New Crowdin updates #508

v0l merged 43 commits from l10n_main into main 2023-04-13 09:00:09 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit 5acf150ddc - Show all commits

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@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
{ {
"+D82kt": "Are you sure you want to repost: {id}", "+D82kt": "Are you sure you want to repost: {id}",
"+aZY2h": "Zap Type", "+aZY2h": "Zap Type",
"+vIQlC": "Please make sure to save the following password in order to manage your handle in the future", "+vIQlC": "Obavezno spremite lozinku koja slijedi kako biste u budućnosti mogli upravljati svojim računom",
"+vVZ/G": "Poveži", "+vVZ/G": "Poveži",
"/4tOwT": "Skip", "/4tOwT": "Preskoči",
"/JE/X+": "Account Support", "/JE/X+": "Podrška za račun",
"/PCavi": "Public", "/PCavi": "Javno",
"/RD0e2": "Nostr uses digital signature technology to provide tamper proof notes which can safely be replicated to many relays to provide redundant storage of your content.", "/RD0e2": "Nostr koristi tehnologiju digitalnog potpisa kako bi pružio bilješke o zaštiti od neovlaštenog mijenjanja koje se mogu sigurno replicirati na mnoge releje kako bi se osigurala nepotrebna pohrana vašeg sadržaja.",
"/d6vEc": "Make your profile easier to find and share", "/d6vEc": "Olakšajte pronalazak i dijeljenje svog profila",
"/n5KSF": "{n} ms", "/n5KSF": "{n} ms",
"0BUTMv": "Search...", "0BUTMv": "Pretraga...",
"0jOEtS": "Invalid LNURL", "0jOEtS": "Nevažeći LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "name has disallowed characters", "0mch2Y": "ime sadrži nepodržane znakove",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secs", "0yO7wF": "{n} secs",
"1A7TZk": "What is Snort and how does it work?", "1A7TZk": "Što je Snort i kako funkcionira?",
"1Mo59U": "Are you sure you want to remove this note from bookmarks?", "1Mo59U": "Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti ovu bilješku iz trake s oznakama?",
"1c4YST": "Connected to: {node} 🎉", "1c4YST": "Povezano s: {node} 🎉",
"1iQ8GN": "Toggle Preview", "1iQ8GN": "Toggle Preview",
"1nYUGC": "{n} Following", "1nYUGC": "{n} Following",
"1udzha": "Conversations", "1udzha": "Razgovori",
"2/2yg+": "Add", "2/2yg+": "Dodaj",
"25V4l1": "Banner", "25V4l1": "Natpis",
"2IFGap": "Donate", "2IFGap": "Doniraj",
"2LbrkB": "Enter password", "2LbrkB": "Unesi lozinku",
"2a2YiP": "{n} Bookmarks", "2a2YiP": "{n} Oznake",
"2k0Cv+": "Dislikes ({n})", "2k0Cv+": "Dislikes ({n})",
"3Rx6Qo": "Advanced", "3Rx6Qo": "Napredno",
"3cc4Ct": "Light", "3cc4Ct": "Svijetlo",
"3gOsZq": "Translators", "3gOsZq": "Prevoditelji",
"3t3kok": "{n,plural,=1{{n} new note} other{{n} new notes}}", "3t3kok": "{n,plural,=1{{n} new note} other{{n} new notes}}",
"3tVy+Z": "{n} Followers", "3tVy+Z": "{n} Pratitelji",
"3xCwbZ": "OR", "3xCwbZ": "ILI",
"3yk8fB": "Wallet", "3yk8fB": "Novčanik",
"450Fty": "None", "450Fty": "Nijedan",
"47FYwb": "Cancel", "47FYwb": "Otkaži",
"4IPzdn": "Primary Developers", "4IPzdn": "Primarni Developeri",
"4L2vUY": "Your new NIP-05 handle is:", "4L2vUY": "Your new NIP-05 handle is:",
"4OB335": "Dislike", "4OB335": "Dislike",
"4Vmpt4": "Nostr Plebs is one of the first NIP-05 providers in the space and offers a good collection of domains at reasonable prices", "4Vmpt4": "Nostr Plebs je jedan od prvih NIP-05 pružatelja usluge u svemiru i nudi široku kolekciju domena po razumnim cijenama",
"4Z3t5i": "Use imgproxy to compress images", "4Z3t5i": "Koristi imgproxy za komprimiranje slika",
"4rYCjn": "Note to Self", "4rYCjn": "Bilješka sebi",
"5rOdPG": "Once you setup your key manager extension and generated a key, you can follow our new users flow to setup your profile and help you find some interesting people on Nostr to follow.", "5rOdPG": "Jednom kad postavite ekstenziju za upravljanje ključevima i izgenerirate svoj ključ, možete zapratiti naš predložak za nove korisnike kako biste postavili svoj profil i kako bismo Vam pomogli pronaći zanimljive ljude na Nostr-u za praćenje.",
"5u6iEc": "Transfer to Pubkey", "5u6iEc": "Prebaci na Pubkey",
"5ykRmX": "Send zap", "5ykRmX": "Pošalji zap",
"6ewQqw": "Likes ({n})", "6ewQqw": "Likes ({n})",
"6tUqAb": "Generate a public / private key pair. Do not share your private key with anyone, this acts as your password. Once lost, it cannot be “reset” or recovered. Keep safe!", "6tUqAb": "Izgeneriraj javni / privatni par ključeva. Nemojte dijeliti Vaš privatni ključ ni s kim, on se ponaša kao Vaša lozinka. Ako ga izgubite, ne možete ga \"resetirati\" ili ponovno generirati. Čuvajte ga!",
"7+Domh": "Notes", "7+Domh": "Bilješke",
"7hp70g": "NIP-05", "7hp70g": "NIP-05",
"7xzTiH": "{action} to {target}", "7xzTiH": "{action} to {target}",
"8/vBbP": "Reposts ({n})", "8/vBbP": "Ponovna dijeljenja ({n})",
"89q5wc": "Confirm Reposts", "89q5wc": "Potvrdi ponovno dijeljenje",
"8E9muH": "Import Twitter Follows (optional)", "8E9muH": "Uvezi Twitter Pratitelje (neobavezno)",
"8QDesP": "Zap {n} sats", "8QDesP": "Zap {n} sats",
"8g2vyB": "name too long", "8g2vyB": "ime predugo",
"8v1NN+": "Pairing phrase", "8v1NN+": "Fraza za uparivanje",
"9+Ddtu": "Next", "9+Ddtu": "Sljedeće",
"9HU8vw": "Reply", "9HU8vw": "Odgovori",
"9SvQep": "Follows {n}", "9SvQep": "Praćenja {n}",
"9WRlF4": "Send", "9WRlF4": "Pošalji",
"9gqH2W": "Login", "9gqH2W": "Prijavi se",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Address", "9pMqYs": "Nostr Adresa",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning Invoice", "9wO4wJ": "Lightning račun",
"ADmfQT": "Parent", "ADmfQT": "Matični",
"ALT9tB": "Your are voting with {amount} sats", "ALT9tB": "Glasate sa {amount} sats",
"ASRK0S": "This author has been muted", "ASRK0S": "Ovaj je autor utišan",
"Adk34V": "Setup your Profile", "Adk34V": "Postavi svoj Profil",
"AkCxS/": "Reason", "AkCxS/": "Razlog",
"AnLrRC": "Non-Zap", "AnLrRC": "Non-Zap",
"AyGauy": "Login", "AyGauy": "Prijava",
"B4C47Y": "name too short", "B4C47Y": "ime prekratko",
"B6+XJy": "zapped", "B6+XJy": "zapped",
"BOUMjw": "No nostr users found for {twitterUsername}", "BOUMjw": "Nije pronađen nostr korisnik za {twitterUsername}",
"BOr9z/": "Snort is an open source project built by passionate people in their free time", "BOr9z/": "Snort je projekt otvorenog koda kojeg su izgradili strastveni ljudi u svoje slobodno vrijeme",
"BcGMo+": "Notes hold text content, the most popular usage of these notes is to store \"tweet like\" messages.", "BcGMo+": "Bilješke sadrže tekstualni sadržaj, a najpopularnija upotreba ovih bilješki je pohranjivanje poruka tipa \"tweet like\".",
"C81/uG": "Logout", "C81/uG": "Odjava",
"CHTbO3": "Failed to load invoice", "CHTbO3": "Neuspješno učitavanje računa",
"CmZ9ls": "{n} Muted", "CmZ9ls": "{n} Stišan",
"Cu/K85": "Translated from {lang}", "Cu/K85": "Prevedeno s {lang}",
"D+KzKd": "Automatically zap every note when loaded", "D+KzKd": "Automatski zappaj svaku bilješku kad se učita",
"D3idYv": "Settings", "D3idYv": "Postavke",
"DKnriN": "Send sats", "DKnriN": "Pošalji sats",
"DZzCem": "Show latest {n} notes", "DZzCem": "Prikaži posljednje {n} bilješke",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap", "Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show", "Dt/Zd5": "Mediji u objavama automatski će se prikazati za odabrane osobe, inače će se prikazati samo poveznica",
"DtYelJ": "Transfer", "DtYelJ": "Prijenos",
"E8a4yq": "Follow some popular accounts", "E8a4yq": "Pratite neke popularne račune",
"EPYwm7": "Your private key is your password. If you lose this key, you will lose access to your account! Copy it and keep it in a safe place. There is no way to reset your private key.", "EPYwm7": "Vaš privatni ključ je Vaša lozinka. Ako izgubite ovaj ključ, izgubit ćete pristup Vašem računu! Kopirajte ga i sačuvajte na sigurnom mjestu. Ne postoji način za resetiranje Vašeg privatnog ključa.",
"EWyQH5": "Global", "EWyQH5": "Globalno",
"Ebl/B2": "Translate to {lang}", "Ebl/B2": "Prevedi na {lang}",
"EcglP9": "Key", "EcglP9": "Ključ",
"EnCOBJ": "Buy", "EnCOBJ": "Kupi",
"Eqjl5K": "Only Snort and our integration partner identifier gives you a colorful domain name, but you are welcome to use other services too.", "Eqjl5K": "Samo Snort i naš partner za integracije Vam pruža živopisni naziv domene, ali naravno možete koristiti i druge usluge.",
"F+B3x1": "We have also partnered with to give you more options", "F+B3x1": "Postali smo partneri i s kako bismo Vam pružili više mogućnosti",
"FDguSC": "{n} Zaps", "FDguSC": "{n} Zaps",
"FP+D3H": "LNURL to forward zaps to", "FP+D3H": "LNURL to forward zaps to",
"FS3b54": "Done!", "FS3b54": "Done!",
"FfYsOb": "An error has occured!", "FfYsOb": "Došlo je do pogreške!",
"FmXUJg": "follows you", "FmXUJg": "follows you",
"FpxElY": "Verification", "FpxElY": "Verification",
"G/yZLu": "Remove", "G/yZLu": "Remove",
"G1BGCg": "Select Wallet", "G1BGCg": "Odaberite novčanik",
"GFOoEE": "Salt", "GFOoEE": "Salt",
"GL8aXW": "Bookmarks ({n})", "GL8aXW": "Bookmarks ({n})",
"Gcn9NQ": "Magnet Link", "Gcn9NQ": "Magnet Link",
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"MBAYRO": "Shows \"Copy ID\" and \"Copy Event JSON\" in the context menu on each message", "MBAYRO": "Shows \"Copy ID\" and \"Copy Event JSON\" in the context menu on each message",
"MI2jkA": "Not available:", "MI2jkA": "Not available:",
"MP54GY": "Wallet password", "MP54GY": "Wallet password",
"MRp6Ly": "Twitter username", "MRp6Ly": "Korisničko ime na Twitteru",
"MWTx65": "Default Page", "MWTx65": "Default Page",
"MzRYWH": "Buying {item}", "MzRYWH": "Buying {item}",
"N2IrpM": "Confirm", "N2IrpM": "Confirm",
@ -146,9 +146,9 @@
"NfNk2V": "Your private key", "NfNk2V": "Your private key",
"NndBJE": "New users page", "NndBJE": "New users page",
"OEW7yJ": "Zaps", "OEW7yJ": "Zaps",
"OKhRC6": "Share", "OKhRC6": "Podijeli",
"OLEm6z": "Unknown login error", "OLEm6z": "Nepoznata pogreška kod prijave",
"P04gQm": "All zaps sent to this note will be received by the following LNURL", "P04gQm": "Svi zapovi poslani na ovu bilješku bit će primljeni putem sljedećeg LNURL-a",
"P61BTu": "Copy Event JSON", "P61BTu": "Copy Event JSON",
"P7FD0F": "System (Default)", "P7FD0F": "System (Default)",
"P7nJT9": "Total today (UTC): {amount} sats", "P7nJT9": "Total today (UTC): {amount} sats",
@ -159,21 +159,21 @@
"QDFTjG": "{n} Relays", "QDFTjG": "{n} Relays",
"QTdJfH": "Create an Account", "QTdJfH": "Create an Account",
"QawghE": "You can change your username at any point.", "QawghE": "You can change your username at any point.",
"QxCuTo": "Art by {name}", "QxCuTo": "Umjetnik {name}",
"R1fEdZ": "Forward Zaps", "R1fEdZ": "Forward Zaps",
"R2OqnW": "Delete Account", "R2OqnW": "Izbriši račun",
"RDZVQL": "Check", "RDZVQL": "Check",
"RahCRH": "Expired", "RahCRH": "Isteklo",
"RfhLwC": "By: {author}", "RfhLwC": "Od: {author}",
"RhDAoS": "Are you sure you want to delete {id}", "RhDAoS": "Are you sure you want to delete {id}",
"RoOyAh": "Relays", "RoOyAh": "Relays",
"Rs4kCE": "Bookmark", "Rs4kCE": "Oznaka",
"Sjo1P4": "Custom", "Sjo1P4": "Custom",
"TpgeGw": "Hex Salt..", "TpgeGw": "Hex Salt..",
"UDYlxu": "Pending Subscriptions", "UDYlxu": "Pending Subscriptions",
"UQ3pOC": "On Nostr, many people have the same username. User names and identity are separate things. You can get a unique identifier in the next step.", "UQ3pOC": "On Nostr, many people have the same username. User names and identity are separate things. You can get a unique identifier in the next step.",
"UUPFlt": "Users must accept the content warning to show the content of your note.", "UUPFlt": "Users must accept the content warning to show the content of your note.",
"Up5U7K": "Block", "Up5U7K": "Blokiraj",
"VBadwB": "Hmm, can't find a key manager extension.. try reloading the page.", "VBadwB": "Hmm, can't find a key manager extension.. try reloading the page.",
"VN0+Fz": "Balance: {amount} sats", "VN0+Fz": "Balance: {amount} sats",
"VOjC1i": "Pick which upload service you want to upload attachments to", "VOjC1i": "Pick which upload service you want to upload attachments to",
@ -181,26 +181,26 @@
"VlJkSk": "{n} muted", "VlJkSk": "{n} muted",
"VnXp8Z": "Avatar", "VnXp8Z": "Avatar",
"VtPV/B": "Login with Extension (NIP-07)", "VtPV/B": "Login with Extension (NIP-07)",
"Vx7Zm2": "How do keys work?", "Vx7Zm2": "Kako funkcioniraju ključevi?",
"W2PiAr": "{n} Blocked", "W2PiAr": "{n} Blocked",
"W9355R": "Unmute", "W9355R": "Unmute",
"WONP5O": "Find your twitter follows on nostr (Data provided by {provider})", "WONP5O": "Find your twitter follows on nostr (Data provided by {provider})",
"WxthCV": "e.g. Jack", "WxthCV": "e.g. Jack",
"X7xU8J": "nsec, npub, nip-05, hex, mnemonic", "X7xU8J": "nsec, npub, nip-05, hex, mnemonic",
"XgWvGA": "Reactions", "XgWvGA": "Reakcije",
"XzF0aC": "Key manager extensions are more secure and allow you to easily login to any Nostr client, here are some well known extensions:", "XzF0aC": "Key manager extensions are more secure and allow you to easily login to any Nostr client, here are some well known extensions:",
"Y31HTH": "Help fund the development of Snort", "Y31HTH": "Pomozite financirati razvoj Snort-a",
"YDURw6": "Service URL", "YDURw6": "Service URL",
"YXA3AH": "Enable reactions", "YXA3AH": "Omogući reakcije",
"Z4BMCZ": "Enter pairing phrase", "Z4BMCZ": "Enter pairing phrase",
"ZKORll": "Activate Now", "ZKORll": "Activate Now",
"ZLmyG9": "Contributors", "ZLmyG9": "Suradnici",
"ZUZedV": "Lightning Donation:", "ZUZedV": "Lightning Donation:",
"a5UPxh": "Fund developers and platforms providing NIP-05 verification services", "a5UPxh": "Fund developers and platforms providing NIP-05 verification services",
"aJEO/4": "Can't create vote, maybe you're not logged in?", "aJEO/4": "Can't create vote, maybe you're not logged in?",
"aWpBzj": "Show more", "aWpBzj": "Prikaži više",
"bQdA2k": "Sensitive Content", "bQdA2k": "Osjetljiv sadržaj",
"brAXSu": "Pick a username", "brAXSu": "Odaberite korisničko ime",
"bxv59V": "Just now", "bxv59V": "Just now",
"c+oiJe": "Install Extension", "c+oiJe": "Install Extension",
"c35bj2": "If you have an enquiry about your NIP-05 order please DM {link}", "c35bj2": "If you have an enquiry about your NIP-05 order please DM {link}",
@ -237,24 +237,24 @@
"hicxcO": "Show replies", "hicxcO": "Show replies",
"iCqGww": "Reactions ({n})", "iCqGww": "Reactions ({n})",
"iDGAbc": "Get a Snort identifier", "iDGAbc": "Get a Snort identifier",
"iGT1eE": "Prevent fake accounts from imitating you", "iGT1eE": "Spriječite lažne račune da vas oponašaju",
"iNWbVV": "Handle", "iNWbVV": "Handle",
"iXPL0Z": "Can't login with private key on an insecure connection, please use a Nostr key manager extension instead", "iXPL0Z": "Can't login with private key on an insecure connection, please use a Nostr key manager extension instead",
"ieGrWo": "Follow", "ieGrWo": "Follow",
"itPgxd": "Profile", "itPgxd": "Profil",
"izWS4J": "Unfollow", "izWS4J": "Prestani pratiti",
"jA3OE/": "{n,plural,=1{{n} sat} other{{n} sats}}", "jA3OE/": "{n,plural,=1{{n} sat} other{{n} sats}}",
"jCA7Cw": "Preview on snort", "jCA7Cw": "Pretpregled na Snort-u",
"jfV8Wr": "Back", "jfV8Wr": "Natrag",
"juhqvW": "Improve login security with browser extensions", "juhqvW": "Improve login security with browser extensions",
"jvo0vs": "Save", "jvo0vs": "Spremi",
"jzgQ2z": "{n} Reactions", "jzgQ2z": "{n} Reactions",
"k2veDA": "Write", "k2veDA": "Write",
"k7sKNy": "Our very own NIP-05 verification service, help support the development of this site and get a shiny special badge on our site!", "k7sKNy": "Our very own NIP-05 verification service, help support the development of this site and get a shiny special badge on our site!",
"kaaf1E": "now", "kaaf1E": "now",
"lBboHo": "If you want to try out some others, check out {link} for more!", "lBboHo": "If you want to try out some others, check out {link} for more!",
"lCILNz": "Buy Now", "lCILNz": "Kupi Odmah",
"lD3+8a": "Pay", "lD3+8a": "Plati",
"lTbT3s": "Wallet password", "lTbT3s": "Wallet password",
"lgg1KN": "account page", "lgg1KN": "account page",
"ll3xBp": "Image proxy service", "ll3xBp": "Image proxy service",
@ -272,19 +272,19 @@
"nGBrvw": "Bookmarks", "nGBrvw": "Bookmarks",
"nN9XTz": "Share your thoughts with {link}", "nN9XTz": "Share your thoughts with {link}",
"nOaArs": "Setup Profile", "nOaArs": "Setup Profile",
"nn1qb3": "Your donations are greatly appreciated", "nn1qb3": "Cijenimo Vaše donacije",
"nwZXeh": "{n} blocked", "nwZXeh": "{n} blocked",
"o6Uy3d": "Only the secret key can be used to publish (sign events), everything else logs you in read-only mode.", "o6Uy3d": "Only the secret key can be used to publish (sign events), everything else logs you in read-only mode.",
"o7e+nJ": "{n} followers", "o7e+nJ": "{n} followers",
"oJ+JJN": "Nothing found :/", "oJ+JJN": "Nothing found :/",
"odFwjL": "Follows only", "odFwjL": "Follows only",
"odhABf": "Login", "odhABf": "Prijava",
"osUr8O": "You can also use these extensions to login to most Nostr sites.", "osUr8O": "You can also use these extensions to login to most Nostr sites.",
"oxCa4R": "Getting an identifier helps confirm the real you to people who know you. Many people can have a username @jack, but there is only one", "oxCa4R": "Getting an identifier helps confirm the real you to people who know you. Many people can have a username @jack, but there is only one",
"p85Uwy": "Active Subscriptions", "p85Uwy": "Active Subscriptions",
"puLNUJ": "Pin", "puLNUJ": "Pin",
"pzTOmv": "Followers", "pzTOmv": "Followers",
"qDwvZ4": "Unknown error", "qDwvZ4": "Nepoznata pogreška",
"qMx1sA": "Default Zap amount", "qMx1sA": "Default Zap amount",
"qUJTsT": "Blocked", "qUJTsT": "Blocked",
"qdGuQo": "Your Private Key Is (do not share this with anyone)", "qdGuQo": "Your Private Key Is (do not share this with anyone)",
@ -331,11 +331,11 @@
"xmcVZ0": "Search", "xmcVZ0": "Search",
"y1Z3or": "Language", "y1Z3or": "Language",
"yCmnnm": "Read global from", "yCmnnm": "Read global from",
"zFegDD": "Contact", "zFegDD": "Kontakt",
"zINlao": "Owner", "zINlao": "Owner",
"zQvVDJ": "All", "zQvVDJ": "All",
"zcaOTs": "Zap amount in sats", "zcaOTs": "Zap amount in sats",
"zjJZBd": "You're ready!", "zjJZBd": "Spremni ste!",
"zonsdq": "Failed to load LNURL service", "zonsdq": "Failed to load LNURL service",
"zvCDao": "Automatically show latest notes" "zvCDao": "Automatski prikaži najnovije bilješke"
} }