chore: Update translations
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing

This commit is contained in:
Kieran 2023-12-03 14:07:59 +00:00
parent f3dfeab0f8
commit ca6fde4f10
4 changed files with 140 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { OkResponse } from "@snort/system";
import { useState } from "react";
import { useIntl } from "react-intl";
export function OkResponseRow({ rsp, close }: { rsp: OkResponse, close: () => void }) {
export function OkResponseRow({ rsp, close }: { rsp: OkResponse; close: () => void }) {
const [r, setResult] = useState(rsp);
const { formatMessage } = useIntl();
const { publisher, system } = useEventPublisher();

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"/d6vEc": "Mach dein Profil leichter zu finden und zu teilen",
"/n5KSF": "{n} ms",
"00LcfG": "Mehr laden",
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"08zn6O": "Schlüssel exportieren",
"0Azlrb": "Verwalten",
"0BUTMv": "Suche...",
"0HFX0T": "Exakten Standort verwenden",
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"FdhSU2": "Jetzt abholen",
"FfYsOb": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten!",
"FmXUJg": "Folgt dir",
"FvanT6": "Accounts",
"FvanT6": "Konten",
"G/yZLu": "Entfernen",
"G1BGCg": "Wallet auswählen",
"GFOoEE": "Salt",
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"MP54GY": "Wallet Passwort",
"MWTx65": "Standardseite",
"MiMipu": "Als primäre Nostr-Adresse (nip05) festlegen",
"Ml7+RS": "Send this link to your friends and share the magic of the nostr.",
"Ml7+RS": "Schicke diesen Link an deine Freunde und teile den Zauber des Nostr.",
"Mrpkot": "Abonnement bezahlen",
"MuVeKe": "Nostr-Adresse kaufen",
"MzRYWH": "{item} kaufen",
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
"QDFTjG": "{n} Relais",
"QWhotP": "Zap Pool funktioniert nur, wenn du eine der unterstützten Wallet-Verbindungen verwenden (WebLN, LNC, LNDHub oder Nostr Wallet Connect)",
"Qxv0B2": "Du hast aktuell {number} sats in deinem Zap Pool.",
"R/6nsx": "Subscription",
"R/6nsx": "Abonnement",
"R81upa": "Personen, denen du folgst",
"RSr2uB": "Benutzername darf nur Kleinbuchstaben und Ziffern enthalten",
"RahCRH": "Abgelaufen",
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
"Ub+AGc": "Anmelden",
"Up5U7K": "Blockieren",
"UrKTqQ": "Du hast ein aktives Konto",
"UxgyeY": "Your referral code is {code}",
"UxgyeY": "Dein Empfehlungscode ist {code}",
"VL900k": "Empfohlene Relais",
"VN0+Fz": "Guthaben: {amount} Sats",
"VOjC1i": "Wähle einen Upload-Dienst für deine Anhänge",
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
"ZLmyG9": "Mitwirkende",
"ZS+jRE": "Sende Zap-Aufteilungen an",
"Zff6lu": "Benutzername<b>{name}</b> ist reserviert für dich!",
"ZlmK/p": "{name} invited you to {app}",
"ZlmK/p": "{name} hat dich zu {app} eingeladen",
"a5UPxh": "Finanziere Entwickler und Plattformen, die NIP-05-Verifizierungsdienste anbieten",
"a7TDNm": "Notes werden in Echtzeit in Global- und Notes-Tab gestreamt",
"aHje0o": "Name oder Nym",
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
"hMzcSq": "Nachrichten",
"hRTfTR": "PRO",
"hY4lzx": "Unterstützt",
"hYOE+U": "Invite",
"hYOE+U": "Einladen",
"ha8JKG": "Graph anzeigen",
"hicxcO": "Antworten anzeigen",
"hmZ3Bz": "Medien",
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
"kc79d3": "Themen",
"kuPHYE": "{n,plural,=0{{name} gefällt das} other{{name} & {n} anderen gefällt das}}",
"l+ikU1": "Alles aus {plan}",
"l3H1EK": "Invite your friends",
"l3H1EK": "Lade deine Freunde ein",
"lCILNz": "Jetzt kaufen",
"lD3+8a": "Bezahlen",
"lPWASz": "Snort Nostr-Adresse",

View File

@ -202,221 +202,221 @@
"K7AkdL": "Show",
"KAhAcM": "Enter LNDHub config",
"KHK8B9": "Relay",
"KQvWvD": "Deleted",
"KahimY": "Unknown event kind: {kind}",
"KoFlZg": "Enter mint URL",
"KtsyO0": "Enter Pin",
"KQvWvD": "Dipadam",
"KahimY": "Jenis 'event' tidak diketahui: {kind}",
"KoFlZg": "Enter URL mint",
"KtsyO0": "Masukkan Pin",
"LF5kYT": "Other Connections",
"LR1XjT": "Pin too short",
"LXxsbk": "Anonymous",
"LR1XjT": "PIN terlalu pendek",
"LXxsbk": "Anonim",
"LgbKvU": "Comment",
"Lu5/Bj": "Open on Zapstr",
"Lu5/Bj": "Buka di Zapstr",
"Lw+I+J": "{n,plural,=0{{name} zapped} other{{name} & {n} others zapped}}",
"LwYmVi": "Zaps on this note will be split to the following users.",
"M3Oirc": "Debug Menus",
"M3Oirc": "Menu Debug",
"MBAYRO": "Shows \"Copy ID\" and \"Copy Event JSON\" in the context menu on each message",
"MI2jkA": "Not available:",
"MP54GY": "Wallet password",
"MI2jkA": "Tidak tersedia:",
"MP54GY": "pwd dompet",
"MWTx65": "Default Page",
"MiMipu": "Set as primary Nostr address (nip05)",
"MiMipu": "Tetapkan sebagai alamat Nostr utama (nip05)",
"Ml7+RS": "Send this link to your friends and share the magic of the nostr.",
"Mrpkot": "Pay for subscription",
"MuVeKe": "Buy nostr address",
"MzRYWH": "Buying {item}",
"Mzizei": " account",
"MuVeKe": "Beli alamat nostr",
"MzRYWH": "item{item}",
"Mzizei": "Akun",
"N2IrpM": "Confirm",
"NAidKb": "Notifications",
"NAuFNH": "You already have a subscription of this type, please renew or pay",
"NdOYJJ": "Hmm nothing here.. Checkout {newUsersPage} to follow some recommended nostrich's!",
"NepkXH": "Can't vote with {amount} sats, please set a different default zap amount",
"NndBJE": "New users page",
"O8Z8t9": "Show More",
"OEW7yJ": "Zaps",
"NndBJE": "Halaman 'users' baru",
"O8Z8t9": "Minta Lebih",
"OEW7yJ": "Zap-zap",
"OKhRC6": "Share",
"OLEm6z": "Unknown login error",
"OQSOJF": "Get a free nostr address",
"OQXnew": "You subscription is still active, you can't renew yet",
"ORGv1Q": "Created",
"P61BTu": "Copy Event JSON",
"P7FD0F": "System (Default)",
"P7nJT9": "Total today (UTC): {amount} sats",
"PCSt5T": "Preferences",
"PJeJFc": "Summary",
"PamNxw": "Unknown file header: {name}",
"Pe0ogR": "Theme",
"OLEm6z": "Kesalahan login tidak dikenal",
"OQSOJF": "Dapatkan alamat nostr gratis",
"OQXnew": "Langganan anda masih aktif, anda belum dapat memperbarui-nya",
"ORGv1Q": "Dilahir",
"P61BTu": "Salin 'Event' JSON",
"P7FD0F": "Sistem (Default)",
"P7nJT9": "Total hari ini (UTC): {amount} sats",
"PCSt5T": "Prefs",
"PJeJFc": "Ringkasan",
"PamNxw": "Header file tidak dikenal: {name}",
"Pe0ogR": "Tema",
"PrsIg7": "Reactions will be shown on every page, if disabled no reactions will be shown",
"QDFTjG": "{n} Relays",
"QWhotP": "Zap Pool only works if you use one of the supported wallet connections (WebLN, LNC, LNDHub or Nostr Wallet Connect)",
"Qxv0B2": "You currently have {number} sats in your zap pool.",
"Qxv0B2": "Saat ini Anda memiliki {number} sat di zap pool Anda.",
"R/6nsx": "Subscription",
"R81upa": "People you follow",
"RSr2uB": "Username must only contain lowercase letters and numbers",
"RahCRH": "Expired",
"RfhLwC": "By: {author}",
"RhDAoS": "Are you sure you want to delete {id}",
"RjpoYG": "Recent",
"RoOyAh": "Relays",
"Rs4kCE": "Bookmark",
"RwFaYs": "Sort",
"R81upa": "Orang yang Anda mengintip",
"RSr2uB": "Nama hanya boleh diterima jika ia huruf kecilan dan ber-angka",
"RahCRH": "Kedaluwarsa",
"RfhLwC": "Oleh: {author}",
"RhDAoS": "Anda yakin ingin memadam {id} ke?",
"RjpoYG": "Terbaru",
"RoOyAh": "relay-relay",
"Rs4kCE": "Penanda",
"RwFaYs": "Urut-kan",
"SLZGPn": "Enter a pin to encrypt your private key, you must enter this pin every time you open {site}.",
"SMO+on": "Send zap to {name}",
"SOqbe9": "Update Lightning Address",
"SP0+yi": "Buy Subscription",
"SYQtZ7": "LN Address Proxy",
"ShdEie": "Mark all read",
"SMO+on": "Kirim zap ke {name}",
"SOqbe9": "Perbarui Alamat 'Lightning'",
"SP0+yi": "Beli Langganan",
"SYQtZ7": "Proxy Alamat LN",
"ShdEie": "Tandai semua sudah dibaca",
"Sjo1P4": "Custom",
"SmuYUd": "What should we call you?",
"Ss0sWu": "Pay Now",
"SmuYUd": "Kami memanggilmu dengan nama apa?",
"Ss0sWu": "Bayar Sekarang",
"StKzTE": "The author has marked this note as a <i>sensitive topic</i>",
"TDR5ge": "Media in notes will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"TJo5E6": "Preview",
"TP/cMX": "Ended",
"TaeBqw": "Sign in with Nostr Extension",
"TdtZQ5": "Crypto",
"TpgeGw": "Hex Salt..",
"Tpy00S": "People",
"TP/cMX": "Telah Tamat",
"TaeBqw": "Masuk dengan Extension Nostr",
"TdtZQ5": "Kripto",
"TpgeGw": "Garam Hex..",
"Tpy00S": "Ummah",
"U1aPPi": "Stop listening",
"UDYlxu": "Pending Subscriptions",
"UJTWqI": "Remove from my relays",
"UDYlxu": "Langganan Tertunda",
"UJTWqI": "Hapus dari `relay` saya",
"UNjfWJ": "Check all event signatures received from relays",
"UT7Nkj": "New Chat",
"UT7Nkj": "Chat Baru",
"UUPFlt": "Users must accept the content warning to show the content of your note.",
"Ub+AGc": "Sign In",
"Up5U7K": "Block",
"UrKTqQ": "You have an active account",
"Ub+AGc": "Masuk",
"Up5U7K": "Blok",
"UrKTqQ": "anda memiliki akun yang aktif",
"UxgyeY": "Your referral code is {code}",
"VL900k": "Recommended Relays",
"VN0+Fz": "Balance: {amount} sats",
"VN0+Fz": "Baki: {amount} sats",
"VOjC1i": "Pick which upload service you want to upload attachments to",
"VR5eHw": "Public key (npub/nprofile)",
"VcwrfF": "Yes please",
"VR5eHw": "Kunci pub (npub/nprofile)",
"VcwrfF": "Ya, silakan.",
"VfhYxG": "To see a full list of changes you can view the changelog {here}",
"VlJkSk": "{n} muted",
"VlJkSk": "{n}n",
"VnXp8Z": "Avatar",
"VvaJst": "View Wallets",
"W1yoZY": "It looks like you dont have any subscriptions, you can get one {link}",
"W2PiAr": "{n} Blocked",
"W9355R": "Unmute",
"W2PiAr": "{n} Diblok",
"W9355R": "Berhenti bisu-kan",
"WmZhfL": "Automatically translate notes to your local language",
"WvGmZT": "npub / nprofile / nostr address",
"X6tipZ": "Sign in with key",
"X7xU8J": "nsec, npub, nip-05, hex, mnemonic",
"XECMfW": "Send usage metrics",
"XICsE8": "File hosts",
"WvGmZT": "alamat npub / nprofile / nostr",
"X6tipZ": "Masuk dengan kunci",
"X7xU8J": "nsec, npub, nip-05, hex, mnemo",
"XECMfW": "Kirim metrik penggunaan",
"XICsE8": "Host fail",
"XXm7jJ": "Trending Hashtags",
"XgWvGA": "Reactions",
"XgWvGA": "Emojis",
"Xopqkl": "Your default zap amount is {number} sats, example values are calculated from this.",
"XrSk2j": "Redeem",
"YDURw6": "Service URL",
"YDURw6": "URL app layanan",
"YR2I9M": "No keys, no {app}, There is no way to reset it if you don't back up. It only takes a minute.",
"YXA3AH": "Enable reactions",
"YXA3AH": "Aktifkan kiriman Emojis",
"Z4BMCZ": "Enter pairing phrase",
"ZKORll": "Activate Now",
"ZLmyG9": "Contributors",
"ZS+jRE": "Send zap splits to",
"Zff6lu": "Username<b>{name}</b> is reserved for you!",
"ZS+jRE": "Kirim zap split ke",
"Zff6lu": "Nama<b>{name}</b> telah disediakan untuk Anda!",
"ZlmK/p": "{name} invited you to {app}",
"a5UPxh": "Fund developers and platforms providing NIP-05 verification services",
"a7TDNm": "Notes will stream in real time into global and notes tab",
"aHje0o": "Name or nym",
"aMaLBK": "Supported Extensions",
"aWpBzj": "Show more",
"b12Goz": "Mnemonic",
"aHje0o": "Nama atau nym",
"aMaLBK": "'Extension' yang Didukung",
"aWpBzj": "Minta Lebih",
"b12Goz": "Mnemo",
"b5vAk0": "Your handle will act like a lightning address and will redirect to your chosen LNURL or Lightning address",
"bLZL5a": "Get Address",
"bLZL5a": "Dapatkan Alamat",
"bQdA2k": "Sensitive Content",
"bep9C3": "Public Key",
"bep9C3": "Kunci Pub",
"bfvyfs": "Anon",
"bxv59V": "Just now",
"c+JYNI": "No thanks",
"bxv59V": "Baru saja",
"c+JYNI": "Tidak, terima kasih.",
"c35bj2": "If you have an enquiry about your NIP-05 order please DM {link}",
"c3g2hL": "Broadcast Again",
"c3g2hL": "Menyiarkan Lagi",
"cFbU1B": "Using Alby? Go to {link} to get your NWC config!",
"cHCwbF": "Photography",
"cPIKU2": "Following",
"cPIKU2": "Mengintipi",
"cQfLWb": "URL..",
"cWx9t8": "Mute all",
"cWx9t8": "Bisukan semua",
"cg1VJ2": "Connect Wallet",
"cuP16y": "Multi account support",
"cuV2gK": "name is registered",
"cyR7Kh": "Back",
"cuV2gK": "nama terdaftar",
"cyR7Kh": "Pulang",
"d+6YsV": "Lists to mute:",
"d6CyG5": "History",
"d7d0/x": "LN Address",
"d6CyG5": "Sejarah",
"d7d0/x": "Alamat LN",
"d8gpCh": "Try to use less than 5 hashtags to stay on topic 🙏",
"dOQCL8": "Display name",
"dOQCL8": "Nama tampilan",
"ddd3JX": "Popular Hashtags",
"deEeEI": "Register",
"djNL6D": "Read-only",
"deEeEI": "Daftar",
"djNL6D": "R-O",
"dmsiLv": "A default Zap Pool split of {n} has been configured for {site} developers, you can disable it at any time in {link}",
"e61Jf3": "Coming soon",
"e7VmYP": "Enter pin to unlock your private key",
"e7qqly": "Mark All Read",
"eF0Re7": "Use a nostr signer extension to sign in",
"eF0Re7": "Gunakan 'extension' penanda mecha nostr untuk masuk",
"eHAneD": "Reaction emoji",
"eJj8HD": "Get Verified",
"eSzf2G": "A single zap of {nIn} sats will allocate {nOut} sats to the zap pool.",
"eXT2QQ": "Group Chat",
"eXT2QQ": "Chat Kumpulan",
"egib+2": "{n,plural,=1{& {n} other} other{& {n} others}}",
"fBI91o": "Zap",
"fBlba3": "Thanks for using {site}, please consider donating if you can.",
"fBlba3": "Kumpulan kami amat menghargai masa anda bersama {site}, mohon sumbangan titis pulah anda jika anda mampu.",
"fOksnD": "Can't vote because LNURL service does not support zaps",
"fQN+tq": "Show posts that have a content warning tag",
"fWZYP5": "Pinned",
"fX5RYm": "Pick a few topics of interest",
"filwqD": "Read",
"fWZYP5": "Disematkan",
"fX5RYm": "Pilih beberapa topik yang menarik",
"filwqD": "Baca",
"fjAcWo": "Gift Wraps",
"flnGvv": "What's on your mind?",
"flnGvv": "Apa yang sedang kamu pikirkan?",
"fqwcJ1": "On-chain Donation",
"fsB/4p": "Saved",
"g5pX+a": "About",
"fsB/4p": "ye Simpan!",
"g5pX+a": "Tentang",
"g985Wp": "Failed to send vote",
"gDzDRs": "Emoji to send when reactiong to a note",
"gXgY3+": "Not all clients support this yet",
"gczcC5": "Subscribe",
"gczcC5": "sub-to",
"geppt8": "{count} ({count2} in memory)",
"gjBiyj": "Loading...",
"grQ+mI": "Proof of Work",
"h7jvCs": "{site} is more fun together!",
"h8XMJL": "Badges",
"hMzcSq": "Messages",
"grQ+mI": "Proof-of-Work",
"h7jvCs": "{site} lebih seronok jikalau bersama!",
"h8XMJL": "Lencana",
"hMzcSq": "Msg2",
"hRTfTR": "PRO",
"hY4lzx": "Supports",
"hYOE+U": "Invite",
"ha8JKG": "Show graph",
"hicxcO": "Show replies",
"hicxcO": "Tampilkan balasan",
"hmZ3Bz": "Media",
"hniz8Z": "here",
"hniz8Z": "di sini",
"i/dBAR": "Zap Pool",
"iCqGww": "Reactions ({n})",
"iEoXYx": "DeepL translations",
"iGT1eE": "Prevent fake accounts from imitating you",
"iEoXYx": "terjemahan DeepL",
"iGT1eE": "Cegah akaun palsu meniru Anda",
"iNWbVV": "Handle",
"iXPL0Z": "Can't login with private key on an insecure connection, please use a Nostr key manager extension instead",
"iYc3Ld": "Payments",
"iYc3Ld": "Pembayaran",
"ieGrWo": "Follow",
"itPgxd": "Profile",
"itPgxd": "Profil",
"izWS4J": "Unfollow",
"j9xbzF": "Already backed up",
"jA3OE/": "{n,plural,=1{{n} sat} other{{n} sats}}",
"jAmfGl": "Your {site_name} subscription is expired",
"jAmfGl": "Langganan {site_name} Anda telah kedaluwarsa",
"jHa/ko": "Clean up your feed",
"jMzO1S": "Internal error: {msg}",
"jTrbGf": "{n} km - {location}",
"jfV8Wr": "Back",
"jfV8Wr": "Pulang",
"jvo0vs": "Save",
"jzgQ2z": "{n} Reactions",
"k2veDA": "Write",
"k7sKNy": "Our very own NIP-05 verification service, help support the development of this site and get a shiny special badge on our site!",
"kEZUR8": "Register an Iris username",
"kJYo0u": "{n,plural,=0{{name} reposted} other{{name} & {n} others reposted}}",
"kaaf1E": "now",
"kc79d3": "Topics",
"kaaf1E": "sekarang",
"kc79d3": "Topiks",
"kuPHYE": "{n,plural,=0{{name} liked} other{{name} & {n} others liked}}",
"l+ikU1": "Everything in {plan}",
"l+ikU1": "Semuanya dlm {plan}",
"l3H1EK": "Invite your friends",
"lCILNz": "Buy Now",
"lD3+8a": "Pay",
"lCILNz": "Beli Sekarang",
"lD3+8a": "Bayar",
"lPWASz": "Snort nostr address",
"lTbT3s": "Wallet password",
"lgg1KN": "account page",