Kieran e8519daa47
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing
Thread loading fixes
2023-09-22 15:09:13 +01:00

181 lines
4.8 KiB

import { ReqFilter, UsersRelays } from ".";
import { dedupe, unwrap } from "@snort/shared";
import debug from "debug";
import { FlatReqFilter } from "./query-optimizer";
const PickNRelays = 2;
export interface RelayTaggedFilter {
relay: string;
filter: ReqFilter;
export interface RelayTaggedFlatFilters {
relay: string;
filters: Array<FlatReqFilter>;
export interface RelayTaggedFilters {
relay: string;
filters: Array<ReqFilter>;
export interface RelayCache {
getFromCache(pubkey?: string): UsersRelays | undefined;
export function splitAllByWriteRelays(cache: RelayCache, filters: Array<ReqFilter>) {
const allSplit = filters
.map(a => splitByWriteRelays(cache, a))
.reduce((acc, v) => {
for (const vn of v) {
const existing = acc.get(vn.relay);
if (existing) {
} else {
acc.set(vn.relay, [vn.filter]);
return acc;
}, new Map<string, Array<ReqFilter>>());
return [...allSplit.entries()].map(([k, v]) => {
return {
relay: k,
filters: v,
} as RelayTaggedFilters;
* Split filters by authors
export function splitByWriteRelays(cache: RelayCache, filter: ReqFilter): Array<RelayTaggedFilter> {
const authors = filter.authors;
if ((authors?.length ?? 0) === 0) {
return [
relay: "",
const topRelays = pickTopRelays(cache, unwrap(authors), PickNRelays);
const pickedRelays = dedupe(topRelays.flatMap(a => a.relays));
const picked = => {
const keysOnPickedRelay = dedupe(topRelays.filter(b => b.relays.includes(a)).map(b => b.key));
return {
relay: a,
filter: {
authors: keysOnPickedRelay,
} as RelayTaggedFilter;
const noRelays = dedupe(topRelays.filter(a => a.relays.length === 0).map(a => a.key));
if (noRelays.length > 0) {
relay: "",
filter: {
authors: noRelays,
debug("GOSSIP")("Picked %O => %O", filter, picked);
return picked;
* Split filters by author
export function splitFlatByWriteRelays(cache: RelayCache, input: Array<FlatReqFilter>): Array<RelayTaggedFlatFilters> {
const authors = input.filter(a => a.authors).map(a => unwrap(a.authors));
if (authors.length === 0) {
return [
relay: "",
filters: input,
const topRelays = pickTopRelays(cache, authors, PickNRelays);
const pickedRelays = dedupe(topRelays.flatMap(a => a.relays));
const picked = => {
const authorsOnRelay = new Set(topRelays.filter(v => v.relays.includes(a)).map(v => v.key));
return {
relay: a,
filters: input.filter(v => v.authors && authorsOnRelay.has(v.authors)),
} as RelayTaggedFlatFilters;
const noRelays = new Set(topRelays.filter(v => v.relays.length === 0).map(v => v.key));
if (noRelays.size > 0) {
relay: "",
filters: input.filter(v => !v.authors || noRelays.has(v.authors)),
} as RelayTaggedFlatFilters);
debug("GOSSIP")("Picked %d relays from %d filters", picked.length, input.length);
return picked;
* Pick most popular relays for each authors
function pickTopRelays(cache: RelayCache, authors: Array<string>, n: number) {
// map of pubkey -> [write relays]
const allRelays = => {
return {
key: a,
relays: cache
?.relays?.filter(a => a.settings.write)
.sort(() => (Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1)),
const missing = allRelays.filter(a => a.relays === undefined || a.relays.length === 0);
const hasRelays = allRelays.filter(a => a.relays !== undefined && a.relays.length > 0);
// map of relay -> [pubkeys]
const relayUserMap = hasRelays.reduce((acc, v) => {
for (const r of unwrap(v.relays)) {
if (!acc.has(r.url)) {
acc.set(r.url, new Set([v.key]));
} else {
return acc;
}, new Map<string, Set<string>>());
// selection algo will just pick relays with the most users
const topRelays = [...relayUserMap.entries()].sort(([, v], [, v1]) => v1.size - v.size);
// <relay, key[]> - count keys per relay
// <key, relay[]> - pick n top relays
// <relay, key[]> - map keys per relay (for subscription filter)
return hasRelays
.map(k => {
// pick top N relays for this key
const relaysForKey = topRelays
.filter(([, v]) => v.has(k.key))
.slice(0, n)
.map(([k]) => k);
return { key: k.key, relays: relaysForKey };
.concat( => {
return {
key: a.key,
relays: [],