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This commit is contained in:
Pablo Carballeda 2023-01-17 01:12:52 +01:00
parent 45d9528d12
commit b2e91870cf

View File

@ -16,74 +16,74 @@
"ProfileConnect": "",
"ProfileLoad": "",
"Landing": "",
"Conversation": "Conversation",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Note": "Note",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Conversation": "Conversación",
"Reply": "Responder",
"Note": "Nota",
"Profile": "Perfil",
"About": "About",
"Send": "Send",
"Relays": "Relays",
"ProfileConfig": "My profile"
"ProfileConfig": "Mi perfil"
"conversationPage": {
"typeMessage": "Type message",
"typeMessage": "Escribir mensaje",
"notifications": {
"privateMessageSendError": "There was an error sending your message."
"privateMessageSendError": "Ha ocurrido un error enviando el mensaje."
"profileLoadPage": {
"relaysDescripion": "Connect with other relays if you have problems finding your data.",
"relays": "See relays",
"home": "Access",
"searchingProfile": "Searching for your profile",
"foundProfile": "Found profile",
"foundContacts": "{{contactsCount}} contacts found"
"relaysDescripion": "Conéctate a otros relays si tienes problemas encontrando tus datos.",
"relays": "Ver relays",
"home": "Acceder",
"searchingProfile": "Buscando tu perfil",
"foundProfile": "Perfil encontrado",
"foundContacts": "{{contactsCount}} contactos encontrados"
"sendPage": {
"isContact": "Following",
"isNotContact": "Not following",
"contentWarning": "Sensitive content",
"send": "Send"
"isContact": "Siguiendo",
"isNotContact": "Sin seguir",
"contentWarning": "Contenido sensible",
"send": "Enviar"
"menuItems": {
"relays": "Relays",
"notConnected": "Not connected",
"connectedRelays": "{{number}} connected",
"following": "{{following}} following",
"followers": "{{followers}} followers",
"configuration": "Configuration",
"notConnected": "No conectado",
"connectedRelays": "{{number}} conectados",
"following": "{{following}} siguiendo",
"followers": "{{followers}} seguidores",
"configuration": "Configuración",
"about": "About",
"logout": "Logout"
"logout": "Salir"
"noteCard": {
"answering": "Answer to {{username}}"
"answering": "Responder a {{username}}"
"profileCreatePage": {
"warningTitle": "Important",
"warningDescription": "Save your key on a safe place, if loose it, you won't be able to access or recover your profile.",
"warningAction": "Copy private key",
"accessButton": "Access",
"label": "Private key",
"copied": "Private key copied.",
"description": "Save this key on a safe place."
"warningTitle": "Importante",
"warningDescription": "Guarda tu clave privada en un lugar seguro, si la pierdes, no podrás acceder a tu perfil ni recuperarlo.",
"warningAction": "Copiar clave",
"accessButton": "Acceder",
"label": "Clave privada",
"copied": "Clave copiada",
"description": "Guarda la clave en un lugar seguro."
"loggerPage": {
"createButton": "Create keys",
"notKeys": "Don't have keys?",
"isPublic": "Access with public key",
"accessButton": "Access",
"privateKey": "Private key",
"publicKey": "Public key"
"createButton": "Crear claves",
"notKeys": "No tienes claves",
"isPublic": "Acceder con clave pública",
"accessButton": "Acceder",
"privateKey": "Clave privada",
"publicKey": "Clave pública"
"contactsFeed": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"addContact": "Add contact",
"addContactDescription": "Paste here the public key of the profile you want to add.",
"addContactTitle": "Add contact",
"followers": "Followers ({{count}})",
"following": "Following ({{count}})",
"stopFollowing": "Stop Following",
"follow": "Follow"
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"addContact": "Añadir contacto",
"addContactDescription": "Pega la clave pública de quien desees añadir.",
"addContactTitle": "Añadir contacto",
"followers": "Seguidores ({{count}})",
"following": "Siguiendo ({{count}})",
"stopFollowing": "Dejar de seguir",
"follow": "Seguir"
"aboutPage": {
"gitHub": "GitHub",
@ -91,84 +91,84 @@
"nips": "NIPs"
"relaysPage": {
"labelAdd": "Relay address",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"add": "Add",
"removeRelay": "Remove",
"copyRelay": "Copy",
"labelAdd": "Dirección de relay",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"add": "Añadir",
"removeRelay": "Borrar",
"copyRelay": "Copiar",
"notifications": {
"add": "Relay connected.",
"remove": "Relay removed.",
"badFormat": "Relay URL has a bad format."
"add": "Relay conectado",
"remove": "Relay borrado",
"badFormat": "La URL del relay no tiene el formato adecuado."
"profileConfigPage": {
"notifications": {
"nsecCopied": "Secret key copied.",
"npubCopied": "Public key copied.",
"profilePublished": "Profile published.",
"lud06Published": "LUD-06 published.",
"nip05Published": "NIP-05 published.",
"picturePublished": "Picture published.",
"connectionError": "Connection error."
"nsecCopied": "Clave secreta copiada.",
"npubCopied": "Clave pública copiada.",
"profilePublished": "Perfil publicado.",
"lud06Published": "LUD-06 publicado.",
"nip05Published": "NIP-05 publicado.",
"picturePublished": "Picture publicado.",
"connectionError": "Error de conexión"
"publishLud06": "Publish",
"publishLud06": "Publicar",
"lud06Label": "LNURL / Lightning Address",
"lud06Description": "Link your identity with a LNURL or Lightning Address.",
"lud06Description": "Vincula tu perfil a LNURL or Lightning Address.",
"lud06Title": "LUD-06",
"publishNip05": "Publish",
"nip05Link": "Learn more.",
"nip05Description": "Link your identity with a domain.",
"publishNip05": "Publicar",
"nip05Link": "Saber más.",
"nip05Description": "Vincula tu perfil con un dominio.",
"nip05Title": "NIP-05",
"directoryCancell": "Cancel",
"directoryContinue": "Continue",
"directoryCancell": "Cancelar",
"directoryContinue": "Continuar",
"directoryDescription": "Nostr Directory es una base de datos de claves públicas de nostr asociadas a una cuenta de Twitter. Encuentra a las personas que sigues en Twitter en nostr y añade tu clave pública para que tus seguidores te encuentren si lo deseas.\n\n\nAl verificar tu cuenta de Twitter se añadirá un distintivo en tu perfil.\n\n\nSi continuas tendrás que llevar a cabo el proceso de verificación fuera de la aplicación.",
"directoryTitle": "Nostr Directory",
"publishPicture": "Publish",
"pictureUrl": "Picture URL",
"pictureDescription": "Paste here the URL for the image you would like to display on your public profile.",
"pictureTitle": "Link profile's picture",
"publish": "Publish",
"nsec": "Secret key",
"npub": "Public key",
"copyNPub": "Copy",
"publishPicture": "Publicar",
"pictureUrl": "URL de imagen",
"pictureDescription": "Pega la URL de la imagen que desees mostrar en tu perfil público",
"pictureTitle": "Enlaza tu imagen de perfil",
"publish": "Publicar",
"nsec": "Clave secreta",
"npub": "Clave pública",
"copyNPub": "Copiar",
"directory": "Directory",
"lud06": "LUD-06",
"nip05": "NIP-05",
"name": "Name",
"about": "Description"
"name": "Nombre",
"about": "Descripción"
"profilePage": {
"contactAdded": "Profile followed",
"contactRemoved": "Profile unfollowed",
"npubCopied": "Public key copied."
"contactAdded": "Siguiendo",
"contactRemoved": "Dejando de seguir ",
"npubCopied": "Clave pública copiada."
"invoice": "Tip",
"message": "Message",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Following",
"copyNPub": "Copy key"
"invoice": "Propina",
"message": "Mensaje",
"follow": "Seguir",
"unfollow": "Siguiendo",
"copyNPub": "Copiar clave"
"profileCard": {
"contactAdded": "Profile followed",
"contactRemoved": "Profile unfollowed",
"npubCopied": "Public key copied."
"contactAdded": "Siguiendo",
"contactRemoved": "Dejando de seguir",
"npubCopied": "Clave pública copiada."
"invoice": "Tip",
"message": "Message",
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Following",
"copyNPub": "Copy key"
"invoice": "Propina",
"message": "Mensaje",
"follow": "Seguir",
"unfollow": "Siguiendo",
"copyNPub": "Copiar clave"
"conversationsFeed": {
"openMessage": "Open conversation",
"openMessageLabel": "Public key",
"openMessageDescription": "Paste here a public key to start a conversation",
"openMessageTitle": "Open conversation to public key",
"addPubKey": "Open conversation to public key",
"newMessageContact": "Open conversation to contact"
"openMessage": "Iniciar conversación",
"openMessageLabel": "Clave pública",
"openMessageDescription": "Pega una clave pública para iniciar una conversación.",
"openMessageTitle": "Iniciar conversación con clave pública",
"addPubKey": "Iniciar conversación con clave pública",
"newMessageContact": "Iniciar conversación con contacto"