This commit is contained in:
Bojan Mojsilovic 2024-05-23 19:23:41 +02:00
parent 129aca7a54
commit e075c7741f
28 changed files with 593 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { SearchProvider } from './contexts/SearchContext';
import { MessagesProvider } from './contexts/MessagesContext';
import { MediaProvider } from './contexts/MediaContext';
import { AppProvider } from './contexts/AppContext';
import { ReadsProvider } from './contexts/ReadsContext';
export const APP_ID = `${Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000)}`;
@ -39,13 +40,15 @@ const App: Component = () => {
<Router />
<Router />

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import { useNotificationsContext } from './contexts/NotificationsContext';
import { useSearchContext } from './contexts/SearchContext';
const Home = lazy(() => import('./pages/Home'));
const Reads = lazy(() => import('./pages/Reads'));
const Layout = lazy(() => import('./components/Layout/Layout'));
const Explore = lazy(() => import('./pages/Explore'));
const Thread = lazy(() => import('./pages/Thread'));
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ const Router: Component = () => {
<Route path="/" component={Layout} >
<Route path="/" component={Landing} />
<Route path="/home" component={Home} />
<Route path="/reads" component={Reads} />
<Route path="/thread/:id" component={Thread} />
<Route path="/e/:id" component={Thread} />
<Route path="/explore/:scope?/:timeframe?" component={Explore} />

View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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View File

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.1 KiB

View File

@ -39,44 +39,96 @@
.homeIcon {
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mask: url(../../assets/icons/home.svg) no-repeat center;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/home.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/home.svg) no-repeat center;
.readsIcon {
@include iconNav;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/long.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/long.svg) no-repeat center;
.exploreIcon {
@include iconNav;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/search.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/search.svg) no-repeat center;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/search.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/search.svg) no-repeat center;
.messagesIcon {
@include iconNav;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/messages.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/messages.svg) no-repeat center;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/messages.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/messages.svg) no-repeat center;
.notificationsIcon {
@include iconNav;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/notifications.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/notifications.svg) no-repeat center;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/notifications.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/notifications.svg) no-repeat center;
.downloadIcon {
@include iconNav;
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mask: url(../../assets/icons/download.svg) no-repeat center;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/downloads.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/downloads.svg) no-repeat center;
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mask: url(../../assets/icons/settings.svg) no-repeat center;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/settings.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/settings.svg) no-repeat center;
.helpIcon {
@include iconNav;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/help.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/help.svg) no-repeat center;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/help.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/help.svg) no-repeat center;
.bookmarkIcon {
@include iconNav;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/bookmark_empty.svg) no-repeat 0 / auto 100%;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/bookmark_empty.svg) no-repeat center 0 / auto 100%;
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/bookmarks.svg) no-repeat 0 / auto 100%;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/bookmarks.svg) no-repeat center 0 / auto 100%;
&:hover, {
.homeIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/home_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/home_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.readsIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/long_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/long_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.exploreIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/search_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/search_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.messagesIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/messages_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/messages_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.notificationsIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/notifications_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/notifications_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.downloadIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/downloads_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/downloads_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.settingsIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/settings_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/settings_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.helpIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/help_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/help_selected.svg) no-repeat center;
.bookmarkIcon {
background-color: var(--text-primary);
-webkit-mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/bookmarks_selected.svg) no-repeat 0 / auto 100%;
mask: url(../../assets/icons/nav/bookmarks_selected.svg) no-repeat center 0 / auto 100%;
.active {

View File

@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ const NavMenu: Component< { id?: string } > = (props) => {
label: intl.formatMessage(t.home),
icon: 'homeIcon',
to: '/reads',
label: intl.formatMessage(t.reads),
icon: 'readsIcon',
to: '/explore',
label: intl.formatMessage(t.explore),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
import { nip19 } from "nostr-tools";
import { createContext, createEffect, onCleanup, useContext } from "solid-js";
import { createStore, reconcile, unwrap } from "solid-js/store";
import { APP_ID } from "../App";
import { Kind } from "../constants";
import { getArticlesFeed, getEvents, getExploreFeed, getFeed, getFutureExploreFeed, getFutureFeed } from "../lib/feed";
import { fetchStoredFeed, saveStoredFeed } from "../lib/localStore";
import { setLinkPreviews } from "../lib/notes";
import { getScoredUsers, searchContent } from "../lib/search";
import { isConnected, refreshSocketListeners, removeSocketListeners, socket, subscribeTo, subsTo } from "../sockets";
import { sortingPlan, convertToNotes, parseEmptyReposts, paginationPlan, isInTags, isRepostInCollection } from "../stores/note";
import {
} from "../types/primal";
import { parseBolt11 } from "../utils";
import { useAccountContext } from "./AccountContext";
import { useSettingsContext } from "./SettingsContext";
type Event = any;
type EventPage = Record<number, {
events: Event[],
since: number,
until: number,
type ReadsContextData = {
events: Record<number, Event[]>,
pages: EventPage[],
currentPageNumber: number,
type ReadsContextStore = ReadsContextData & {
actions: {
fetchPage: (page: number, kind: number) => void;
const initialData: ReadsContextData = {
events: {},
pages: [],
currentPageNumber: 0,
export const ReadsContext = createContext<ReadsContextStore>();
export const ReadsProvider = (props: { children: ContextChildren }) => {
const settings = useSettingsContext();
const account = useAccountContext();
const handleEvent = (event: NostrEventContent, page: number) => {
const { kind, content } = event;
if (!store.pages[page]) {
updateStore('pages', page, {})
if (!store.pages[page][kind]) {
updateStore('pages', page, { [kind]: { events: [], since: 0, until: 0 }})
updateStore('pages', page, kind, 'events', (es) => [, content]);
const handleEose = (page: number) => {
console.log('STORE: ', store.pages);
// ACTIONS --------------------------------------
const fetchPage = (page: number, kind: number) => {
const subId = `e_${kind}_${page}_${APP_ID}`;
const unsub = subsTo(subId, {
onEvent: (_, content) => {
handleEvent(content, page);
onEose: (_) => {
onNotice: (_, reason) => {},
const until = 0;
const limit = 10;
const offset = 0;
if (kind === Kind.LongForm) {
// SOCKET HANDLERS ------------------------------
// const onMessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
// const message: NostrEvent | NostrEOSE = JSON.parse(;
// const [type, subId, content] = message;
// if (subId === `home_sidebar_${APP_ID}`) {
// if (type === 'EOSE') {
// saveSidebarPage(;
// return;
// }
// if (!content) {
// return;
// }
// if (type === 'EVENT') {
// updateSidebarPage(content);
// return;
// }
// }
// if (subId === `home_feed_${APP_ID}`) {
// if (type === 'EOSE') {
// const reposts = parseEmptyReposts(;
// const ids = Object.keys(reposts);
// if (ids.length === 0) {
// savePage(;
// return;
// }
// updateStore('reposts', () => reposts);
// getEvents(account?.publicKey, ids, `home_reposts_${APP_ID}`);
// return;
// }
// if (type === 'EVENT') {
// updatePage(content);
// return;
// }
// }
// if (subId === `home_reposts_${APP_ID}`) {
// if (type === 'EOSE') {
// savePage(;
// return;
// }
// if (type === 'EVENT') {
// const repostId = (content as NostrNoteContent).id;
// const reposts = store.reposts || {};
// const parent = => === reposts[repostId]);
// if (parent) {
// updateStore('page', 'messages', (msg) => ===, 'content', () => JSON.stringify(content));
// }
// return;
// }
// }
// if (subId === `home_future_${APP_ID}`) {
// if (type === 'EOSE') {
// const reposts = parseEmptyReposts(;
// const ids = Object.keys(reposts);
// if (ids.length === 0) {
// savePage(, 'future');
// return;
// }
// updateStore('future', 'reposts', () => reposts);
// getEvents(account?.publicKey, ids, `home_future_reposts_${APP_ID}`);
// return;
// }
// if (type === 'EVENT') {
// updatePage(content, 'future');
// return;
// }
// }
// if (subId === `home_future_reposts_${APP_ID}`) {
// if (type === 'EOSE') {
// savePage(, 'future');
// return;
// }
// if (type === 'EVENT') {
// const repostId = (content as NostrNoteContent).id;
// const reposts = store.future.reposts || {};
// const parent = => === reposts[repostId]);
// if (parent) {
// updateStore('future', 'page', 'messages', (msg) => ===, 'content', () => JSON.stringify(content));
// }
// return;
// }
// }
// };
// const onSocketClose = (closeEvent: CloseEvent) => {
// const webSocket = as WebSocket;
// removeSocketListeners(
// webSocket,
// { message: onMessage, close: onSocketClose },
// );
// };
// EFFECTS --------------------------------------
// createEffect(() => {
// if (isConnected()) {
// refreshSocketListeners(
// socket(),
// { message: onMessage, close: onSocketClose },
// );
// }
// });
// onCleanup(() => {
// removeSocketListeners(
// socket(),
// { message: onMessage, close: onSocketClose },
// );
// });
// STORES ---------------------------------------
const [store, updateStore] = createStore<ReadsContextStore>({
actions: {
// RENDER -------------------------------------
return (
<ReadsContext.Provider value={store}>
export const useReadsContext = () => useContext(ReadsContext);

View File

@ -126,6 +126,27 @@ a {
border: 2px solid red;
position:absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; z-index:-1; // hide images
.reply_icon {
-webkit-mask: url(./assets/icons/feed_reply.svg) no-repeat 0 / 100%;
mask: url(./assets/icons/feed_reply_fill.svg) no-repeat 0 / 100%;

View File

@ -46,6 +46,26 @@ export const getFeed = (user_pubkey: string | undefined, pubkey: string | undef
export const getArticlesFeed = (user_pubkey: string | undefined, pubkey: string | undefined, subid: string, until = 0, limit = 20, offset=0) => {
if (!pubkey) {
const start = until === 0 ? 'since' : 'until';
let payload = { limit, [start]: until, pubkey, offset };
if (user_pubkey) {
payload.user_pubkey = user_pubkey;
{cache: ["long_form_content_feed", payload]},
export const getEvents = (user_pubkey: string | undefined, eventIds: string[], subid: string, extendResponse?: boolean) => {
let payload: {event_ids: string[], user_pubkey?: string, extended_response?: boolean } =

src/pages/Reads.tsx Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
import {
} from 'solid-js';
import Note from '../components/Note/Note';
import styles from './Home.module.scss';
import HomeHeader from '../components/HomeHeader/HomeHeader';
import Loader from '../components/Loader/Loader';
import Paginator from '../components/Paginator/Paginator';
import HomeSidebar from '../components/HomeSidebar/HomeSidebar';
import Branding from '../components/Branding/Branding';
import HomeHeaderPhone from '../components/HomeHeaderPhone/HomeHeaderPhone';
import Wormhole from '../components/Wormhole/Wormhole';
import { scrollWindowTo } from '../lib/scroll';
import StickySidebar from '../components/StickySidebar/StickySidebar';
import { useHomeContext } from '../contexts/HomeContext';
import { useIntl } from '@cookbook/solid-intl';
import { createStore } from 'solid-js/store';
import { PrimalUser } from '../types/primal';
import Avatar from '../components/Avatar/Avatar';
import { userName } from '../stores/profile';
import { useAccountContext } from '../contexts/AccountContext';
import { reads as tReads, branding } from '../translations';
import Search from '../components/Search/Search';
import { setIsHome } from '../components/Layout/Layout';
import PageTitle from '../components/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import { useAppContext } from '../contexts/AppContext';
import PageCaption from '../components/PageCaption/PageCaption';
import { useReadsContext } from '../contexts/ReadsContext';
import { Kind } from '../constants';
const Reads: Component = () => {
const intl = useIntl();
const reads = useReadsContext();
onMount(() => {
reads?.actions.fetchPage(0, Kind.LongForm);
return (
<div class={styles.homeContent}>
<PageTitle title={intl.formatMessage(branding)} />
<PageCaption title={intl.formatMessage(tReads.pageTitle)} />
<Search />
export default Reads;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { createSignal } from "solid-js";
import { logError, logInfo } from "./lib/logger";
import { NostrEvent, NostrEOSE, NostrEventType, NostrEventContent, PrimalWindow } from "./types/primal";
import { NostrEvent, NostrEOSE, NostrEventType, NostrEventContent, PrimalWindow, NostrNotice } from "./types/primal";
export const [socket, setSocket] = createSignal<WebSocket>();
@ -142,3 +142,39 @@ export const subTo = (socket: WebSocket, subId: string, cb: (type: NostrEventTyp
socket.removeEventListener('message', listener);
export const subsTo = (
subId: string,
handlers?: {
onEvent?: (subId: string, content: NostrEventContent) => void,
onNotice?: (subId: string, reason: string) => void,
onEose?: (subId: string) => void,
) => {
const listener = (event: MessageEvent) => {
const message: NostrEvent | NostrEOSE | NostrNotice = JSON.parse(;
const [type, subscriptionId] = message;
if (handlers && subId === subscriptionId) {
if (type === 'EVENT') {
handlers.onEvent && handlers.onEvent(subscriptionId, message[2]);
if (type === 'EOSE') {
handlers.onEose && handlers.onEose(subscriptionId);
if (type === 'NOTICE') {
handlers.onNotice && handlers.onNotice(subscriptionId, message[2])
socket()?.addEventListener('message', listener);
return () => {
socket()?.removeEventListener('message', listener);

View File

@ -709,6 +709,11 @@ export const navBar = {
defaultMessage: 'Home',
description: 'Label for the nav bar item link to Home page',
reads: {
id: 'navbar.reads',
defaultMessage: 'Reads',
description: 'Label for the nav bar item link to Reads page',
explore: {
id: 'navbar.explore',
defaultMessage: 'Explore',
@ -2127,6 +2132,14 @@ export const followWarning = {
export const reads = {
pageTitle: {
id: 'reads.pageTitle',
defaultMessage: 'Reads',
description: 'Reads page title',
export const bookmarks = {
pageTitle: {
id: 'bookmarks.pageTitle',

src/types/primal.d.ts vendored
View File

@ -279,6 +279,12 @@ export type NostrEOSE = [
subkey: string,
export type NostrNotice = [
type: "NOTICE",
subkey: string,
reason: string,
export type NoteActions = {
event_id: string,
liked: boolean,
@ -486,6 +492,17 @@ export type PrimalNote = {
topZaps: TopZap[],
export type PrimalArticle = {
title: string,
summary: string,
image: string,
tags: string[],
published: number,
content: string,
author: PrimalUser,
topZaps: TopZap[],
export type PrimalFeed = {
name: string,
npub?: string,