',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Escanee el código QR de clave privada',
search: 'Buscar',
send_message: 'Enviar mensaje',
settings: 'Configuraciones',
show_beta_features: 'Ver funcionalidades en beta',
show_privkey_qr: 'Mostrar código QR de clave privada',
their_nickname_for_you: 'Su apodo para ti',
today: 'hoy',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Activa las notificaciones de escritorio',
type_a_message: 'Escribe un mensaje',
typing: 'Escribiendo...',
use_picture: 'Usar foto',
video_call: 'Videollamada',
webrtc_connection_options: 'Opciones de conexión de WebRTC',
'WebRTC se utiliza para videollamadas. Si está detrás de un NAT, es posible que deba especificar un servidor TURN aquí, que retransmitirá su tráfico de video. El ancho de banda no es gratuito, por lo que no hay servidores TURN gratuitos disponibles.',
whats_your_name: '¿Cuál es tu nombre?',
yesterday: 'ayer',
your_invite_links: 'Tus enlaces de chat',
your_name: 'Tu nombre',
show_qr_code: 'Ver código QR',
send_email: 'Enviar email',
"about": "Acerca de",
"about_text": "Sobre el texto",
"account": "Cuenta",
"add": "Añadir",
"add_contact_or_create_group": "Agrega un contacto o crea un grupo",
"add_friend": "Añadir amigo",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": "Agrega un nuevo contacto o grupo",
"add_participant": "Añada participante",
"add_profile_picture": "Añadir foto de perfil",
"add_to_cart": null,
"address": null,
"admin": "administración",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "Todos los mensajes",
"already_have_an_account": "¿Ya tienes una cuenta?",
"also": null,
"alternatively": null,
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": " get <a>SMS verified</a> so others can find you.",
"answer": "responder",
"application_security_warning": "The application is an unaudited proof-of-concept implementation",
"attachment": "adjunto archivo",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": null,
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": "Reproducir webtorrent videos automáticamente",
"back": "Volver",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Tenga cuidado de compartir su enlace de chat públicamente: puede recibir spam con solicitudes de mensajes. Comparta públicamente su <a> enlace de perfil </a> en su lugar.",
"block": "Bloquear",
"block_user": "Bloquear usuario",
"blocked_users": "Usuarios bloqueados",
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "Llamada finalizada",
"call_rejected": "Llamada rechazada",
"calling": "Llamando",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "Configuraciones de chat",
"close": "Cerrar",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": null,
"confirmation": null,
"connect_Ethereum_account": "Conectar cuenta de Ethereum",
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": "Contactos",
"copied": "Copiado",
"copy": "Copiar",
"copy_link": "Copiar link",
"copy_private_key": "Copiar clave privada",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Copia tu enlace de chat",
"create": "Crear",
"create_new_invite_link": "Crear nuevo enlace de chat",
"creator_of_this_distribution": null,
"delete": null,
"delete_chat": "Eliminar chat",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": null,
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "Inhabilitar",
"donate": "Donar",
"donate_info": "<b> Donaciones </b> ayudan a mantener el proyecto en marcha y son muy apreciados. Puede donar a través de <a> Open Collective </a> o <b> bitcoin </b>",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "Descargar clave privada",
"download_webtorrent": null,
"email": null,
"email_optional": null,
"email_privkey_to_yourself": "Envíese la clave privada por correo electrónico a usted mismo",
"enable": "Eliminar",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": null,
"enable_webtorrent": "Habilitar webtorrent",
"everyone": "Todos",
"explorer": null,
"follow": "Seguir",
"follow_someone_info": null,
"followers": "Seguidores",
"following": "Seguidos",
"follows": "Seguido",
"follows_you": null,
"from": "desde",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Recibe notificaciones de nuevos mensajes",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "Pasa tu enlace de chat:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": null,
"go": null,
"group_name": "Nombre del grupo",
"have_someones_invite_link": "¿Tienes el enlace de chat de alguien?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Ocultar código QR de clave privada",
"home": "Inicio",
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": "If the other person doesn't see your message",
"in_other_words": " you can't be deplatformed from Iris.",
"incoming_call": "Llamada entrante",
"invite_links": null,
"invite_people_or_create_group": "Invita a personas o crea un grupo",
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": " but better.",
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "Idioma",
"last_active": "Último Activo",
"likes": "Me gusta",
"log_out": "Cerrar sesión",
"logout_confirmation_info": "You <b>cannot log in again</b> unless you have saved a copy of your private key.",
"market": null,
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": null,
"mentions_only": "Solo menciones",
"messages": "Mensajes",
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "Nueva conversación",
"new_group": "Nuevo grupo",
"new_participants_profile_link": "Enlace de chat del nuevo participante",
"new_user_go": "Ir",
"next": null,
"nickname": "Apodo",
"nicknames": "Apodos",
"no_contacts_in_list": "No tienes ningún contacto en tu lista.",
"no_followers_yet": "Comparte el link de tu perfil para que otros puedan seguirte:",
"no_followers_yet_info": " replies and likes are only shown to your followers and their network.",
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": "No se han encontrado datos.",
"note_to_self": "Nota personal",
"nothing": "Nada",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"on_call_with": "En comunicación con",
"online": "en línea",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "O escanee su código QR",
"or_show_qr_code": "O muestra tu código QR",
"or_small": null,
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "De lo contrario",
"participants": "Participantes",
"paste_private_key": "Pegar una clave privada",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Pegue su enlace de chat",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": null,
"peer_url": "URL del par",
"peers": "Pares",
"peers_info": "Los pares son nodos GunDB que puede <a> girar fácilmente </a>. Próximamente: conexión directa con amigos a través de WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": "Posteos",
"price": null,
"private_key": "Llave privada",
"private_key_warning": "<b> ¡PELIGRO! </b> La clave privada se utiliza para <b> iniciar sesión en su cuenta </b>. ¡No le dé ni muestre su clave privada a nadie más!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "El lugar más seguro para almacenar su clave privada es un <b> administrador de contraseñas </b>.",
"profile": "Perfil",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "Foto de perfil",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Foto de perfil demasiado grande: el tamaño máximo es de 200 KB",
"public": "Público",
"public_messages": null,
"public_peer_info": "Las personas con las que chatea (y otras) pueden detectar automáticamente a los pares <i> públicos </i>.",
"reject": "rechazar",
"remove": "Eliminar",
"remove_picture": "Eliminar foto",
"replies": "Repuestas",
"restore_defaults": "Restaurar los valores predeterminados",
"retype_email": "Reingrese su email",
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "¡tenga una copia de seguridad de su clave privada primero!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Escanee el código QR de clave privada",
"search": "Buscar",
"send_email": "Enviar email",
"send_message": "Enviar mensaje",
"set_up_your_own_peer": null,
"settings": "Configuraciones",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": "Ver funcionalidades en beta",
"show_less": "Ver menos...",
"show_more": "Ver mas...",
"show_privkey_qr": "Mostrar código QR de clave privada",
"show_qr_code": "Ver código QR",
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": null,
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": " so don't use it for security critical purposes.",
"their_nickname_for_you": "Su apodo para ti",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": null,
"today": "hoy",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Activa las notificaciones de escritorio",
"type_a_message": "Escribe un mensaje",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "Escribiendo...",
"unfollow": "Dejar de seguir",
"use_picture": "Usar foto",
"video_call": "Videollamada",
"visibility": " replies and likes are only shown to your followers and their network.",
"web_push_subscriptions": null,
"webrtc_connection_options": "Opciones de conexión de WebRTC",
"webrtc_info": " der dann Ihr Video Verkehr weiterleitet. Bandwidth ist nicht kostenfrei",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "¿Cuál es tu nombre?",
"when_local_peers": " your messages are relayed globally",
"yesterday": "ayer",
"your_invite_links": "Tus enlaces de chat",
"your_name": "Tu nombre",
"": null

View File

@ -1,206 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: 'Mikä on nimesi?',
new_user_go: 'Aloita',
already_have_an_account: 'Onko sinulla jo tili?',
back: 'Takaisin',
download: 'Lataa',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Skannaa salaisen avaimen QR-koodi',
paste_private_key: 'Liitä salainen avain',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Tilaa ilmoitukset uusista viesteistä',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Ota käyttöön työpöytäilmoitukset',
new_chat: 'Uusi keskustelu',
'Jos toinen käyttäjä ei näe viestiäsi, voit antaa hänelle <b>sinun</b> kutsulinkkisi jotain muuta kautta:',
type_a_message: 'Kirjoita viesti',
'Jos jaat kutsulinkkisi julkisesti: saatat saada viestipyyntö-spämmiä. Sen sijaan voit turvallisesti jakaa <a>profiililinkkisi</a> julkisesti.',
your_invite_links: 'Kutsulinkkisi',
create_new_invite_link: 'Luo uusi kutsulinkki',
copy_your_invite_link: 'Kopioi kutsulinkkisi',
have_someones_invite_link: 'Saitko toisen käyttäjän kutsulinkin?',
paste_their_invite_link: 'Liitä kutsulinkki',
give_your_invite_link: 'Anna oma kutsulinkkisi:',
or_scan_qr_code: 'Tai skannaa toisen QR-koodi',
or_show_qr_code: 'Tai näytä oma QR-koodisi',
new_group: 'Uusi ryhmä',
group_name: 'Ryhmän nimi',
create: 'Luo',
settings: 'Asetukset',
profile: 'Profiili',
your_name: 'Nimesi',
profile_picture: 'Profiilikuva',
add_profile_picture: 'Lisää profiilikuva',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Profiilikuva on liian suuri: maksimikoko on 200KB',
cancel: 'Peruuta',
use_picture: 'Käytä kuvaa',
remove_picture: 'Poista kuva',
about_text: 'Kuvausteksti',
account: 'Tili',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: 'Tallenna ensin varmuuskopio salaisesta avaimestasi!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'Muuten et voi kirjautua takaisin tälle tilille.',
log_out: 'Kirjaudu ulos',
private_key: 'Salainen avain',
download_private_key: 'Lataa salainen avain tiedostona',
'<b>VAROITUS!</b> Salainen avain antaa <b>pääsyn tilillesi</b>. Älä anna tai näytä salaista avaintasi kenellekään.',
copy_private_key: 'Kopioi salainen avain',
show_privkey_qr: 'Näytä salaisen avaimen QR-koodi',
hide_privkey_qr: 'Piilota salaisen avaimen QR-koodi',
'Turvallisin säilytyspaikka salaiselle avaimellesi on <b>salasananhallintaohjelma (password manager)</b>.',
language: 'Kieli',
peers: 'Yhteyspisteet (peers)',
peer_url: 'Peer url',
public: 'Julkinen',
remove: 'Poista',
enable: 'Käytä',
disable: 'Poista käytöstä',
from: 'lähde',
add: 'Lisää',
'<b>Julkiset</b> yhteyspisteet näkyvät automaattisesti käyttäjille, joiden kanssa keskustelet (ja muille).',
'Yhteyspisteet ovat GunDB-solmuja, joiden pystyttämisestä tietoa <a>täällä</a>. Tulossa: suorat yhteydet kavereiden kesken WebRTC:llä.',
webrtc_connection_options: 'WebRTC-yhteysasetukset',
'WebRTC:tä käytetään videopuheluihin. Jos olet NATin takana, sinun tarvitsee ehkä määrittää tähän TURN-palvelin, joka välittää videoliikenteesi. Tiedonsiirto ei ole ilmaista, joten ilmaisia TURN-palvelimia ei ole saatavilla.',
restore_defaults: 'Palauta oletusarvot',
about: 'Tietoa',
'Sovellus on auditoimaton konseptitoteutus, joten älä käytä sitä tarkoituksiin joissa turvallisuus on oleellisen tärkeää.',
donate: 'Lahjoita',
'<b>Lahjoitukset</b> pitävät projektin pystyssä ja arvostamme niitä suuresti. Voit lahjoittaa <a>Open Collectiven</a> kautta tai <b>bitcoinilla</b>',
'<b>Et voi kirjautua takaisin sisään</b> ellet ole tallentanut varmuuskopiota salaisesta avaimestasi.',
participants: 'osallistujat',
admin: 'ylläpitäjä',
add_participant: 'Lisää osallistuja',
new_participants_profile_link: 'Uuden osallistujan kutsulinkki',
add_friend: 'Lisää kaveriksi',
send_message: 'Lähetä viesti',
copy_link: 'Kopioi linkki',
chat_settings: 'Keskustelun asetukset',
nicknames: 'Lempinimet',
nickname: 'Lempinimi',
video_call: 'Videopuhelu',
online: 'paikalla',
last_active: 'viimeksi aktiivisena',
their_nickname_for_you: 'Hänen lempinimensä sinulle',
notifications: 'Ilmoitukset',
all_messages: 'Kaikki viestit',
mentions_only: 'Vain maininnat',
nothing: 'Ei mitään',
delete_chat: 'Poista keskustelu',
block_user: 'Estä käyttäjä',
typing: 'Kirjoittaa...',
attachment: 'liite',
note_to_self: 'Muistiinpanot',
today: 'tänään',
yesterday: 'eilen',
copied: 'Kopioitu',
answer: 'vastaa',
reject: 'hylkää',
incoming_call: 'Saapuva puhelu',
call_rejected: 'Puhelu hylätty',
close: 'Sulje',
call_ended: 'Puhelu päättyi',
calling: 'Soitetaan',
on_call_with: 'Puhelu käyttäjälle',
total: 'Yhteensä',
home: 'Koti',
messages: 'Viestit',
market: 'Tori',
contacts: 'Yhteystiedot',
explorer: 'Hakemisto',
no_followers_yet: 'Jaa linkkisi, niin muut voivat seurata sinua:',
next: 'Seuraava',
shopping_carts: 'Ostoskorit',
shopping_cart: 'Ostoskori',
cart: 'Kori',
delivery: 'Yhteystiedot',
payment: 'Maksutapa',
payment_method: 'Maksutapa',
confirm: 'Yhteenveto',
address: 'Osoite',
email_optional: 'Sähköposti (valinnainen)',
name: 'Nimi',
confirm_button: 'Vahvista',
summary: 'Yhteenveto',
following: 'Seurataan',
followers: 'Seuraajat',
follow: 'Seuraa',
likes: 'Tykkäykset',
replies: 'Vastaukset',
posts: 'Julkaisut',
type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link: 'Kirjoita viesti tai liitä magnet-linkki',
'Lataa <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> mediatiedostojen jakamiseen ja liitä niiden magnet-linkki alle.',
alternatively: 'Vaihtoehtoisesti',
alternatively_get_sms_verified: 'Vaihtoehtoisesti <a>tunnistaudu tekstiviestillä</a>',
'Julkaisut, vastaukset ja tykkäykset näkyvät vain seuraajillesi ja heidän verkostoillensa.',
'Julkaisut, vastaukset ja tykkäykset näkyvät vain seuraajillesi ja heidän verkostoillensa.',
iris_is_like: 'Iiris on kuin tuntemamme sosiaalisen median sovellukset, mutta parempi.',
copy: 'Kopioi',
'Tori on prototyyppi, ja se näyttää myynnissä olevat tavarat sosiaalisessa verkostossasi. Iriksessä tuotteet tilataan yksityisviesteillä. <a>Tästä </a> pääset omaan kauppaasi.',
add_to_cart: 'Lisää koriin',
switch_account: 'Vaihda tiliä',
web_push_subscriptions: 'Selaimen ilmoitustilaukset (web push subscriptions)',
enable_public_peer_discovery: 'Salli julkisten yhteyspisteiden hakeminen',
maximum_number_of_peer_connections: 'Maksimimäärä yhteyspisteitä',
set_up_your_own_peer: 'Pystytä oma yhteyspisteesi',
also: 'Myös',
or_small: 'tai',
automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments: 'Lataa webtorrentin liitteet automaattisesti',
autoplay_webtorrent_videos: 'Käynnistä webtorrentin videot automaattisesti',
search: 'Etsi',
'<b>Iris on helppo ottaa käyttöön.</b> Puhelinnumeroa tai erillistä tunnuksen luomista ei vaadita. Riittää, kun kirjoitat nimesi tai nimimerkkisi ja painat enteriä!',
'<b>Iris on turvallinen.</b> Se toimii avoimella lähdekoodilla. Voit olla varma, että yksityisviestisi säilyvät yksityisinä',
'<b>Iris on aina käytettävissä.</b> Se toimii offline-tilassa, eikä ole riippuvainen keskuspalvelimesta. Käyttäjät voivat jopa muodostaa vertaisverkkoja keskenään',
in_other_words: 'Toisin sanoen, tiliäsi ei voida sulkea Iriksestä',
get_the_desktop_application: 'Hanki työpöytäsovellus',
'Kommunikoi ja lähiverkossa olevien käyttäjien kanssa ilman Internet-yhteyttä',
when_local_peers: 'Viestisi näkyvät globaalisti, kun käyttäjät kirjautuvat verkkoon',
bluetooth_support_upcoming: 'Bluetooth-yhteys tulossa',
'Sovellus pysyy käynnissä taustalla: olet online-tilassa ja saat ilmoitukset viesteistä',
'Turvallisempi ja helpommin saavutettavissa: selainsovellusta ei tarvitse avata palvelimelta',
'Yhdistä suoraan henkilöille, joiden kanssa keskustelet (jos portti 8767 on auki tai upnp on käytössä reitittimessä)',
'Sovellus on auditoimaton konseptitoteutus, joten älä käytä sitä tarkoituksiin joissa turvallisuus on oleellisen tärkeää.',
follow_someone_info: 'Ala seurata jonkun profiilia nähdäksesi päivitykset! Ehdotus:',
add_hashtag: '+ Lisää aihetunniste',
all: 'Kaikki',
give_your_profile_link_to_someone: 'jaa profiililinkkisi',
follows: 'Seurattavat',
everyone: 'Kaikki',
connected_peers: 'Yhdistetyt vertaisverkot',
no_notifications_yet: 'Ei vielä ilmoituksia',
popular_hashtags: 'Suosittuja aihetunnisteita',
email_privkey_to_yourself: 'Lähetä yksityinen avain itsellesi sähköpostilla',
email: 'Sähköposti',
retype_email: 'Sähköposti (uudelleen)',
go: 'Lähetä',
blocked_users: 'Estetyt käyttäjät',
none: 'Ei yhtään',
no_items_to_show: 'Ei näytettäviä tuotteita',
store_description: 'Kuvaus kaupasta',
profile_name: 'Profiili/nimi',
store: 'Kauppa',
item_id: 'Tuotteen ID',
item_description: 'Tuotteen kuvaus',
price: 'Hinta',
delete_item: 'Poista tuote',
add_item: 'Lisää tuote',
no_contacts_in_list: 'Ei yhteystietoja listalla',
show_qr_code: 'Näytä QR-koodi',
"about": "Tietoa",
"about_text": "Kuvausteksti",
"account": "Tili",
"add": "Lisää",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "Lisää kaveriksi",
"add_hashtag": "+ Lisää aihetunniste",
"add_item": "Lisää tuote",
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "Lisää osallistuja",
"add_profile_picture": "Lisää profiilikuva",
"add_to_cart": "Lisää koriin",
"address": "Osoite",
"admin": "ylläpitäjä",
"all": "Kaikki",
"all_messages": "Kaikki viestit",
"already_have_an_account": "Onko sinulla jo tili?",
"also": "Myös",
"alternatively": null,
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": "Alternativamente",
"answer": "vastaa",
"application_security_warning": " so don't use it for security critical purposes.",
"attachment": "liite",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": "Lataa webtorrentin liitteet automaattisesti",
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": "Käynnistä webtorrentin videot automaattisesti",
"back": "Takaisin",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Jos jaat kutsulinkkisi julkisesti: saatat saada viestipyyntö-spämmiä. Sen sijaan voit turvallisesti jakaa <a>profiililinkkisi</a> julkisesti.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "Estä käyttäjä",
"blocked_users": "Estetyt käyttäjät",
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": "Bluetooth-yhteys tulossa",
"call_ended": "Puhelu päättyi",
"call_rejected": "Puhelu hylätty",
"calling": "Soitetaan",
"cancel": "Peruuta",
"cart": "Kori",
"chat_settings": "Keskustelun asetukset",
"close": "Sulje",
"communicate_and_synchronize": "Kommunikoi ja lähiverkossa olevien käyttäjien kanssa ilman Internet-yhteyttä",
"confirm": "Yhteenveto",
"confirm_button": "Vahvista",
"confirm_delete_msg": null,
"confirmation": null,
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": "Yhdistetyt vertaisverkot",
"contacts": "Yhteystiedot",
"copied": "Kopioitu",
"copy": "Kopioi",
"copy_link": "Kopioi linkki",
"copy_private_key": "Kopioi salainen avain",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Kopioi kutsulinkkisi",
"create": "Luo",
"create_new_invite_link": "Luo uusi kutsulinkki",
"creator_of_this_distribution": null,
"delete": null,
"delete_chat": "Poista keskustelu",
"delete_item": "Poista tuote",
"delivery": "Yhteystiedot",
"direct_connect_to_the": "Yhdistä suoraan henkilöille",
"disable": "Poista käytöstä",
"donate": "Lahjoita",
"donate_info": "<b>Lahjoitukset</b> pitävät projektin pystyssä ja arvostamme niitä suuresti. Voit lahjoittaa <a>Open Collectiven</a> kautta tai <b>bitcoinilla</b>",
"download": "Lataa",
"download_private_key": "Lataa salainen avain tiedostona",
"download_webtorrent": "Lataa <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> mediatiedostojen jakamiseen ja liitä niiden magnet-linkki alle.",
"email": "Sähköposti",
"email_optional": "Sähköposti (valinnainen)",
"email_privkey_to_yourself": "Lähetä yksityinen avain itsellesi sähköpostilla",
"enable": "Käytä",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": "Salli julkisten yhteyspisteiden hakeminen",
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": "Kaikki",
"explorer": "Hakemisto",
"follow": "Seuraa",
"follow_someone_info": "Ala seurata jonkun profiilia nähdäksesi päivitykset! Ehdotus:",
"followers": "Seuraajat",
"following": "Seurataan",
"follows": "Seurattavat",
"follows_you": null,
"from": "lähde",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Tilaa ilmoitukset uusista viesteistä",
"get_the_desktop_application": "Hanki työpöytäsovellus",
"give_your_invite_link": "Anna oma kutsulinkkisi:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": "jaa profiililinkkisi",
"go": "Lähetä",
"group_name": "Ryhmän nimi",
"have_someones_invite_link": "Saitko toisen käyttäjän kutsulinkin?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Piilota salaisen avaimen QR-koodi",
"home": "Koti",
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": " you can give them <b>your</b> invite link through some other channel:",
"in_other_words": null,
"incoming_call": "Saapuva puhelu",
"invite_links": null,
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": "<b>Iris on helppo ottaa käyttöön.</b> Puhelinnumeroa tai erillistä tunnuksen luomista ei vaadita. Riittää",
"iris_is_always_available": "<b>Iris on aina käytettävissä.</b> Se toimii offline-tilassa",
"iris_is_like": null,
"iris_is_secure": "<b>Iris on turvallinen.</b> Se toimii avoimella lähdekoodilla. Voit olla varma",
"item_description": "Tuotteen kuvaus",
"item_id": "Tuotteen ID",
"language": "Kieli",
"last_active": "viimeksi aktiivisena",
"likes": "Tykkäykset",
"log_out": "Kirjaudu ulos",
"logout_confirmation_info": "<b> no puede iniciar sesión de nuevo </b> a menos que haya guardado una copia de su clave privada.",
"market": "Tori",
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": "Maksimimäärä yhteyspisteitä",
"media": null,
"mentions_only": "Vain maininnat",
"messages": "Viestit",
"more_secure_and_available": "Turvallisempi ja helpommin saavutettavissa: selainsovellusta ei tarvitse avata palvelimelta",
"name": "Nimi",
"new_chat": "Uusi keskustelu",
"new_group": "Uusi ryhmä",
"new_participants_profile_link": "Uuden osallistujan kutsulinkki",
"new_user_go": "Aloita",
"next": "Seuraava",
"nickname": "Lempinimi",
"nicknames": "Lempinimet",
"no_contacts_in_list": "Ei yhteystietoja listalla",
"no_followers_yet": "Jaa linkkisi",
"no_followers_yet_info": "Tus publicaciones",
"no_items_to_show": "Ei näytettäviä tuotteita",
"no_notifications_yet": "Ei vielä ilmoituksia",
"none": "Ei yhtään",
"note_to_self": "Muistiinpanot",
"nothing": "Ei mitään",
"notifications": "Ilmoitukset",
"on_call_with": "Puhelu käyttäjälle",
"online": "paikalla",
"opens_to_background": "Sovellus pysyy käynnissä taustalla: olet online-tilassa ja saat ilmoitukset viesteistä",
"or_scan_qr_code": "Tai skannaa toisen QR-koodi",
"or_show_qr_code": "Tai näytä oma QR-koodisi",
"or_small": "tai",
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": " no puede volver a iniciar sesión en esta cuenta.",
"participants": "osallistujat",
"paste_private_key": "Liitä salainen avain",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Liitä kutsulinkki",
"payment": "Maksutapa",
"payment_method": "Maksutapa",
"peer_url": "Peer url",
"peers": "Yhteyspisteet (peers)",
"peers_info": "Yhteyspisteet ovat GunDB-solmuja",
"popular_hashtags": "Suosittuja aihetunnisteita",
"posts": "Julkaisut",
"price": "Hinta",
"private_key": "Salainen avain",
"private_key_warning": "<b>VAROITUS!</b> Salainen avain antaa <b>pääsyn tilillesi</b>. Älä anna tai näytä salaista avaintasi kenellekään.",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "Turvallisin säilytyspaikka salaiselle avaimellesi on <b>salasananhallintaohjelma (password manager)</b>.",
"profile": "Profiili",
"profile_name": "Profiili/nimi",
"profile_picture": "Profiilikuva",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Profiilikuva on liian suuri: maksimikoko on 200KB",
"public": "Julkinen",
"public_messages": null,
"public_peer_info": "<b>Julkiset</b> yhteyspisteet näkyvät automaattisesti käyttäjille",
"reject": "hylkää",
"remove": "Poista",
"remove_picture": "Poista kuva",
"replies": "Vastaukset",
"restore_defaults": "Palauta oletusarvot",
"retype_email": "Sähköposti (uudelleen)",
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "Tallenna ensin varmuuskopio salaisesta avaimestasi!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Skannaa salaisen avaimen QR-koodi",
"search": "Etsi",
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "Lähetä viesti",
"set_up_your_own_peer": "Pystytä oma yhteyspisteesi",
"settings": "Asetukset",
"shopping_cart": "Ostoskori",
"shopping_carts": "Ostoskorit",
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "Näytä salaisen avaimen QR-koodi",
"show_qr_code": "Näytä QR-koodi",
"store": "Kauppa",
"store_description": "Kuvaus kaupasta",
"summary": "Yhteenveto",
"switch_account": "Vaihda tiliä",
"the_application_is_unaudited": null,
"their_nickname_for_you": "Hänen lempinimensä sinulle",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": "Tori on prototyyppi",
"today": "tänään",
"total": "Yhteensä",
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Ota käyttöön työpöytäilmoitukset",
"type_a_message": "Kirjoita viesti",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": "Kirjoita viesti tai liitä magnet-linkki",
"typing": "Kirjoittaa...",
"unfollow": null,
"use_picture": "Käytä kuvaa",
"video_call": "Videopuhelu",
"visibility": null,
"web_push_subscriptions": "Selaimen ilmoitustilaukset (web push subscriptions)",
"webrtc_connection_options": "WebRTC-yhteysasetukset",
"webrtc_info": " darum gibt es nicht viele kostenfreie TURN servers.",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "Mikä on nimesi?",
"when_local_peers": null,
"yesterday": "eilen",
"your_invite_links": "Kutsulinkkisi",
"your_name": "Nimesi",
"": null

View File

@ -1,164 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: 'Quel est votre nom ?',
new_user_go: "C'est parti",
already_have_an_account: 'Vous avez déjà un compte ?',
back: 'Retour',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Scannez le code QR de la clé privée',
paste_private_key: 'Coller une clé privée',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Être notifié des nouveaux messages',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Activer les notifications de bureau',
new_chat: 'Nouveau chat',
public_messages: 'Messages publics',
follow_someone_info: "Suivez quelqu'un pour voir le contenu de leur réseau ! Suggestions : ",
creator_of_this_distribution: "Créateur de cette distribution d'Iris",
no_followers_yet: 'Partagez votre lien de profil pour que les autres puissent vous suivre :',
'Vos posts, réponses et likes sont seulement visibles par vos followers et leurs réseaux.',
alternatively: 'Sinon,',
'Vous pouvez aussi, activer <a>SMS verified</a> pour que les autres puissent vous trouver.',
give_your_profile_link_to_someone: "donner votre lien de profil à quelqu'un",
"Si les autres ne voient pas votre message, vous pouvez leur donner <b>votre</b> lien d'invitation depuis un autre canal :",
type_a_message: 'Entrez un message',
type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link: 'Entrez un message ou collez un lien magnet',
"Attention à ne pas partager votre lien d'invitation publiquement : vous pourriez être spammé de demandes de contacts. Partagez publiquement plutôt votre <a>lien de profil</a> à la place.",
your_invite_links: "Votre lien d'invitation",
create_new_invite_link: "Créer un nouveau lien d'invitation",
copy_your_invite_link: "Copier votre lien d'invitation",
have_someones_invite_link: "Vous avez le lien d'invitation de quelqu'un ?",
paste_their_invite_link: "Collez un lien d'invitation",
give_your_invite_link: "Donnez votre lien d'invitation:",
or_scan_qr_code: 'Ou scannez leur Code QR',
or_show_qr_code: 'Ou visualisez votre Code QR',
new_group: 'Nouveau groupe',
group_name: 'Nom du groupe',
create: 'Créer',
settings: 'Réglages',
profile: 'Profil',
your_name: 'Votre nom',
profile_picture: 'Picture de profil',
add_profile_picture: 'Ajoutez une picture de profil',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Picture de profil trop grosse : la taille maximale est de 200Ko',
cancel: 'Annulez',
use_picture: 'Utiliser votre picture',
remove_picture: 'Supprimer picture',
about_text: 'À propos',
account: 'Compte',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: "Sauvegardez d'abord une copie de votre clé privée",
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'Sinon vous ne pourrez plus vous connecter de nouveau sur ce compte',
log_out: 'Se déconnecter',
private_key: 'Clé privée',
download_private_key: 'Télécharger la clé privée',
"<b>DANGER !</b> La clé privée <b>donne accès à votre compte</b>. Ne la transmettez ou la montrez à personne d'autre !",
copy_private_key: 'Copier la clé privée',
show_privkey_qr: 'Visualiser le Code QR de la clé privée',
hide_privkey_qr: 'Cacher le code QR de la clé privée',
"L'endroit le plus sécurisé pour votre clé privée est un <b>gestionnaire de mots de passe</b>.",
language: 'Langage',
peers: 'Pairs',
peer_url: 'Url des pairs',
public: 'Public',
remove: 'Supprimer',
enable: 'Activer',
disable: 'Désactiver',
from: 'de', // source of the peer url, from whom we got it
add: 'Ajouter',
'Les pairs <i>publics</i> sont automatiquement visibles par les personnes avec qui vous discutez.',
'Les pairs sont des noeuds GunDB que vous pouvez facilement <a>monter</a>. A venir : la connexion directe avec vos amis via WebRTC.',
webrtc_connection_options: 'Options de connection WebRTC',
'WebRTC est utilisé pour les communications audio/vidéo. Si vous êtes derrière un routeur, vous devrez probablement spécifier un serveur de rebond TURN ici, qui devrait relayer votre communication ici.',
restore_defaults: 'Remettre par défaut',
about: 'À propos', // About Iris
"L'application est un POC d'implémentation non audité, ne l'utilisez pas pour un quelconque motif à sécurité critique.",
donate: 'Faites un don',
'<b>Les donnations</b> aident à garder le projet en œuvre et sont grandement appréciés. Vous pouvez participer via <a>Open Collective</a> ou <b>bitcoin</b>',
'Vous <b>ne pouvez pas vous réauthentifier</b> sauf si vous avez une copie de votre clé privée.',
participants: 'Participants',
admin: 'admin',
add_participant: 'Ajouter participant',
new_participants_profile_link: 'Lien de profil du nouveau participant',
invite_links: "Liens d'invitation",
copy: 'Copier',
switch_account: 'Changer de compte',
follows_you: 'Vous suit',
follow: 'Suivre',
unfollow: 'Ne plus suivre',
following: 'Suivi',
followers: 'Followers',
add_friend: "Demande d'ami",
send_message: 'Envoyer un message',
copy_link: 'Copier le lien',
show_qr_code: 'Voir Code QR',
chat_settings: 'Paramètres de messages',
nicknames: 'Surnoms',
nickname: 'Surnom',
video_call: 'Appel vidéo',
online: 'en ligne',
last_active: 'dernière activité',
their_nickname_for_you: "Le surnom qu'il/elle vous donne :",
notifications: 'Notifications',
all_messages: 'Tous les messages',
mentions_only: 'Mentions seulement',
nothing: 'Rien',
delete_chat: 'Supprimer chat',
block_user: "Bloquer l'utilisateur",
typing: "En train d'écrire...",
attachment: 'pièces jointes',
note_to_self: 'Notes pour soi',
today: "aujourd'hui",
yesterday: 'hier',
copied: 'Copié',
answer: 'Répondre',
reject: 'Rejeter',
incoming_call: 'Appel entrant',
call_rejected: 'Appel rejeté',
close: 'Raccrocher',
call_ended: 'Appel terminé',
calling: 'Appel en cours',
on_call_with: 'En appel avec : ',
delete: 'Supprimer',
confirm_delete_msg: 'Supprimer message ?',
search: 'Recherche',
email_privkey_to_yourself: 'Vous envoyer votre clé privée ',
email: 'Email',
retype_email: "Saisir l'email à nouveau",
email_optional: 'Email (optionnel)',
delivery: 'Délivré',
address: 'Adresse',
confirmation: 'Confirmation',
payment_method: 'Méthode de paiement',
summary: 'Résumé',
'Téléchargez <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> pour héberger vos fichiers multimédias et collez leurs liens magnet ci-dessous.',
'Vos posts, réponses et likes sont seulement visibles par vos followers et leur réseau.',
"Iris, c'est comme les réseaux sociaux auxquels nous sommes habitués ... mais c'est mieux !",
'Ceci est un prototype de boutique qui permet de visualiser des produits de marchands dans votre réseau social. Les commandes sont envoyées via messages privés Iris. Votre propre boutique est disponible <a>ici</a>.',
add_to_cart: 'Ajouter au panier',
web_push_subscriptions: 'Souscription push web',
enable_public_peer_discovery: 'Activer la découverte de pairs publics',
set_up_your_own_peer: 'Paramétrez votre propre pair',
also: 'Également',
or_small: 'ou',
automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments: 'Lire automatiquement les médias webtorrent',
autoplay_webtorrent_videos: 'Lire automatiquement les vidéos webtorrent',
home: 'Accueil',
media: 'Médias',
messages: 'Messages',
market: 'Market',
contacts: 'Contacts',
explorer: 'Explorer',
no_contacts_in_list: "Vous n'avez aucun contact dans votre liste.",
"about": "À propos",
"about_text": "À propos",
"account": "Compte",
"add": "Ajouter",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "Demande d'ami",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "Ajouter participant",
"add_profile_picture": "Ajoutez une picture de profil",
"add_to_cart": "Ajouter au panier",
"address": "Adresse",
"admin": "admin",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "Tous les messages",
"already_have_an_account": "Vous avez déjà un compte ?",
"also": "Également",
"alternatively": "Vaihtoehtoisesti",
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": " puede <a>verificar su cuenta por SMS</a> para que otros puedan encontrarlo.",
"answer": "Répondre",
"application_security_warning": "La aplicación es una implementación de prueba de concepto no auditada",
"attachment": "pièces jointes",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": "Lire automatiquement les médias webtorrent",
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": "Lire automatiquement les vidéos webtorrent",
"back": "Retour",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Attention à ne pas partager votre lien d'invitation publiquement : vous pourriez être spammé de demandes de contacts. Partagez publiquement plutôt votre <a>lien de profil</a> à la place.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "Bloquer l'utilisateur",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "Appel terminé",
"call_rejected": "Appel rejeté",
"calling": "Appel en cours",
"cancel": "Annulez",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "Paramètres de messages",
"close": "Raccrocher",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": "Supprimer message ?",
"confirmation": "Confirmation",
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": "Contacts",
"copied": "Copié",
"copy": "Copier",
"copy_link": "Copier le lien",
"copy_private_key": "Copier la clé privée",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Copier votre lien d'invitation",
"create": "Créer",
"create_new_invite_link": "Créer un nouveau lien d'invitation",
"creator_of_this_distribution": "Créateur de cette distribution d'Iris",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"delete_chat": "Supprimer chat",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": "Délivré",
"direct_connect_to_the": " joiden kanssa keskustelet (jos portti 8767 on auki tai upnp on käytössä reitittimessä)",
"disable": "Désactiver",
"donate": "Faites un don",
"donate_info": "<b>Les donnations</b> aident à garder le projet en œuvre et sont grandement appréciés. Vous pouvez participer via <a>Open Collective</a> ou <b>bitcoin</b>",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "Télécharger la clé privée",
"download_webtorrent": "Téléchargez <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> pour héberger vos fichiers multimédias et collez leurs liens magnet ci-dessous.",
"email": "Email",
"email_optional": "Email (optionnel)",
"email_privkey_to_yourself": "Vous envoyer votre clé privée ",
"enable": "Activer",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": "Activer la découverte de pairs publics",
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": "Explorer",
"follow": "Suivre",
"follow_someone_info": "Suivez quelqu'un pour voir le contenu de leur réseau ! Suggestions : ",
"followers": "Followers",
"following": "Suivi",
"follows": null,
"follows_you": "Vous suit",
"from": "de",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Être notifié des nouveaux messages",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "Donnez votre lien d'invitation:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": "donner votre lien de profil à quelqu'un",
"go": null,
"group_name": "Nom du groupe",
"have_someones_invite_link": "Vous avez le lien d'invitation de quelqu'un ?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Cacher le code QR de la clé privée",
"home": "Accueil",
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": "Si la otra persona no ve su mensaje",
"in_other_words": "Toisin sanoen",
"incoming_call": "Appel entrant",
"invite_links": "Liens d'invitation",
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": " kun kirjoitat nimesi tai nimimerkkisi ja painat enteriä!",
"iris_is_always_available": " eikä ole riippuvainen keskuspalvelimesta. Käyttäjät voivat jopa muodostaa vertaisverkkoja keskenään",
"iris_is_like": "Iiris on kuin tuntemamme sosiaalisen median sovellukset",
"iris_is_secure": " että yksityisviestisi säilyvät yksityisinä",
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "Langage",
"last_active": "dernière activité",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "Se déconnecter",
"logout_confirmation_info": "<b>Et voi kirjautua takaisin sisään</b> ellet ole tallentanut varmuuskopiota salaisesta avaimestasi.",
"market": "Market",
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": "Médias",
"mentions_only": "Mentions seulement",
"messages": "Messages",
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "Nouveau chat",
"new_group": "Nouveau groupe",
"new_participants_profile_link": "Lien de profil du nouveau participant",
"new_user_go": "C'est parti",
"next": null,
"nickname": "Surnom",
"nicknames": "Surnoms",
"no_contacts_in_list": "Vous n'avez aucun contact dans votre liste.",
"no_followers_yet": " niin muut voivat seurata sinua:",
"no_followers_yet_info": " respuestas y Me gusta solo se muestran a tus seguidores y su red.",
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "Notes pour soi",
"nothing": "Rien",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"on_call_with": "En appel avec : ",
"online": "en ligne",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "Ou scannez leur Code QR",
"or_show_qr_code": "Ou visualisez votre Code QR",
"or_small": "ou",
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "Muuten et voi kirjautua takaisin tälle tilille.",
"participants": "Participants",
"paste_private_key": "Coller une clé privée",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Collez un lien d'invitation",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": "Méthode de paiement",
"peer_url": "Url des pairs",
"peers": "Pairs",
"peers_info": " joiden pystyttämisestä tietoa <a>täällä</a>. Tulossa: suorat yhteydet kavereiden kesken WebRTC:llä.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "Clé privée",
"private_key_warning": "<b>DANGER !</b> La clé privée <b>donne accès à votre compte</b>. Ne la transmettez ou la montrez à personne d'autre !",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "L'endroit le plus sécurisé pour votre clé privée est un <b>gestionnaire de mots de passe</b>.",
"profile": "Profil",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "Picture de profil",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Picture de profil trop grosse : la taille maximale est de 200Ko",
"public": "Public",
"public_messages": "Messages publics",
"public_peer_info": " joiden kanssa keskustelet (ja muille).",
"reject": "Rejeter",
"remove": "Supprimer",
"remove_picture": "Supprimer picture",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "Remettre par défaut",
"retype_email": "Saisir l'email à nouveau",
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "Sauvegardez d'abord une copie de votre clé privée",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Scannez le code QR de la clé privée",
"search": "Recherche",
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "Envoyer un message",
"set_up_your_own_peer": "Paramétrez votre propre pair",
"settings": "Réglages",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "Visualiser le Code QR de la clé privée",
"show_qr_code": "Voir Code QR",
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": "Résumé",
"switch_account": "Changer de compte",
"the_application_is_unaudited": "Sovellus on auditoimaton konseptitoteutus",
"their_nickname_for_you": "Le surnom qu'il/elle vous donne :",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": " ja se näyttää myynnissä olevat tavarat sosiaalisessa verkostossasi. Iriksessä tuotteet tilataan yksityisviesteillä. <a>Tästä </a> pääset omaan kauppaasi.",
"today": "aujourd'hui",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Activer les notifications de bureau",
"type_a_message": "Entrez un message",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": "Entrez un message ou collez un lien magnet",
"typing": "En train d'écrire...",
"unfollow": "Ne plus suivre",
"use_picture": "Utiliser votre picture",
"video_call": "Appel vidéo",
"visibility": "Julkaisut",
"web_push_subscriptions": "Souscription push web",
"webrtc_connection_options": "Options de connection WebRTC",
"webrtc_info": "WebRTC is used for video calls. If you're behind a NAT",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "Quel est votre nom ?",
"when_local_peers": "Viestisi näkyvät globaalisti",
"yesterday": "hier",
"your_invite_links": "Votre lien d'invitation",
"your_name": "Votre nom",
"": null

View File

@ -1,110 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: 'Quale è il tuo nome??',
new_user_go: 'Inizia',
already_have_an_account: 'Hai già un account?',
back: 'Indietro',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Scansione codice QR di chiave privata',
paste_private_key: 'Incolla una chiave privata',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Ricevi una notifica per i nuovi messaggi',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Attiva le notifiche desktop',
new_chat: 'Nuova chat',
"Se l'altra persona non vede il tuo messaggio, puoi dargli il <b>tuo</b> invite link attraverso qualche altro canale:",
type_a_message: 'Scrivi un messaggio',
'Fai attenzione a condividere pubblicamente il tuo invite link: potresti ricevere spam con richieste di messaggi. Condividi pubblicamente invece il tuo <a>link di profilo</a>.',
your_invite_links: 'I tuoi invite link',
create_new_invite_link: 'Crea nuovo invite link',
copy_your_invite_link: 'Copia il tuo invite link',
have_someones_invite_link: 'Hai il invite link di quakcuno?',
paste_their_invite_link: 'Incolla il loro invite link',
give_your_invite_link: 'Dai il tuo invite link:',
or_scan_qr_code: 'O scansiona il loro codice QR',
or_show_qr_code: 'O mostra il tuo codice QR',
new_group: 'Nuovo gruppo',
group_name: 'Nome gruppo',
create: 'Crea',
profile: 'Profilo',
settings: 'Impostazioni',
your_name: 'Il tuo nome',
profile_picture: 'Foto di profilo',
add_profile_picture: 'Aggiungi foto di profilo',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Foto di profilo troppo grande: dimensione massima di 200KB',
cancel: 'Cancella',
use_picture: 'Usa foto',
remove_picture: 'Rimuovi foto',
about_text: 'Riguardo a te',
account: 'Account',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: 'Salva prima un backup della tua chiave privata!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'Altrimenti non potrai riautenticarti a questo account.',
log_out: 'Scollegati',
private_key: 'Chiave privata',
download_private_key: 'Scarica chiave privata',
'<b>PERICOLO!</b> La chiave privata è usata per <b>autenticarti al tuo account</b>. Non dare o mostrare la tua chiave privata a nessun altro!',
copy_private_key: 'Copia chiave privata',
show_privkey_qr: 'Mostra il codice QR della chiave privata',
hide_privkey_qr: 'Nascondi il codice QR della chaive privata',
'Il posto più sicuro dove archiviare la chiave privata è un <b>gestore password</b>.',
language: 'Lingua',
peers: 'Peer',
peer_url: 'Peer url',
public: 'Pubblico',
remove: 'Rimuovi',
enable: 'Abilita',
disable: 'Disabilita',
from: 'da', // source of the peer url, from whom we got it
add: 'Aggiungi',
'Peer <i>pubblici</i> sono automaticamente rilevabili dalle persone con cui scrivi (e altri).',
'I peer sono nodi GunDB che puoi facilmente <a>montare</a>. In arrivo: connessione diretta con gli amici attraverso WebRTC.',
webrtc_connection_options: 'Opzioni di connessione WebRTC',
'WebRTC è usato per le video chiamate. Se sei dietro ad una NAT, potresti aver bisogno di specificare un server TURN qui, che inoltrerà il tuo traffico video. La banda di trasferimento non è gratuita, non ci sono server TURN gratuiti in giro.',
restore_defaults: 'Ripristina le impostazioni predifinite',
about: 'A proposito', // About Iris
"L'applicazione è un'implementazione di prova del concetto non certificata, quindi non utilizzarla per fini che richiedano un uso sicuro in situazioni critiche.",
donate: 'Dona',
'<b>Le donazioni</b> aiutano a mantenere il progetto e sono molto apprezzate. Puoi donare attraverso <a>Open Collective</a> o <b>bitcoin</b>',
'<b>Non puoi autenticarti</b> a meno che tu non abbia salvato una copia della tua chiave privata.',
participants: 'partecipanti',
admin: 'admin',
add_participant: 'Aggiungi partecipante',
new_participants_profile_link: 'Nuovi invite link del participante',
add_friend: 'Aggiungi amico',
send_message: 'Invia messaggio',
copy_link: 'Copia link',
chat_settings: 'Impostazioni della Chat',
nicknames: 'Soprannome',
nickname: 'Soprannome',
video_call: 'Chiamata video',
online: 'online',
last_active: 'ultimo attivo',
their_nickname_for_you: 'Il loro soprannome per te',
notifications: 'Notifiche',
all_messages: 'Tutti i messaggi',
mentions_only: 'Solo menzioni',
nothing: 'Nulla',
delete_chat: 'Cancella chat',
block_user: 'Blocca utente',
typing: 'Sta scrivendo...',
attachment: 'allegato',
note_to_self: 'Nota a te stesso',
today: 'oggi',
yesterday: 'ieri',
copied: 'Copiato',
answer: 'rispondere',
reject: 'rifiutare',
incoming_call: 'Chiamata in arrivo',
call_rejected: 'Chiamata respinta',
close: 'Chiudere',
call_ended: 'Chiamata conclusa',
calling: 'Chiamata in corso',
on_call_with: 'In chiamata con',
no_contacts_in_list: 'Non hai contatti nella tua lista.',
"about": "A proposito",
"about_text": "Riguardo a te",
"account": "Account",
"add": "Aggiungi",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "Aggiungi amico",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "Aggiungi partecipante",
"add_profile_picture": "Aggiungi foto di profilo",
"add_to_cart": null,
"address": null,
"admin": "admin",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "Tutti i messaggi",
"already_have_an_account": "Hai già un account?",
"also": null,
"alternatively": "Sinon",
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": "Vaihtoehtoisesti <a>tunnistaudu tekstiviestillä</a>",
"answer": "rispondere",
"application_security_warning": " así que no la use con fines críticos de seguridad.",
"attachment": "allegato",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": null,
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": null,
"back": "Indietro",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Fai attenzione a condividere pubblicamente il tuo invite link: potresti ricevere spam con richieste di messaggi. Condividi pubblicamente invece il tuo <a>link di profilo</a>.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "Blocca utente",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "Chiamata conclusa",
"call_rejected": "Chiamata respinta",
"calling": "Chiamata in corso",
"cancel": "Cancella",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "Impostazioni della Chat",
"close": "Chiudere",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": null,
"confirmation": null,
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": null,
"copied": "Copiato",
"copy": null,
"copy_link": "Copia link",
"copy_private_key": "Copia chiave privata",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Copia il tuo invite link",
"create": "Crea",
"create_new_invite_link": "Crea nuovo invite link",
"creator_of_this_distribution": null,
"delete": null,
"delete_chat": "Cancella chat",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": null,
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "Disabilita",
"donate": "Dona",
"donate_info": "<b>Le donazioni</b> aiutano a mantenere il progetto e sono molto apprezzate. Puoi donare attraverso <a>Open Collective</a> o <b>bitcoin</b>",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "Scarica chiave privata",
"download_webtorrent": null,
"email": null,
"email_optional": null,
"email_privkey_to_yourself": null,
"enable": "Abilita",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": null,
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": null,
"follow": null,
"follow_someone_info": null,
"followers": null,
"following": null,
"follows": null,
"follows_you": null,
"from": "da",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Ricevi una notifica per i nuovi messaggi",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "Dai il tuo invite link:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": null,
"go": null,
"group_name": "Nome gruppo",
"have_someones_invite_link": "Hai il invite link di quakcuno?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Nascondi il codice QR della chaive privata",
"home": null,
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": " puede darle <b> su </b> enlace de chat a través de otro canal:",
"in_other_words": " tiliäsi ei voida sulkea Iriksestä",
"incoming_call": "Chiamata in arrivo",
"invite_links": null,
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": " mutta parempi.",
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "Lingua",
"last_active": "ultimo attivo",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "Scollegati",
"logout_confirmation_info": "Vous <b>ne pouvez pas vous réauthentifier</b> sauf si vous avez une copie de votre clé privée.",
"market": null,
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": null,
"mentions_only": "Solo menzioni",
"messages": null,
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "Nuova chat",
"new_group": "Nuovo gruppo",
"new_participants_profile_link": "Nuovi invite link del participante",
"new_user_go": "Inizia",
"next": null,
"nickname": "Soprannome",
"nicknames": "Soprannome",
"no_contacts_in_list": "Non hai contatti nella tua lista.",
"no_followers_yet": "Partagez votre lien de profil pour que les autres puissent vous suivre :",
"no_followers_yet_info": "Julkaisut",
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "Nota a te stesso",
"nothing": "Nulla",
"notifications": "Notifiche",
"on_call_with": "In chiamata con",
"online": "online",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "O scansiona il loro codice QR",
"or_show_qr_code": "O mostra il tuo codice QR",
"or_small": null,
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "Sinon vous ne pourrez plus vous connecter de nouveau sur ce compte",
"participants": "partecipanti",
"paste_private_key": "Incolla una chiave privata",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Incolla il loro invite link",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": null,
"peer_url": "Peer url",
"peers": "Peer",
"peers_info": "Les pairs sont des noeuds GunDB que vous pouvez facilement <a>monter</a>. A venir : la connexion directe avec vos amis via WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "Chiave privata",
"private_key_warning": "<b>PERICOLO!</b> La chiave privata è usata per <b>autenticarti al tuo account</b>. Non dare o mostrare la tua chiave privata a nessun altro!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "Il posto più sicuro dove archiviare la chiave privata è un <b>gestore password</b>.",
"profile": "Profilo",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "Foto di profilo",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Foto di profilo troppo grande: dimensione massima di 200KB",
"public": "Pubblico",
"public_messages": null,
"public_peer_info": "Les pairs <i>publics</i> sont automatiquement visibles par les personnes avec qui vous discutez.",
"reject": "rifiutare",
"remove": "Rimuovi",
"remove_picture": "Rimuovi foto",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "Ripristina le impostazioni predifinite",
"retype_email": null,
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "Salva prima un backup della tua chiave privata!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Scansione codice QR di chiave privata",
"search": null,
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "Invia messaggio",
"set_up_your_own_peer": null,
"settings": "Impostazioni",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "Mostra il codice QR della chiave privata",
"show_qr_code": null,
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": null,
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": " joten älä käytä sitä tarkoituksiin joissa turvallisuus on oleellisen tärkeää.",
"their_nickname_for_you": "Il loro soprannome per te",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": "Ceci est un prototype de boutique qui permet de visualiser des produits de marchands dans votre réseau social. Les commandes sont envoyées via messages privés Iris. Votre propre boutique est disponible <a>ici</a>.",
"today": "oggi",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Attiva le notifiche desktop",
"type_a_message": "Scrivi un messaggio",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "Sta scrivendo...",
"unfollow": null,
"use_picture": "Usa foto",
"video_call": "Chiamata video",
"visibility": " vastaukset ja tykkäykset näkyvät vain seuraajillesi ja heidän verkostoillensa.",
"web_push_subscriptions": null,
"webrtc_connection_options": "Opzioni di connessione WebRTC",
"webrtc_info": " you might need to specify a TURN server here",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "Quale è il tuo nome??",
"when_local_peers": " kun käyttäjät kirjautuvat verkkoon",
"yesterday": "ieri",
"your_invite_links": "I tuoi invite link",
"your_name": "Il tuo nome",
"": null

View File

@ -1,148 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: '이름?',
new_user_go: '진행',
already_have_an_account: '기존 계정이 있나요?',
back: '뒤로',
scan_private_key_qr_code: '프라이빗 키 스캔 QR 코드',
paste_private_key: '프라이빗 키 붙여넣기',
get_notified_new_messages: '신규 메시지 통보',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: '데스크탑 통보 시작',
new_chat: '신규 채팅',
public_messages: '공개 메시지',
follow_someone_info: '제안 그들의 네트워크의 내용을 보기위하여 펄로우 하기:',
creator_of_this_distribution: '본Iris 배분을 위한 저작권자',
no_followers_yet: '약력 링크를 소개하여 타인들이 펄로우 하게 함:',
no_followers_yet_info: '당신의 게시, 응답, 좋아요는 당신의 펄로워 및 네트워크에 보여짐.',
alternatively: '대안으로,',
alternatively_get_sms_verified: '대안으로, 타인이 당신을 찾을 수 있도록 하기 <a>SMS 확인 </a>.',
give_your_profile_link_to_someone: '당신의 약력 링크를 타인에게 전달',
'타인이 당신의 메시지를 보지 못하면 다른 채널의 링크로 초대 할 수 있음 <b>당신</b>:',
type_a_message: '메시지 입력',
'경고 초대링크를 공개적으로 사용하는 것은: 스팸을 받을수 있으니 공개 할 시는 당신의 <a>profile link</a>를 사용하세요.',
your_invite_links: '당신의 초대 링크',
create_new_invite_link: '새 초대링크 생성',
copy_your_invite_link: '초대링크 복사',
have_someones_invite_link: '타인의 초대링크 보유?',
paste_their_invite_link: '그들의 초대링크 붙이기',
give_your_invite_link: '당신의 초대링크 제공:',
or_scan_qr_code: '아니면 그들의 QR코드 스캔',
or_show_qr_code: '아니면 당신의 QR코드 공개',
new_group: '신규 그룹',
group_name: '그룹 이름',
create: '생성',
settings: '환경',
profile: '약력',
your_name: '성명',
profile_picture: '약력 사진',
add_profile_picture: '약력 사진 추가',
profile_picture_too_big: '약력 사진 크기 초과: 최대 사이즈 200KB',
cancel: '취소',
use_picture: '사진 사용',
remove_picture: '사진 제거',
about_text: ' 원문',
account: '계정',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: '먼저 당신의 프라이빗 키 백업 저장!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: '아니면 이 계정으로 다시 로그인 할 수 없음.',
log_out: '로그 아웃',
private_key: '프라이빗 키',
download_private_key: '프라이빗 키 내려받기',
'<b>위험!</b> 프라이빗키<b> 는 당신 계정을 사용할 수 있음</b>. 타인에게 당신의 프라이빗 키를 보여주거나 공유하지 말것!',
copy_private_key: '프라이빗 키 복사',
show_privkey_qr: '프라이빗 키 QR 코드 공개',
hide_privkey_qr: '프라이빗 코 QR 코드 숭기기',
'안전하게 당신의 프라이빗 키를 저장하는 장소는 <b>패스워드 관리자</b>.',
language: '언어',
peers: '친구',
peer_url: '친구 url',
public: '공개',
remove: '제거',
enable: '동작',
disable: '비동작',
from: '전송자', // source of the peer url, from whom we got it
add: '추가',
'<i>공개</i> 친구는 자동적으로 당신이 채팅하고 있는(타인들도)사람들로부터 보여질 수 있음.',
peers_info: '친구는 GunDB 노드이며 쉽게 <a>공유</a>. 향후 계획: 친구들과 직접 접속 WebRTC.',
webrtc_connection_options: 'WebRTC 접속 옵션',
'WebRTC 는 화상 통신에 사용. 당신이 NAT에 속해 있으면, TURN 서버를 여기에 추가 해야 할 수도 있음, 화상 트래픽 전송. 통신량은 무료가 아니라 무료 TURN 서버를 찾기가 쉽지 않음.',
restore_defaults: '조건 원상회복',
about: 'About', // Iris 란?
'본 응용은 검증되지 않은 아이디어 차원의 도구이어서 비밀을 요하는 중요한 목적으로 사용 할 수 없음.',
donate: '기부',
'<b>기부</b> 는 본 프로젝트를 진행 하는데 도움이 되고 감사 드립니다. 기부 하려면 여기서 하면 됩니다 <a>Open Collective</a> or <b>bitcoin</b>',
'당신은 <b>로그인 다시 할 수 없음</b>만약 당신이 프라이빗 키를 저장해 두자 않았으ㅁ.',
participants: '참여자',
admin: '관리자',
add_participant: '참여자 추가',
new_participants_profile_link: '신규 참여자 약력 링크',
invite_links: '링크 초대',
copy: '복사',
follows_you: '당신 펄로우',
follow: '펄로우',
unfollow: '펄로우 취소',
following: '펄러우 진행중',
followers: '펄로워들',
add_friend: '친구 추가',
send_message: '메시지 전송',
copy_link: '링크 복사',
show_qr_code: 'QR코드 공유',
chat_settings: '채팅 환경',
nicknames: '닉네임들',
nickname: '닉네임',
video_call: '화상채팅',
online: '온라인',
last_active: '마지막 활동',
their_nickname_for_you: '당신을 위한 그들의 닉네임',
notifications: '통보',
all_messages: '모든 메시지',
mentions_only: '단지 멘션',
nothing: '존대하지 않음',
delete_chat: '책 삭제',
block_user: '사용자 거부',
typing: '타이핑 중...',
attachment: '첨부',
note_to_self: '자신에게 메모',
today: '오늘',
yesterday: '어제',
copied: '복사완료',
answer: '대답',
reject: '거부',
incoming_call: '전화 수신',
call_rejected: '응답 거부',
close: '닫기',
call_ended: '통화 종료',
calling: '통화',
on_call_with: '통화 상대',
delete: '삭제',
confirm_delete_msg: '메시지 삭제?',
search: '검색',
email_optional: '이메일 (옵션)',
delivery: '전달',
address: '주소',
confirmation: '확인',
payment_method: '지불 방법',
summary: '요약',
'다운로드 <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> 미디어 파일을호스트 하고 붙여 넣기 위하여 마그넷링크 아래 제공.',
visibility: '당신의 게시물, 답변과 좋아요는 당신의 펄로워들과 네트워크에만 보여짐.',
iris_is_like: 'Iris는 소셜네트워킹 앱이지만 더 향상된 기능임.',
'ㅇ본 화면은 시범 상점이며 당신의 소셜네트워크의 판매점을 보여 줌. 주문은 Iris 개인 메시지로 함. 당신의 상점은 여기에 볼 수 있음. <a>여기</a>.',
add_to_cart: '카트에 추가',
web_push_subscriptions: '웹 푸시 구독',
enable_public_peer_discovery: '공개 친구 찾기 동작',
set_up_your_own_peer: '당신의 자체 친구 설정',
also: '그리고',
or_small: '또는',
automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments: '자동적으로 webtorrent 첨부 파일 로드',
autoplay_webtorrent_videos: '자동으로 webtorrent 비디오 시작',
no_contacts_in_list: '더 이상 친구 리스트가 없음.',
"about": "About",
"about_text": " 원문",
"account": "계정",
"add": "추가",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "친구 추가",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "참여자 추가",
"add_profile_picture": "약력 사진 추가",
"add_to_cart": "카트에 추가",
"address": "주소",
"admin": "관리자",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "모든 메시지",
"already_have_an_account": "기존 계정이 있나요?",
"also": "그리고",
"alternatively": null,
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": "Vous pouvez aussi",
"answer": "대답",
"application_security_warning": "Sovellus on auditoimaton konseptitoteutus",
"attachment": "첨부",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": "자동적으로 webtorrent 첨부 파일 로드",
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": "자동으로 webtorrent 비디오 시작",
"back": "뒤로",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "경고 초대링크를 공개적으로 사용하는 것은: 스팸을 받을수 있으니 공개 할 시는 당신의 <a>profile link</a>를 사용하세요.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "사용자 거부",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "통화 종료",
"call_rejected": "응답 거부",
"calling": "통화",
"cancel": "취소",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "채팅 환경",
"close": "닫기",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": "메시지 삭제?",
"confirmation": "확인",
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": null,
"copied": "복사완료",
"copy": "복사",
"copy_link": "링크 복사",
"copy_private_key": "프라이빗 키 복사",
"copy_your_invite_link": "초대링크 복사",
"create": "생성",
"create_new_invite_link": "새 초대링크 생성",
"creator_of_this_distribution": "본Iris 배분을 위한 저작권자",
"delete": "삭제",
"delete_chat": "책 삭제",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": "전달",
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "비동작",
"donate": "기부",
"donate_info": "<b>기부</b> 는 본 프로젝트를 진행 하는데 도움이 되고 감사 드립니다. 기부 하려면 여기서 하면 됩니다 <a>Open Collective</a> or <b>bitcoin</b>",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "프라이빗 키 내려받기",
"download_webtorrent": "다운로드 <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> 미디어 파일을호스트 하고 붙여 넣기 위하여 마그넷링크 아래 제공.",
"email": null,
"email_optional": "이메일 (옵션)",
"email_privkey_to_yourself": null,
"enable": "동작",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": "공개 친구 찾기 동작",
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": null,
"follow": "펄로우",
"follow_someone_info": "제안 그들의 네트워크의 내용을 보기위하여 펄로우 하기:",
"followers": "펄로워들",
"following": "펄러우 진행중",
"follows": null,
"follows_you": "당신 펄로우",
"from": "전송자",
"get_notified_new_messages": "신규 메시지 통보",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "당신의 초대링크 제공:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": "당신의 약력 링크를 타인에게 전달",
"go": null,
"group_name": "그룹 이름",
"have_someones_invite_link": "타인의 초대링크 보유?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "프라이빗 코 QR 코드 숭기기",
"home": null,
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": "Jos toinen käyttäjä ei näe viestiäsi",
"in_other_words": null,
"incoming_call": "전화 수신",
"invite_links": "링크 초대",
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": "Iris",
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "언어",
"last_active": "마지막 활동",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "로그 아웃",
"logout_confirmation_info": "<b>Non puoi autenticarti</b> a meno che tu non abbia salvato una copia della tua chiave privata.",
"market": null,
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": null,
"mentions_only": "단지 멘션",
"messages": null,
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "신규 채팅",
"new_group": "신규 그룹",
"new_participants_profile_link": "신규 참여자 약력 링크",
"new_user_go": "진행",
"next": null,
"nickname": "닉네임",
"nicknames": "닉네임들",
"no_contacts_in_list": "더 이상 친구 리스트가 없음.",
"no_followers_yet": null,
"no_followers_yet_info": " vastaukset ja tykkäykset näkyvät vain seuraajillesi ja heidän verkostoillensa.",
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "자신에게 메모",
"nothing": "존대하지 않음",
"notifications": "통보",
"on_call_with": "통화 상대",
"online": "온라인",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "아니면 그들의 QR코드 스캔",
"or_show_qr_code": "아니면 당신의 QR코드 공개",
"or_small": "또는",
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "Altrimenti non potrai riautenticarti a questo account.",
"participants": "참여자",
"paste_private_key": "프라이빗 키 붙여넣기",
"paste_their_invite_link": "그들의 초대링크 붙이기",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": "지불 방법",
"peer_url": "친구 url",
"peers": "친구",
"peers_info": "I peer sono nodi GunDB che puoi facilmente <a>montare</a>. In arrivo: connessione diretta con gli amici attraverso WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "프라이빗 키",
"private_key_warning": "<b>위험!</b> 프라이빗키<b> 는 당신 계정을 사용할 수 있음</b>. 타인에게 당신의 프라이빗 키를 보여주거나 공유하지 말것!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "안전하게 당신의 프라이빗 키를 저장하는 장소는 <b>패스워드 관리자</b>.",
"profile": "약력",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "약력 사진",
"profile_picture_too_big": "약력 사진 크기 초과: 최대 사이즈 200KB",
"public": "공개",
"public_messages": "공개 메시지",
"public_peer_info": "Peer <i>pubblici</i> sono automaticamente rilevabili dalle persone con cui scrivi (e altri).",
"reject": "거부",
"remove": "제거",
"remove_picture": "사진 제거",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "조건 원상회복",
"retype_email": null,
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "먼저 당신의 프라이빗 키 백업 저장!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "프라이빗 키 스캔 QR 코드",
"search": "검색",
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "메시지 전송",
"set_up_your_own_peer": "당신의 자체 친구 설정",
"settings": "환경",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "프라이빗 키 QR 코드 공개",
"show_qr_code": "QR코드 공유",
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": "요약",
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": null,
"their_nickname_for_you": "당신을 위한 그들의 닉네임",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": null,
"today": "오늘",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "데스크탑 통보 시작",
"type_a_message": "메시지 입력",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "타이핑 중...",
"unfollow": "펄로우 취소",
"use_picture": "사진 사용",
"video_call": "화상채팅",
"visibility": "Vos posts",
"web_push_subscriptions": "웹 푸시 구독",
"webrtc_connection_options": "WebRTC 접속 옵션",
"webrtc_info": " which will relay your video traffic.",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "이름?",
"when_local_peers": null,
"yesterday": "어제",
"your_invite_links": "당신의 초대 링크",
"your_name": "성명",
"": null

View File

@ -1,110 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: 'Qual o seu nome?',
new_user_go: 'Vai',
already_have_an_account: 'Já tem uma conta?',
back: 'Voltar',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Ler QR code da chave privada',
paste_private_key: 'Cole a chave privada',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Ser notificado de novas mensagens',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Ativar notificações no desktop',
new_chat: 'Nova conversa',
'Se a outra pessoa não vê sua mensagens, você pode passar pra ela o <b>seu</b> link do bate-papo através de outro canal.',
type_a_message: 'Digite uma mensagem',
'Cuidado ao compartilhar seu link de bate-papo publicamente: você pode receber spam com solicitações de mensagem. Ao invés disso, compartilhe publicamente seu <a>Link do perfil</a>.',
your_invite_links: 'Seus links de bate-papo',
create_new_invite_link: 'Criar um novo link de bate-papo',
copy_your_invite_link: 'Copiar seu link de bate-papo',
have_someones_invite_link: 'Tem o link de bate-papo de alguém?',
paste_their_invite_link: 'Cole o link da outra pessoa',
give_your_invite_link: 'Forneça seu link de bate-papo:',
or_scan_qr_code: 'Ou leia o QR code',
or_show_qr_code: 'Ou mostre seu QR code',
new_group: 'Novo grupo',
group_name: 'Nome do grupo',
create: 'Criar',
profile: 'Perfil',
settings: 'Configurações',
your_name: 'Seu nome',
profile_picture: 'Foto do perfil',
add_profile_picture: 'Adicionar foto do perfil',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Foto do perfil muito grande: tamanho máximo é 200KB',
cancel: 'Cancelar',
use_picture: 'Usar foto',
remove_picture: 'Remover foto',
about_text: 'Texto sobre',
account: 'Conta',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: 'Faça backup da sua chave privada primeiro!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'Caso contrário você não vai conseguir acessar sua conta novamente.',
log_out: 'Sair',
private_key: 'Chave privada',
download_private_key: 'Baixar chave privada',
'<b>PERIGO!</b> A chave privada é usada para <b>acessar sua conta</b>. Não compartilhe ou mostre sua chave privada para ninguém!',
copy_private_key: 'Copiar chave privada',
show_privkey_qr: 'Mostrar QR code da chave privada',
hide_privkey_qr: 'Esconder QR code da chave privada',
'O lugar mais seguro para armazenar sua chave privada é um <b>gerenciardor de senhas</b>.',
language: 'Idioma',
peers: 'Peers',
peer_url: 'Peer url',
public: 'Público',
remove: 'Remover',
enable: 'Ativar',
disable: 'Desativar',
from: 'de',
add: 'Adicionar',
'<i>Peers</i> públicos são encontrados automaticamente por pessoas que você bate-papo (e outros).',
'Peers são nós do GunDB que você pode facilmente <a>trocar</a>. Novidade pela frente: conexão direta com seus amigos utilizando WebRTC.',
webrtc_connection_options: 'Opções de conexão WebRTC',
'WebRTC é utilizado para chamadas de vídeo. Se você está atrás de um NAT, você precisa especificar aqui um servidor TURN que vai retransmitir o tráfego de vídeo. A largura de banda não é gratuita, portanto, não há servidores TURN gratuitos disponíveis.',
restore_defaults: 'Restaurar padrões',
about: 'Sobre',
'O aplicativo é uma implementação de prova de conceito não auditada; portanto, não o use para fins críticos de segurança.',
donate: 'Doe',
'Ajude a manter o projeto com <b>doações</b>, nós agrademos muito. Você pode doar por <a>Open Collective</a> ou <b>bitcoin</b>',
'Você <b>não pode logar novamente</b> ao menos que você tenha salvado uma cópia da sua chave primária.',
participants: 'participantes',
admin: 'administração',
add_participant: 'Adicionar participante',
new_participants_profile_link: 'Link do bate-papo do novo participante.',
add_friend: 'Adicionar amigo',
send_message: 'Enviar mensagem',
copy_link: 'Copiar link',
chat_settings: 'Configurações do bate-papo',
nicknames: 'Apelidos',
nickname: 'Apelido',
video_call: 'Chamada de vídeo',
online: 'online',
last_active: 'última atividade',
their_nickname_for_you: 'Apelido deles para você',
notifications: 'Notificações',
all_messages: 'Todas mensagens',
mentions_only: 'Somente menções',
nothing: 'Nada',
delete_chat: 'Apagar bate-papo',
block_user: 'Bloquear usuário',
typing: 'Digitando...',
attachment: 'anexo',
note_to_self: 'Nota pessoal',
today: 'hoje',
yesterday: 'ontem',
copied: 'Copiado',
answer: 'resposta',
reject: 'rejeitado',
incoming_call: 'Chamada entrante',
call_rejected: 'Chamada rejeitada',
close: 'Fechar',
call_ended: 'Chamada encerrada',
calling: 'Chamando',
on_call_with: 'Em chamada com',
no_contacts_in_list: 'Você não tem nenhum contato na sua lista.',
"about": "Sobre",
"about_text": "Texto sobre",
"account": "Conta",
"add": "Adicionar",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "Adicionar amigo",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "Adicionar participante",
"add_profile_picture": "Adicionar foto do perfil",
"add_to_cart": null,
"address": null,
"admin": "administração",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "Todas mensagens",
"already_have_an_account": "Já tem uma conta?",
"also": null,
"alternatively": null,
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": " activer <a>SMS verified</a> pour que les autres puissent vous trouver.",
"answer": "resposta",
"application_security_warning": " joten älä käytä sitä tarkoituksiin joissa turvallisuus on oleellisen tärkeää.",
"attachment": "anexo",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": null,
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": null,
"back": "Voltar",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Cuidado ao compartilhar seu link de bate-papo publicamente: você pode receber spam com solicitações de mensagem. Ao invés disso",
"block": null,
"block_user": "Bloquear usuário",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "Chamada encerrada",
"call_rejected": "Chamada rejeitada",
"calling": "Chamando",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "Configurações do bate-papo",
"close": "Fechar",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": null,
"confirmation": null,
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": null,
"copied": "Copiado",
"copy": null,
"copy_link": "Copiar link",
"copy_private_key": "Copiar chave privada",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Copiar seu link de bate-papo",
"create": "Criar",
"create_new_invite_link": "Criar um novo link de bate-papo",
"creator_of_this_distribution": null,
"delete": null,
"delete_chat": "Apagar bate-papo",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": null,
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "Desativar",
"donate": "Doe",
"donate_info": "Ajude a manter o projeto com <b>doações</b>",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "Baixar chave privada",
"download_webtorrent": null,
"email": null,
"email_optional": null,
"email_privkey_to_yourself": null,
"enable": "Ativar",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": null,
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": null,
"follow": null,
"follow_someone_info": null,
"followers": null,
"following": null,
"follows": null,
"follows_you": null,
"from": "de",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Ser notificado de novas mensagens",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "Forneça seu link de bate-papo:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": null,
"go": null,
"group_name": "Nome do grupo",
"have_someones_invite_link": "Tem o link de bate-papo de alguém?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Esconder QR code da chave privada",
"home": null,
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": " voit antaa hänelle <b>sinun</b> kutsulinkkisi jotain muuta kautta:",
"in_other_words": null,
"incoming_call": "Chamada entrante",
"invite_links": null,
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": " c'est comme les réseaux sociaux auxquels nous sommes habitués ... mais c'est mieux !",
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "Idioma",
"last_active": "última atividade",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "Sair",
"logout_confirmation_info": "당신은 <b>로그인 다시 할 수 없음</b>만약 당신이 프라이빗 키를 저장해 두자 않았으ㅁ.",
"market": null,
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": null,
"mentions_only": "Somente menções",
"messages": null,
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "Nova conversa",
"new_group": "Novo grupo",
"new_participants_profile_link": "Link do bate-papo do novo participante.",
"new_user_go": "Vai",
"next": null,
"nickname": "Apelido",
"nicknames": "Apelidos",
"no_contacts_in_list": "Você não tem nenhum contato na sua lista.",
"no_followers_yet": "약력 링크를 소개하여 타인들이 펄로우 하게 함:",
"no_followers_yet_info": "Vos posts",
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "Nota pessoal",
"nothing": "Nada",
"notifications": "Notificações",
"on_call_with": "Em chamada com",
"online": "online",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "Ou leia o QR code",
"or_show_qr_code": "Ou mostre seu QR code",
"or_small": null,
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "아니면 이 계정으로 다시 로그인 할 수 없음.",
"participants": "participantes",
"paste_private_key": "Cole a chave privada",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Cole o link da outra pessoa",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": null,
"peer_url": "Peer url",
"peers": "Peers",
"peers_info": "친구는 GunDB 노드이며 쉽게 <a>공유</a>. 향후 계획: 친구들과 직접 접속 WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "Chave privada",
"private_key_warning": "<b>PERIGO!</b> A chave privada é usada para <b>acessar sua conta</b>. Não compartilhe ou mostre sua chave privada para ninguém!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "O lugar mais seguro para armazenar sua chave privada é um <b>gerenciardor de senhas</b>.",
"profile": "Perfil",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "Foto do perfil",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Foto do perfil muito grande: tamanho máximo é 200KB",
"public": "Público",
"public_messages": null,
"public_peer_info": "<i>공개</i> 친구는 자동적으로 당신이 채팅하고 있는(타인들도)사람들로부터 보여질 수 있음.",
"reject": "rejeitado",
"remove": "Remover",
"remove_picture": "Remover foto",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "Restaurar padrões",
"retype_email": null,
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "Faça backup da sua chave privada primeiro!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Ler QR code da chave privada",
"search": null,
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "Enviar mensagem",
"set_up_your_own_peer": null,
"settings": "Configurações",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "Mostrar QR code da chave privada",
"show_qr_code": null,
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": null,
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": null,
"their_nickname_for_you": "Apelido deles para você",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": "ㅇ본 화면은 시범 상점이며 당신의 소셜네트워크의 판매점을 보여 줌. 주문은 Iris 개인 메시지로 함. 당신의 상점은 여기에 볼 수 있음. <a>여기</a>.",
"today": "hoje",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Ativar notificações no desktop",
"type_a_message": "Digite uma mensagem",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "Digitando...",
"unfollow": null,
"use_picture": "Usar foto",
"video_call": "Chamada de vídeo",
"visibility": " réponses et likes sont seulement visibles par vos followers et leur réseau.",
"web_push_subscriptions": null,
"webrtc_connection_options": "Opções de conexão WebRTC",
"webrtc_info": "WebRTC se utiliza para videollamadas. Si está detrás de un NAT",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "Qual o seu nome?",
"when_local_peers": null,
"yesterday": "ontem",
"your_invite_links": "Seus links de bate-papo",
"your_name": "Seu nome",
"": null

View File

@ -1,113 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: 'Как вас зовут?',
new_user_go: 'Поехали!',
already_have_an_account: 'Уже есть аккаунт?',
back: 'Назад',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'Отсканируйте QR-код приватного ключа',
paste_private_key: 'Вставьте приватный ключ',
get_notified_new_messages: 'Узнавайте о новых сообщениях',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'Включить уведомления на рабочем столе',
new_chat: 'Новый чат',
'Если собеседник не видит сообщение, вы можете дать <b>вашу</b> ссылку на чат через другой канал связи:',
type_a_message: 'Напишите сообщение',
'Аккуратно распространяйте вашу ссылку на чат: вас могут заспамить сообщениями. Лучше расшарьте ссылку на <a>ваш профиль</a>.',
your_invite_links: 'Ссылки на ваши чаты',
create_new_invite_link: 'Создать новую ссылку на чат',
copy_your_invite_link: 'Скопировать вашу ссылку на чат',
have_someones_invite_link: 'Есть чья-то ссылка на чат?',
paste_their_invite_link: 'Вставьте свою ссылку на чат',
give_your_invite_link: 'Дайте свою ссылку на чат:',
or_scan_qr_code: 'Или отсканируйте их QR-код',
or_show_qr_code: 'Или покажите свой QR-код',
new_group: 'Новая группа',
group_name: 'Название группы',
create: 'Создать',
settings: 'Настройки',
profile: 'Профиль',
your_name: 'Ваше имя',
profile_picture: 'Аватар',
add_profile_picture: 'Добавить аватар',
profile_picture_too_big: 'Аватар слишком большой: макс. размер 200KB',
cancel: 'Отмена',
use_picture: 'Использовать фото',
remove_picture: 'Убрать фото',
about_text: 'Описание',
account: 'Аккаунт',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: 'Сначала сохраните копию приватного ключа!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'Иначе вы не сможите войти в аккаунт.',
log_out: 'Выйти',
private_key: 'Приватный ключ',
download_private_key: 'Скачать приватный ключ',
'<b>ОПАСНО!</b> Приватный ключ используется для <b>входа в ваш аккаунт</b>. Никому не показывайте ключ!',
copy_private_key: 'Скопировать приватный ключ',
show_privkey_qr: 'Показать QR-код приватного ключа',
hide_privkey_qr: 'Спрятать QR-код приватного ключа',
'Лучшее место для хранения приватного ключа — <b>менеджер паролей</b>.',
language: 'Язык',
peers: 'Пиры',
peer_url: 'Ссылка пира',
public: 'Публичный',
remove: 'Убрать',
enable: 'Включить',
disable: 'Выключить',
from: 'от кого', // source of the peer url, from whom we got it
add: 'Добавить',
'<i>Публичные</i> пиры автоматически обнаруживаются людьми, с которыми вы общаетесь (и другими).',
'Пиры — это ноды GunDB, вы можете легко <a>развернуть ноду у себя</a>. Скоро будет возможно общаться с друзьями напрямую через WebRTC.',
webrtc_connection_options: 'Опции подключения через WebRTC',
'WebRTC используется для видеозвонков. Если вы используете NAT, возможно вам понадобится TURN-сервер, который будет обслуживать ваш видео-трафик. Передача данных стоит денег, поэтому бесплатных TURN-серверов мы не предоставляем.',
restore_defaults: 'Восстановить исходные настройки',
about: 'Про Iris', // About Iris
'Приложение является экспериментальным, поэтому не используйте его для критичных процессов и не храните в нем секретные данные.',
donate: 'Задонатить',
'<b>Донаты</b> помогают проекту развиваться и приветствуются. Вы можете задонатить через via <a>Open Collective</a> или прислать <b>BTC</b>',
logout_confirmation_info: 'Вы <b>не сможете заново войти</b> пока не скопируете приватный ключ.',
participants: 'участники',
admin: 'админ',
add_participant: 'Добавить участника',
new_participants_profile_link: 'Ссылка на чат для нового участника',
add_friend: 'Добавить друга',
send_message: 'Отправить сообщение',
copy_link: 'Скопировать ссылку',
chat_settings: 'Настройки чата',
nicknames: 'Никнеймы',
nickname: 'Никнейм',
video_call: 'Видео-звонок',
online: 'онлайн',
last_active: 'последняя активность',
their_nickname_for_you: 'Их никнейм для вас',
notifications: 'Уведомления',
all_messages: 'Все сообщения',
mentions_only: 'Только упоминания меня',
nothing: 'Ничего',
delete_chat: 'Удалить чат',
block_user: 'Заблокировать',
typing: 'Печатает...',
attachment: 'вложение',
note_to_self: 'Заметка для себя',
today: 'сегодня',
yesterday: 'вчера',
copied: 'Скопировано',
answer: 'ответить',
reject: 'отклонить',
incoming_call: 'Входящий звонок',
call_rejected: 'Звонок отклонен',
close: 'Закрыть',
call_ended: 'Звонок завершен',
calling: 'Звоню',
on_call_with: 'На звонке с',
home: 'Дома',
media: 'Медиа',
messages: 'Сообщения',
contacts: 'Контакты',
explorer: 'Обзор',
"about": "Про Iris",
"about_text": "Описание",
"account": "Аккаунт",
"add": "Добавить",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "Добавить друга",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "Добавить участника",
"add_profile_picture": "Добавить аватар",
"add_to_cart": null,
"address": null,
"admin": "админ",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "Все сообщения",
"already_have_an_account": "Уже есть аккаунт?",
"also": null,
"alternatively": "대안으로",
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": null,
"answer": "ответить",
"application_security_warning": "L'application est un POC d'implémentation non audité",
"attachment": "вложение",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": null,
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": null,
"back": "Назад",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": " compartilhe publicamente seu <a>Link do perfil</a>.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "Заблокировать",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "Звонок завершен",
"call_rejected": "Звонок отклонен",
"calling": "Звоню",
"cancel": "Отмена",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "Настройки чата",
"close": "Закрыть",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": null,
"confirmation": null,
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": "Контакты",
"copied": "Скопировано",
"copy": null,
"copy_link": "Скопировать ссылку",
"copy_private_key": "Скопировать приватный ключ",
"copy_your_invite_link": "Скопировать вашу ссылку на чат",
"create": "Создать",
"create_new_invite_link": "Создать новую ссылку на чат",
"creator_of_this_distribution": null,
"delete": null,
"delete_chat": "Удалить чат",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": null,
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "Выключить",
"donate": "Задонатить",
"donate_info": " nós agrademos muito. Você pode doar por <a>Open Collective</a> ou <b>bitcoin</b>",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "Скачать приватный ключ",
"download_webtorrent": null,
"email": null,
"email_optional": null,
"email_privkey_to_yourself": null,
"enable": "Включить",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": null,
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": "Обзор",
"follow": null,
"follow_someone_info": null,
"followers": null,
"following": null,
"follows": null,
"follows_you": null,
"from": "от кого",
"get_notified_new_messages": "Узнавайте о новых сообщениях",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "Дайте свою ссылку на чат:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": null,
"go": null,
"group_name": "Название группы",
"have_someones_invite_link": "Есть чья-то ссылка на чат?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "Спрятать QR-код приватного ключа",
"home": "Дома",
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": "Si les autres ne voient pas votre message",
"in_other_words": null,
"incoming_call": "Входящий звонок",
"invite_links": null,
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": null,
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "Язык",
"last_active": "последняя активность",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "Выйти",
"logout_confirmation_info": "Você <b>não pode logar novamente</b> ao menos que você tenha salvado uma cópia da sua chave primária.",
"market": null,
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": "Медиа",
"mentions_only": "Только упоминания меня",
"messages": "Сообщения",
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "Новый чат",
"new_group": "Новая группа",
"new_participants_profile_link": "Ссылка на чат для нового участника",
"new_user_go": "Поехали!",
"next": null,
"nickname": "Никнейм",
"nicknames": "Никнеймы",
"no_contacts_in_list": null,
"no_followers_yet": null,
"no_followers_yet_info": " réponses et likes sont seulement visibles par vos followers et leurs réseaux.",
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "Заметка для себя",
"nothing": "Ничего",
"notifications": "Уведомления",
"on_call_with": "На звонке с",
"online": "онлайн",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "Или отсканируйте их QR-код",
"or_show_qr_code": "Или покажите свой QR-код",
"or_small": null,
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "Caso contrário você não vai conseguir acessar sua conta novamente.",
"participants": "участники",
"paste_private_key": "Вставьте приватный ключ",
"paste_their_invite_link": "Вставьте свою ссылку на чат",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": null,
"peer_url": "Ссылка пира",
"peers": "Пиры",
"peers_info": "Peers são nós do GunDB que você pode facilmente <a>trocar</a>. Novidade pela frente: conexão direta com seus amigos utilizando WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "Приватный ключ",
"private_key_warning": "<b>ОПАСНО!</b> Приватный ключ используется для <b>входа в ваш аккаунт</b>. Никому не показывайте ключ!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "Лучшее место для хранения приватного ключа — <b>менеджер паролей</b>.",
"profile": "Профиль",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "Аватар",
"profile_picture_too_big": "Аватар слишком большой: макс. размер 200KB",
"public": "Публичный",
"public_messages": null,
"public_peer_info": "<i>Peers</i> públicos são encontrados automaticamente por pessoas que você bate-papo (e outros).",
"reject": "отклонить",
"remove": "Убрать",
"remove_picture": "Убрать фото",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "Восстановить исходные настройки",
"retype_email": null,
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "Сначала сохраните копию приватного ключа!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "Отсканируйте QR-код приватного ключа",
"search": null,
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "Отправить сообщение",
"set_up_your_own_peer": null,
"settings": "Настройки",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "Показать QR-код приватного ключа",
"show_qr_code": null,
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": null,
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": null,
"their_nickname_for_you": "Их никнейм для вас",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": null,
"today": "сегодня",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "Включить уведомления на рабочем столе",
"type_a_message": "Напишите сообщение",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "Печатает...",
"unfollow": null,
"use_picture": "Использовать фото",
"video_call": "Видео-звонок",
"visibility": null,
"web_push_subscriptions": null,
"webrtc_connection_options": "Опции подключения через WebRTC",
"webrtc_info": " es posible que deba especificar un servidor TURN aquí",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "Как вас зовут?",
"when_local_peers": null,
"yesterday": "вчера",
"your_invite_links": "Ссылки на ваши чаты",
"your_name": "Ваше имя",
"": null

View File

@ -1,149 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: 'آپکا کیا نام ہے؟',
new_user_go: 'چلو',
already_have_an_account: 'پہلے ہی اکاؤنٹ موجود ہے؟',
back: 'واپس',
scan_private_key_qr_code: 'خفیہ QR کوڈ سکین کریں',
paste_private_key: 'خفیہ کوڈ لکھیں',
get_notified_new_messages: 'نۓ پیغامات کی اطلاع حاصل کریں',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: 'ڈیسک ٹاپ اطلاعات حاصل کریں',
new_chat: 'نیا پیغام',
public_messages: 'عام پیغامات',
follow_someone_info: 'کسی کے حلقہ احباب کا مواد دیکھنے کے لیے اسے فالو کریں! سفارشات:',
creator_of_this_distribution: 'Iris کو بنانے والے',
no_followers_yet: 'اپنی پروفایٔل کو لنک شیر کریں تاکہ دوسرے آپکو فالو کر سکیں:',
no_followers_yet_info: 'آپکی پوسٹ ، جوابات اور پسند صرف آپکے حلقہ احباب کو دکھایٔی جاتی ہے',
alternatively: 'متبادل',
'متبادل طور پر <a>ایس ایم ایس تصدیق</a> کریں تاکہ لوگ آپکو ڈھونڈ سکیں',
give_your_profile_link_to_someone: 'اپنی پروفایٔل کو لنک شیر کریں',
'اگر دوسرا شخص آپکا پیغام نہیں دیکھ رہا، تو آپ اسے <b>اپنا</b> پروفایٔل لنک کسی دوسرے پلیٹ فارم شیر کر سکتے ہیں',
type_a_message: 'پیغام لکھیے',
'انوایٔٹ لنک سر عام رکھنے سے بعض رہیں لوگ آپکو پیغام بھیج کر تنگ کر سکتے ہیں! اسکی جگہ <a>پروفایٔل لنک</a> شیر کریں',
your_invite_links: 'آپکا انوایٔٹ لنک',
create_new_invite_link: 'نیا انوایٔٹ لنک بنایٔیں',
copy_your_invite_link: 'اپنا انوایٔٹ لنک بنایٔیں کاپی کریں',
have_someones_invite_link: 'کیا آپکے پاس کسی کا انوایٔٹ لنک ہے؟',
paste_their_invite_link: 'انکا انوایٔٹ لنک لکھیں',
give_your_invite_link: 'اپنا انوایٔٹ لنک دیں:',
or_scan_qr_code: 'انکا QR کوڈ سکین کریں',
or_show_qr_code: 'یا پھر اپنا QR کوڈ دیکھیں',
new_group: 'نیا گروپ',
group_name: 'گروپ کا نام',
create: 'بنایٔیں',
settings: 'مرمت',
profile: 'پروفایٔل',
your_name: 'آپکا نام',
profile_picture: 'پروفایٔل تصویر',
add_profile_picture: 'پروفایٔل تصویر ڈالیں',
profile_picture_too_big: 'پروفایٔل تصویر بہت ہے ، سایٔز کی حد 200KB ہے ',
cancel: 'ختم',
use_picture: 'تصویر استعمال کریں',
remove_picture: 'تصویر ہٹایٔیں',
about_text: 'آپکی تعریف',
account: 'اکاؤنٹ',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: 'پہلے اپنا پریٔیوٹ کوڈ محفوظ کرلیں!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: 'ورنہ آپ دوبارہ اکاؤنٹ استعمال نہیں کر سکیں گے',
log_out: 'بند کریں',
private_key: 'پرایٔویٹ کوڈ',
download_private_key: 'پرایٔویٹ کوڈ ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں',
'<b>خطرہ</b>پرایٔویٹ کوڈ <b>آپکے اکاؤنٹ کی رسایٔ دیتا ہے </b>اپنا پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کسی کو نہ دکھایٔیں',
copy_private_key: 'پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کاپی کریں',
show_privkey_qr: 'پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کا QR کوڈ دکھایٔیں',
hide_privkey_qr: 'پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کا QR کوڈ چھپایٔیں',
privkey_storage_recommendation: 'پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کو رکھنے کی محفوظ جگہ <b>پاس ورڈ مینیجر ہے</b>.',
language: 'زبان',
peers: 'دوست',
peer_url: 'دوست کا لنک',
public: 'عام',
remove: 'ہٹایٔں',
enable: 'چلایٔں',
disable: 'روکیں',
from: 'کی طرف سے', // source of the peer url, from whom we got it
add: 'شامل کریں',
'<i>عام</i> دوست خود بخود آپسے بات کرنے والوں اور دوسرے لوگوں کو نظر آ جاتے ہیں',
'دوست GunDB کے نقتے ہیں جن کو آپ آسانی سے <a>گھما</a> سکتے ہیں۔ جلد ہی WebRTC کے ذریعے دوستوں کے ساتھ براہ راست رابطہ ہوگا',
webrtc_connection_options: 'WebRTC کے آپشن',
'WebRTC ویڈیو کال کے لیے استعمال ہوتا ہے ۔ اگر آپ NAT استعمال کرتے ہیں تو آپکو ایک ٹرن سرور بنانا ہوگا جو کے آپکی ویڈیو ٹریفک کو چلاۓ گا۔ Bandwidth مفت نہیں ہے اور نہ ہی ٹرن سرور مفت ہیں',
restore_defaults: 'سب پہلے جیسا کردیں',
about: 'معلومات', // About Iris
'یہ ایک نامحاسبہ پروف آف کانسیپٹ عمل ہے تواسے حساس معاملات کے لیے استعمال نہ کریں',
donate: 'عطیہ کریں',
'<b>عطیات</b> پروجیکٹ کو چلانے میں مدد کرتے ہیں اور انکی قدر کی جاتی ہے۔ آپ <a>Open Collective</a> اور <b>bitcoin</b> کے ذریعے عطیات کر سکتے ہیں',
'اگر آپ نے پرایٔیویٹ کوڈ محفوز نہیں کیا تو آپ <b>دوبارہ لاگن نہیں کر سکتے</b>',
participants: 'شرکاء',
admin: 'ایڈمن',
add_participant: 'شریک کریں',
new_participants_profile_link: 'نۓشریک کا لنک',
invite_links: 'انوایٔٹ لنک',
copy: 'کاپی',
follows_you: 'آپکو فالو کرتے ہیں',
follow: 'فالو',
unfollow: 'ان فالو',
following: 'فالو کرتے ہیں',
followers: 'فالورز',
add_friend: 'دوست بنایٔیں',
send_message: 'پیغام بھیجیں',
copy_link: 'لنک کاپی کریں',
show_qr_code: 'QR کوڈ دیکھیں',
chat_settings: 'پیغام کی سیٹنگ',
nicknames: 'نک نام',
nickname: 'نک نام',
video_call: 'ویڈیو کال',
online: 'آن لایٔن',
last_active: 'لاسٹ ایکٹیو',
their_nickname_for_you: 'آپ کے لیے انکا نک نام',
notifications: 'نوٹیفیکیشن',
all_messages: 'تمام پیغامات',
mentions_only: 'صرف مینش',
nothing: 'کچھ نہیں',
delete_chat: 'پیغام ڈلیٹ کریں',
block_user: 'بلاک کریں',
typing: 'لکھ رہے ہیں...',
attachment: 'اٹیچمنٹ',
note_to_self: 'خود کےلیے پیغام',
today: 'آج',
yesterday: 'کل',
copied: 'کاپی شدہ',
answer: 'جواب',
reject: 'رد',
incoming_call: 'کال آ رہی ہے',
call_rejected: 'کال کاٹ دی',
close: 'بند کریں',
call_ended: 'کال ختم',
calling: 'کال ہو رہی',
on_call_with: 'کے ساتھ کال پر ہیں',
delete: 'ڈلیٹ کریں',
confirm_delete_msg: 'پیغام ڈلیٹ کریں؟',
search: 'تلاش کریں',
email_optional: 'ای میل (مرضی ہے)',
delivery: 'ترصیل',
address: 'پتہ',
confirmation: 'تصدیق',
payment_method: 'پیمنٹ میتھڈ',
summary: 'سمری',
'میڈیا فایٔلوں کو ہوسٹ کرنے اور انکے میڈیا لنک پیسٹ کرنے کے لیے <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> ڈاؤنلوڈ کریں',
visibility: 'آپکے پوسٹ ، جوابات اور لایٔک صرف آپکے فالورز اور انکے نیٹ ورک کو نظر آنی ہیں',
iris_is_like: 'Iris ہماری پسندیدہ سوشل نیٹ ورک ایپس کی طرح ہے مگر ان سے بہترہے',
'یہ ایک پروٹوٹایٔپ سٹور ہے جو آپکے نیٹورک میں موجود تاجروں کی مصنوعات دکھاتا ہے۔ آرڈر پرایٔیویٹ پیغام کے ذریعے بھیجے جاتے ہیں۔آپ کے اپنے سٹور <a>یہاں</a>ملیں گے',
add_to_cart: 'کارٹ میں ڈالیں',
web_push_subscriptions: 'ویب پش کی سبسکرپشن',
enable_public_peer_discovery: 'عام دوستوں کی معلومات چالو کریں',
set_up_your_own_peer: 'اپنا peer سیٹ اپ کریں',
also: 'اور',
or_small: 'یا',
automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments: 'خود بخود webtorrent attachments لوڈ کریں',
autoplay_webtorrent_videos: 'خود بخود ویڈیو چلایٔیں',
no_contacts_in_list: 'اپکے کو کونٹیکٹ نہیں ہیں',
"about": "معلومات",
"about_text": "آپکی تعریف",
"account": "اکاؤنٹ",
"add": "شامل کریں",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "دوست بنایٔیں",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "شریک کریں",
"add_profile_picture": "پروفایٔل تصویر ڈالیں",
"add_to_cart": "کارٹ میں ڈالیں",
"address": "پتہ",
"admin": "ایڈمن",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "تمام پیغامات",
"already_have_an_account": "پہلے ہی اکاؤنٹ موجود ہے؟",
"also": "اور",
"alternatively": null,
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": "대안으로",
"answer": "جواب",
"application_security_warning": " ne l'utilisez pas pour un quelconque motif à sécurité critique.",
"attachment": "اٹیچمنٹ",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": "خود بخود webtorrent attachments لوڈ کریں",
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": "خود بخود ویڈیو چلایٔیں",
"back": "واپس",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "Аккуратно распространяйте вашу ссылку на чат: вас могут заспамить сообщениями. Лучше расшарьте ссылку на <a>ваш профиль</a>.",
"block": null,
"block_user": "بلاک کریں",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "کال ختم",
"call_rejected": "کال کاٹ دی",
"calling": "کال ہو رہی",
"cancel": "ختم",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "پیغام کی سیٹنگ",
"close": "بند کریں",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": "پیغام ڈلیٹ کریں؟",
"confirmation": "تصدیق",
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": null,
"copied": "کاپی شدہ",
"copy": "کاپی",
"copy_link": "لنک کاپی کریں",
"copy_private_key": "پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کاپی کریں",
"copy_your_invite_link": "اپنا انوایٔٹ لنک بنایٔیں کاپی کریں",
"create": "بنایٔیں",
"create_new_invite_link": "نیا انوایٔٹ لنک بنایٔیں",
"creator_of_this_distribution": "Iris کو بنانے والے",
"delete": "ڈلیٹ کریں",
"delete_chat": "پیغام ڈلیٹ کریں",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": "ترصیل",
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "روکیں",
"donate": "عطیہ کریں",
"donate_info": "<b>Донаты</b> помогают проекту развиваться и приветствуются. Вы можете задонатить через via <a>Open Collective</a> или прислать <b>BTC</b>",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "پرایٔویٹ کوڈ ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں",
"download_webtorrent": "میڈیا فایٔلوں کو ہوسٹ کرنے اور انکے میڈیا لنک پیسٹ کرنے کے لیے <a>Webtorrent Desktop</a> ڈاؤنلوڈ کریں",
"email": null,
"email_optional": "ای میل (مرضی ہے)",
"email_privkey_to_yourself": null,
"enable": "چلایٔں",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": "عام دوستوں کی معلومات چالو کریں",
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": null,
"follow": "فالو",
"follow_someone_info": "کسی کے حلقہ احباب کا مواد دیکھنے کے لیے اسے فالو کریں! سفارشات:",
"followers": "فالورز",
"following": "فالو کرتے ہیں",
"follows": null,
"follows_you": "آپکو فالو کرتے ہیں",
"from": "کی طرف سے",
"get_notified_new_messages": "نۓ پیغامات کی اطلاع حاصل کریں",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "اپنا انوایٔٹ لنک دیں:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": "اپنی پروفایٔل کو لنک شیر کریں",
"go": null,
"group_name": "گروپ کا نام",
"have_someones_invite_link": "کیا آپکے پاس کسی کا انوایٔٹ لنک ہے؟",
"hide_privkey_qr": "پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کا QR کوڈ چھپایٔیں",
"home": null,
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": " vous pouvez leur donner <b>votre</b> lien d'invitation depuis un autre canal :",
"in_other_words": null,
"incoming_call": "کال آ رہی ہے",
"invite_links": "انوایٔٹ لنک",
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": "Iris는 소셜네트워킹 앱이지만 더 향상된 기능임.",
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "زبان",
"last_active": "لاسٹ ایکٹیو",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "بند کریں",
"logout_confirmation_info": "Вы <b>не сможете заново войти</b> пока не скопируете приватный ключ.",
"market": null,
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": null,
"mentions_only": "صرف مینش",
"messages": null,
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "نیا پیغام",
"new_group": "نیا گروپ",
"new_participants_profile_link": "نۓشریک کا لنک",
"new_user_go": "چلو",
"next": null,
"nickname": "نک نام",
"nicknames": "نک نام",
"no_contacts_in_list": "اپکے کو کونٹیکٹ نہیں ہیں",
"no_followers_yet": null,
"no_followers_yet_info": null,
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "خود کےلیے پیغام",
"nothing": "کچھ نہیں",
"notifications": "نوٹیفیکیشن",
"on_call_with": "کے ساتھ کال پر ہیں",
"online": "آن لایٔن",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "انکا QR کوڈ سکین کریں",
"or_show_qr_code": "یا پھر اپنا QR کوڈ دیکھیں",
"or_small": "یا",
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "Иначе вы не сможите войти в аккаунт.",
"participants": "شرکاء",
"paste_private_key": "خفیہ کوڈ لکھیں",
"paste_their_invite_link": "انکا انوایٔٹ لنک لکھیں",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": "پیمنٹ میتھڈ",
"peer_url": "دوست کا لنک",
"peers": "دوست",
"peers_info": "Пиры — это ноды GunDB",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "پرایٔویٹ کوڈ",
"private_key_warning": "<b>خطرہ</b>پرایٔویٹ کوڈ <b>آپکے اکاؤنٹ کی رسایٔ دیتا ہے </b>اپنا پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کسی کو نہ دکھایٔیں",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کو رکھنے کی محفوظ جگہ <b>پاس ورڈ مینیجر ہے</b>.",
"profile": "پروفایٔل",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "پروفایٔل تصویر",
"profile_picture_too_big": "پروفایٔل تصویر بہت ہے ، سایٔز کی حد 200KB ہے ",
"public": "عام",
"public_messages": "عام پیغامات",
"public_peer_info": "<i>Публичные</i> пиры автоматически обнаруживаются людьми",
"reject": "رد",
"remove": "ہٹایٔں",
"remove_picture": "تصویر ہٹایٔیں",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "سب پہلے جیسا کردیں",
"retype_email": null,
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "پہلے اپنا پریٔیوٹ کوڈ محفوظ کرلیں!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "خفیہ QR کوڈ سکین کریں",
"search": "تلاش کریں",
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "پیغام بھیجیں",
"set_up_your_own_peer": "اپنا peer سیٹ اپ کریں",
"settings": "مرمت",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "پرایٔویٹ کوڈ کا QR کوڈ دکھایٔیں",
"show_qr_code": "QR کوڈ دیکھیں",
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": "سمری",
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": null,
"their_nickname_for_you": "آپ کے لیے انکا نک نام",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": null,
"today": "آج",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "ڈیسک ٹاپ اطلاعات حاصل کریں",
"type_a_message": "پیغام لکھیے",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "لکھ رہے ہیں...",
"unfollow": "ان فالو",
"use_picture": "تصویر استعمال کریں",
"video_call": "ویڈیو کال",
"visibility": "당신의 게시물",
"web_push_subscriptions": "ویب پش کی سبسکرپشن",
"webrtc_connection_options": "WebRTC کے آپشن",
"webrtc_info": " que retransmitirá su tráfico de video. El ancho de banda no es gratuito",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "آپکا کیا نام ہے؟",
"when_local_peers": null,
"yesterday": "کل",
"your_invite_links": "آپکا انوایٔٹ لنک",
"your_name": "آپکا نام",
"": null

View File

@ -1,109 +1,205 @@
export default {
whats_your_name: '你叫什么名字?',
new_user_go: '开始',
already_have_an_account: '已有账户?',
back: '后退',
scan_private_key_qr_code: '请扫描私钥的二维码',
paste_private_key: '请复制你的私钥',
get_notified_new_messages: '接收新消息的提醒',
turn_on_desktop_notifications: '打开桌面消息提醒',
new_chat: '新的聊天',
'如果其他人无法看到你的消息,你可以把 <b>你的</b> 聊天链接在其他频道发送给他们:',
type_a_message: '请输入消息',
your_invite_links: '你的聊天链接',
create_new_invite_link: '创建新的聊天链接',
copy_your_invite_link: '复制你的聊天链接',
have_someones_invite_link: '有其他人的聊天链接?',
paste_their_invite_link: '请将聊天链接粘贴在此',
give_your_invite_link: '你的聊天链接:',
or_scan_qr_code: '或扫描他们的二维码',
or_show_qr_code: '或展示你的二维码',
new_group: '新的聊天群组',
group_name: '群组名称',
create: '创建',
profile: '个人资料',
settings: '设定',
your_name: '你的名字',
profile_picture: '头像',
add_profile_picture: '添加头像',
profile_picture_too_big: '头像超过最大尺寸(200KB)',
cancel: '取消',
use_picture: '选取照片',
remove_picture: '移除照片',
about_text: '简介',
account: '账号',
save_backup_of_privkey_first: '首先请妥善保管你的私钥!',
otherwise_cant_log_in_again: '否则你将无法登录这个账号。',
log_out: '登出',
private_key: '私钥',
download_private_key: '下载私钥',
'<b>危险!</b> 私钥可以用来 <b>登录你的账号</b>。 不要将你的私钥交给或展示给任何其他人!',
copy_private_key: '复制私钥',
show_privkey_qr: '显示私钥二维码',
hide_privkey_qr: '隐藏私钥二维码',
privkey_storage_recommendation: '<b>密码管理器</b>是保存私钥最安全的方式。',
language: '语言',
peers: '节点',
peer_url: '节点地址',
public: '公开',
remove: '移除',
enable: '启用',
disable: '禁用',
from: '来自于',
add: '添加',
public_peer_info: '<i>公开</i> 节点可被自动发现',
peers_info: 'GunDB 的节点可以帮助<a>加速连接速度 </a>。即将支持:通过 WebRTC 直接连接聊天对象。',
webrtc_connection_options: 'WebRTC 连接选项',
'本应用的视频聊天使用了 WebRTC。 如果你在一个内部网络中,你可能需要手动指定一个用作转发视频流量的 Turn server。网络带宽是收费的所以我们不提供免费的 Turn server。',
restore_defaults: '恢复默认值',
about: '关于',
donate: 'Donate',
'<b>捐款</b>可以帮助我们继续更好地开发。 你可以通过 <a>Open Collective</a> 或<b>比特币(Bitcoin)</b>来完成捐款,非常感谢你的帮助。比特币地址',
logout_confirmation_info: '如果你不保存好你的私钥,你<b>将无法再次登录</b>。 ',
participants: '参与者',
admin: '管理员',
add_participant: '添加参与者',
new_participants_profile_link: '新加参与者的聊天链接',
add_friend: '添加好友',
send_message: '发送消息',
copy_link: '复制链接',
chat_settings: '聊天设置',
nicknames: '所有昵称',
nickname: '昵称',
video_call: '视频通话',
online: '在线',
last_active: '上次在线',
their_nickname_for_you: '其他人给你起的昵称',
notifications: '通知',
all_messages: '所有消息',
mentions_only: '只提到',
nothing: '无',
delete_chat: '删除聊天',
block_user: '屏蔽用户',
typing: '正在输入...',
attachment: '福建',
note_to_self: '个人备忘录',
today: '今天',
yesterday: '昨天',
copied: '已复制',
answer: '接通',
reject: '拒绝',
incoming_call: '来电',
call_rejected: '通话被拒绝',
close: '关闭',
call_ended: '通话结束',
calling: '拨号中',
on_call_with: '通话对象:',
media: '媒体',
home: '主页',
messages: '消息',
contacts: '联系人',
"about": "关于",
"about_text": "简介",
"account": "账号",
"add": "添加",
"add_contact_or_create_group": null,
"add_friend": "添加好友",
"add_hashtag": null,
"add_item": null,
"add_new_contact_or_group": null,
"add_participant": "添加参与者",
"add_profile_picture": "添加头像",
"add_to_cart": null,
"address": null,
"admin": "管理员",
"all": null,
"all_messages": "所有消息",
"already_have_an_account": "已有账户?",
"also": null,
"alternatively": null,
"alternatively_get_sms_verified": " 타인이 당신을 찾을 수 있도록 하기 <a>SMS 확인 </a>.",
"answer": "接通",
"application_security_warning": "L'applicazione è un'implementazione di prova del concetto non certificata",
"attachment": "福建",
"automatically_load_webtorrent_attachments": null,
"autoplay_webtorrent_videos": null,
"back": "后退",
"beware_of_sharing_invite_link_publicly": "انوایٔٹ لنک سر عام رکھنے سے بعض رہیں لوگ آپکو پیغام بھیج کر تنگ کر سکتے ہیں! اسکی جگہ <a>پروفایٔل لنک</a> شیر کریں",
"block": null,
"block_user": "屏蔽用户",
"blocked_users": null,
"bluetooth_support_upcoming": null,
"call_ended": "通话结束",
"call_rejected": "通话被拒绝",
"calling": "拨号中",
"cancel": "取消",
"cart": null,
"chat_settings": "聊天设置",
"close": "关闭",
"communicate_and_synchronize": null,
"confirm": null,
"confirm_button": null,
"confirm_delete_msg": null,
"confirmation": null,
"connect_Ethereum_account": null,
"connected_peers": null,
"contacts": "联系人",
"copied": "已复制",
"copy": null,
"copy_link": "复制链接",
"copy_private_key": "复制私钥",
"copy_your_invite_link": "复制你的聊天链接",
"create": "创建",
"create_new_invite_link": "创建新的聊天链接",
"creator_of_this_distribution": null,
"delete": null,
"delete_chat": "删除聊天",
"delete_item": null,
"delivery": null,
"direct_connect_to_the": null,
"disable": "禁用",
"donate": "Donate",
"donate_info": "<b>عطیات</b> پروجیکٹ کو چلانے میں مدد کرتے ہیں اور انکی قدر کی جاتی ہے۔ آپ <a>Open Collective</a> اور <b>bitcoin</b> کے ذریعے عطیات کر سکتے ہیں",
"download": null,
"download_private_key": "下载私钥",
"download_webtorrent": null,
"email": null,
"email_optional": null,
"email_privkey_to_yourself": null,
"enable": "启用",
"enable_public_peer_discovery": null,
"enable_webtorrent": null,
"everyone": null,
"explorer": null,
"follow": null,
"follow_someone_info": null,
"followers": null,
"following": null,
"follows": null,
"follows_you": null,
"from": "来自于",
"get_notified_new_messages": "接收新消息的提醒",
"get_the_desktop_application": null,
"give_your_invite_link": "你的聊天链接:",
"give_your_profile_link_to_someone": null,
"go": null,
"group_name": "群组名称",
"have_someones_invite_link": "有其他人的聊天链接?",
"hide_privkey_qr": "隐藏私钥二维码",
"home": "主页",
"if_other_person_doesnt_see_message": "Se l'altra persona non vede il tuo messaggio",
"in_other_words": null,
"incoming_call": "来电",
"invite_links": null,
"invite_people_or_create_group": null,
"iris_is_accessible": null,
"iris_is_always_available": null,
"iris_is_like": null,
"iris_is_secure": null,
"item_description": null,
"item_id": null,
"language": "语言",
"last_active": "上次在线",
"likes": null,
"log_out": "登出",
"logout_confirmation_info": "اگر آپ نے پرایٔیویٹ کوڈ محفوز نہیں کیا تو آپ <b>دوبارہ لاگن نہیں کر سکتے</b>",
"market": null,
"maximum_number_of_peer_connections": null,
"media": "媒体",
"mentions_only": "只提到",
"messages": "消息",
"more_secure_and_available": null,
"name": null,
"new_chat": "新的聊天",
"new_group": "新的聊天群组",
"new_participants_profile_link": "新加参与者的聊天链接",
"new_user_go": "开始",
"next": null,
"nickname": "昵称",
"nicknames": "所有昵称",
"no_contacts_in_list": null,
"no_followers_yet": "اپنی پروفایٔل کو لنک شیر کریں تاکہ دوسرے آپکو فالو کر سکیں:",
"no_followers_yet_info": "당신의 게시",
"no_items_to_show": null,
"no_notifications_yet": null,
"none": null,
"note_to_self": "个人备忘录",
"nothing": "无",
"notifications": "通知",
"on_call_with": "通话对象:",
"online": "在线",
"opens_to_background": null,
"or_scan_qr_code": "或扫描他们的二维码",
"or_show_qr_code": "或展示你的二维码",
"or_small": null,
"otherwise_cant_log_in_again": "ورنہ آپ دوبارہ اکاؤنٹ استعمال نہیں کر سکیں گے",
"participants": "参与者",
"paste_private_key": "请复制你的私钥",
"paste_their_invite_link": "请将聊天链接粘贴在此",
"payment": null,
"payment_method": null,
"peer_url": "节点地址",
"peers": "节点",
"peers_info": " вы можете легко <a>развернуть ноду у себя</a>. Скоро будет возможно общаться с друзьями напрямую через WebRTC.",
"popular_hashtags": null,
"posts": null,
"price": null,
"private_key": "私钥",
"private_key_warning": "<b>危险!</b> 私钥可以用来 <b>登录你的账号</b>。 不要将你的私钥交给或展示给任何其他人!",
"privkey_storage_recommendation": "<b>密码管理器</b>是保存私钥最安全的方式。",
"profile": "个人资料",
"profile_name": null,
"profile_picture": "头像",
"profile_picture_too_big": "头像超过最大尺寸(200KB)",
"public": "公开",
"public_messages": null,
"public_peer_info": " с которыми вы общаетесь (и другими).",
"reject": "拒绝",
"remove": "移除",
"remove_picture": "移除照片",
"replies": null,
"restore_defaults": "恢复默认值",
"retype_email": null,
"save_backup_of_privkey_first": "首先请妥善保管你的私钥!",
"scan_private_key_qr_code": "请扫描私钥的二维码",
"search": null,
"send_email": null,
"send_message": "发送消息",
"set_up_your_own_peer": null,
"settings": "设定",
"shopping_cart": null,
"shopping_carts": null,
"show_beta_features": null,
"show_less": null,
"show_more": null,
"show_privkey_qr": "显示私钥二维码",
"show_qr_code": null,
"store": null,
"store_description": null,
"summary": null,
"switch_account": null,
"the_application_is_unaudited": null,
"their_nickname_for_you": "其他人给你起的昵称",
"this_is_a_prototype_store": "یہ ایک پروٹوٹایٔپ سٹور ہے جو آپکے نیٹورک میں موجود تاجروں کی مصنوعات دکھاتا ہے۔ آرڈر پرایٔیویٹ پیغام کے ذریعے بھیجے جاتے ہیں۔آپ کے اپنے سٹور <a>یہاں</a>ملیں گے",
"today": "今天",
"total": null,
"turn_on_desktop_notifications": "打开桌面消息提醒",
"type_a_message": "请输入消息",
"type_a_message_or_paste_a_magnet_link": null,
"typing": "正在输入...",
"unfollow": null,
"use_picture": "选取照片",
"video_call": "视频通话",
"visibility": " 답변과 좋아요는 당신의 펄로워들과 네트워크에만 보여짐.",
"web_push_subscriptions": null,
"webrtc_connection_options": "WebRTC 连接选项",
"webrtc_info": " por lo que no hay servidores TURN gratuitos disponibles.",
"whats_on_your_mind": null,
"whats_your_name": "你叫什么名字?",
"when_local_peers": null,
"yesterday": "昨天",
"your_invite_links": "你的聊天链接",
"your_name": "你的名字",
"": null

View File

@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
import { html } from 'htm/preact';
import iris from 'iris-lib';
import $ from 'jquery';
import { route } from 'preact-router';
import Button from '../components/basic/Button';
import CopyButton from '../components/CopyButton';
import Identicon from '../components/Identicon';
import Name from '../components/Name';
import ProfilePicturePicker from '../components/ProfilePicturePicker';
import SafeImg from '../components/SafeImg';
import SearchBox from '../components/SearchBox';
import { SMS_VERIFIER_PUB } from '../SMS';
import { translate as tr } from '../translations/Translation';
import View from './View';
function deleteChat(uuid) {
if (confirm('Delete chat?')) {
iris.Channel.deleteGroup(iris.session.getKey(), uuid);
class Group extends View {
constructor() {
this.id = 'profile';
onProfilePictureSet(src) {
iris.private(this.props.id).put('picture', src);
onAboutInput(e) {
const about = $(e.target).text().trim();
iris.private(this.props.id).put('about', about);
onClickSettings() {
onNameInput(e) {
const name = $(e.target).text().trim();
if (name.length) {
iris.private(this.props.id).put('name', name);
removeChatLink(id) {
if (confirm('Remove chat link?')) {
onAddParticipant(add = true) {
add && iris.private(this.props.id).addParticipant(this.state.memberCandidate);
// send invite msg
iris.private(this.state.memberCandidate).send({ invite: { group: this.props.id } });
this.setState({ memberCandidate: null });
onRemoveParticipant(pub) {
if (confirm('Remove participant?')) {
renderGroupSettings() {
const chat = iris.private(this.props.id);
if (chat && chat.uuid) {
return html`
<div class="flex-table">
? Object.keys(chat.participantProfiles).map((k) => {
const profile = chat.participantProfiles[k];
if (!k || !profile) {
if (
!(profile.permissions && profile.permissions.read && profile.permissions.write)
) {
return html`
<div class="flex-row">
<div class="flex-cell">
<div class="profile-link-container">
<a class="profile-link" onClick=${() => route(`/profile/${k}`)}>
<${Identicon} str=${k} width="40" />
<${Name} pub=${k} />
${profile.permissions && profile.permissions.admin
? html` <small style="margin-left:5px">${tr('admin')}</small> `
: ''}
? html`
<div class="flex-cell no-flex">
<${Button} onClick=${() => this.onRemoveParticipant(k)}
: ''}
: ''}
? html`
? html`
<div class="profile-link-container">
<div class="profile-link">
<${Identicon} str=${this.state.memberCandidate} width="40" />
<${Name} pub=${this.state.memberCandidate} />
<${Button} onClick=${() => this.onAddParticipant()}>Add<//>
<${Button} onClick=${() => this.onAddParticipant(false)}>Cancel<//>
: html`
onSelect=${(item) => this.setState({ memberCandidate: item.key })}
: ''}
${chat && chat.inviteLinks && Object.keys(chat.inviteLinks).length
? html`
<hr />
<div class="flex-table">
${Object.keys(chat.inviteLinks).map((id) => {
const url = chat.inviteLinks[id];
if (!url) {
return html`
<div class="flex-row">
<div class="flex-cell no-flex">
<${CopyButton} copyStr=${url} />
<div class="flex-cell">
<input type="text" value=${url} onClick=${(e) => $(e.target).select()} />
? html`
<div class="flex-cell no-flex">
<${Button} onClick=${() => this.removeChatLink(id)}
: ''}
: ''}
? html`
<${Button} onClick=${() => chat.createChatLink()}>Create new invite link<//>
: ''}
return '';
renderView() {
const editable = this.state.isAdmin;
let profilePicture;
if (editable) {
profilePicture = html`<${ProfilePicturePicker}
callback=${(src) => this.onProfilePictureSet(src)}
} else if (this.state.picture) {
profilePicture = html`<${SafeImg} class="profile-picture" src=${this.state.picture} />`;
} else {
profilePicture = html`<${Identicon} str=${this.props.id} width="250" />`;
return html`
<div class="content">
<${Helmet}><title>${this.state.name || 'Group'}</title><//>
<div class="profile-top">
<div class="profile-header">
<div class="profile-picture-container">${profilePicture}</div>
<div class="profile-header-stuff">
placeholder=${editable ? tr('name') : ''}
onInput=${(e) => this.onNameInput(e)}
<div class="profile-about hidden-xs">
placeholder=${editable ? tr('about') : ''}
onInput=${(e) => this.onAboutInput(e)}
<div class="profile-actions">
${this.followedUsers && this.followedUsers.has(iris.session.getPubKey())
? html` <p><small>${tr('follows_you')}</small></p> `
: this.props.id === SMS_VERIFIER_PUB
? html`
: ''}
<${Button} onClick=${() => route(`/chat/${this.props.id}`)}
<${Button} class="show-settings" onClick=${() => this.onClickSettings()}
<div class="profile-about visible-xs-flex">
placeholder=${editable ? tr('about') : ''}
onInput=${(e) => this.onAboutInput(e)}
<div id="chat-settings" style="display:none">
<hr />
<div class="notification-settings">
<input type="radio" id="notifyAll" name="notificationPreference" value="all" />
<label for="notifyAll">${tr('all_messages')}</label><br />
<label for="notifyMentionsOnly">${tr('mentions_only')}</label><br />
<label for="notifyNothing">${tr('nothing')}</label><br /><br />
<hr />
<${Button} class="delete-chat" onClick=${() => deleteChat(this.props.id)}
<hr />
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (prevProps.id !== this.props.id) {
this.setState({ isAdmin: false, uuid: null, memberCandidate: null });
groupDidMount() {
const chat = iris.private(this.props.id);
chat.on('name', (name) => {
// TODO: this really needs unsubscribe
if (!$('#profile .profile-name:focus').length) {
this.setState({ name });
chat.on('picture', (picture) => this.setState({ picture }));
chat.on('about', (about) => {
if (!$('#profile .profile-about-content:focus').length) {
this.setState({ about });
} else {
$('#profile .profile-about-content:not(:focus)').text(about);
componentDidMount() {
const pub = this.props.id;
console.log(this.props.id, 2);
this.setState({ name: '', picture: '', about: '' });
const chat = iris.private(pub);
if (pub.length < 40) {
if (!chat) {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (iris.private(pub)) {
}, 1000);
.on(() => this.setState({ inviteLinksChanged: !this.state.inviteLinksChanged }));
.on((participants) => {
const isAdmin = areWeAdmin(pub);
this.setState({ isAdmin, participants });
if (chat) {
.on('change', (event) => {
chat.put('notificationSetting', event.target.value);
function areWeAdmin(uuid) {
const me = iris.private(uuid).participantProfiles[iris.session.getKey().pub];
return !!(me && me.permissions && me.permissions.admin);
export default Group;