refactor newsfeed to use react-virtuoso

This commit is contained in:
Ren Amamiya 2023-03-31 11:36:23 +07:00
parent bc61082716
commit 990bf98571
4 changed files with 104 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export const NoteBase = memo(function NoteBase({ event }: { event: any }) {
return (
onClick={(e) => openThread(e)}
className="relative z-10 flex h-min min-h-min w-full select-text flex-col border-b border-zinc-800 py-5 px-3 hover:bg-black/20"
className="relative z-10 m-0 flex h-min min-h-min w-full select-text flex-col border-b border-zinc-800 py-5 px-3 hover:bg-black/20"
<div className="relative z-10 flex flex-col">

View File

@ -5,48 +5,109 @@ import FormBase from '@components/form/base';
import { NoteBase } from '@components/note/base';
import { Placeholder } from '@components/note/placeholder';
import { notesAtom } from '@stores/note';
import { hasNewerNoteAtom } from '@stores/note';
import { useVirtualizer } from '@tanstack/react-virtual';
import { dateToUnix } from '@utils/getDate';
import { getLatestNotes, getNotes } from '@utils/storage';
import { ArrowUpIcon } from '@radix-ui/react-icons';
import { useAtom } from 'jotai';
import { JSXElementConstructor, ReactElement, ReactFragment, ReactPortal, Suspense, useRef } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react';
import { Virtuoso } from 'react-virtuoso';
export default function Page() {
const [data]: any = useAtom(notesAtom);
const parentRef = useRef(null);
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
const [hasNewerNote, setHasNewerNote] = useAtom(hasNewerNoteAtom);
const virtualizer = useVirtualizer({
count: data.length,
estimateSize: () => 500,
getScrollElement: () => parentRef.current,
getItemKey: (index) => data[index].id,
const items = virtualizer.getVirtualItems();
const virtuosoRef = useRef(null);
const now = useRef(new Date());
const limit = useRef(20);
const offset = useRef(0);
const itemContent: any = useCallback(
(index: string | number) => {
return <NoteBase event={data[index]} />;
const computeItemKey = useCallback(
(index: string | number) => {
return data[index].id;
const initialData = useCallback(async () => {
const result: any = await getNotes(dateToUnix(now.current), limit.current, offset.current);
setData((data) => [, ...result]);
}, []);
const loadMore = useCallback(async () => {
offset.current += limit.current;
// next query
const result: any = await getNotes(dateToUnix(now.current), limit.current, offset.current);
setData((data) => [, ...result]);
}, []);
const loadLatest = useCallback(async () => {
offset.current += limit.current;
// next query
const result: any = await getLatestNotes(dateToUnix(now.current));
// update data
setData((data) => [...result,]);
// hide newer trigger
// scroll to top
virtuosoRef.current.scrollToIndex({ index: 0 });
}, [setHasNewerNote]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [initialData]);
return (
<div ref={parentRef} className="scrollbar-hide h-full w-full overflow-y-auto" style={{ contain: 'strict' }}>
<div className="relative">
<FormBase />
<Suspense fallback={<Placeholder />}>
{items.length > 0 && (
<div className="relative w-full" style={{ height: virtualizer.getTotalSize() }}>
<div className="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full" style={{ transform: `translateY(${items[0].start}px)` }}>
{ => (
<div key={virtualRow.key} data-index={virtualRow.index} ref={virtualizer.measureElement}>
<NoteBase event={data[virtualRow.index]} />
<div className="relative h-full w-full">
{hasNewerNote && (
<div className="absolute top-2 left-1/2 z-50 -translate-x-1/2 transform">
onClick={() => loadLatest()}
className="inline-flex h-8 transform items-center justify-center gap-1 rounded-full bg-fuchsia-500 pl-3 pr-3.5 text-sm shadow-md shadow-fuchsia-800/20 active:translate-y-1"
<ArrowUpIcon className="h-3.5 w-3.5" />
Load latest
className="scrollbar-hide h-full w-full overflow-y-auto"
const COMPONENTS = {
Header: () => <FormBase />,
EmptyPlaceholder: () => <Placeholder />,
ScrollSeekPlaceholder: () => <Placeholder />,
Page.getLayout = function getLayout(
| string

View File

@ -1,24 +1,7 @@
import { isSSR } from '@utils/ssr';
import { getAllNotes } from '@utils/storage';
import { atom } from 'jotai';
import { atomsWithQuery } from 'jotai-tanstack-query';
import { atomWithReset } from 'jotai/utils';
// note content
export const noteContentAtom = atomWithReset('');
// notify user that connector has receive newer note
export const hasNewerNoteAtom = atom(false);
// query notes from database
export const [notesAtom] = atomsWithQuery(() => ({
queryKey: ['notes'],
queryFn: async ({ queryKey: [] }) => {
const res = isSSR ? [] : await getAllNotes();
return res;
refetchInterval: 1000000,
refetchOnReconnect: true,
refetchOnWindowFocus: true,
refetchOnMount: true,
keepPreviousData: false,

View File

@ -89,9 +89,19 @@ export async function getCacheProfile(id) {
// get all notes
export async function getAllNotes() {
export async function getNotes(time, limit, offset) {
const db = await connect();
return await`SELECT * FROM cache_notes GROUP BY parent_id ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 500`);
return await
`SELECT * FROM cache_notes WHERE created_at <= "${time}" GROUP BY parent_id ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT "${limit}" OFFSET "${offset}"`
// get all latest notes
export async function getLatestNotes(time) {
const db = await connect();
return await
`SELECT * FROM cache_notes WHERE created_at > "${time}" GROUP BY parent_id ORDER BY created_at DESC`
// get note by id