Add NoteReply

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Staab 2023-04-11 13:30:09 -05:00
parent 55ede4dc35
commit 9920655666
3 changed files with 153 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- [ ] Refactor
- Split out Note pieces
- Move global modals to child components?
- Combine app/agent, rename app2
- [ ] Relays bounty
- [ ] Ability to create custom feeds
- [ ] Add global/following/network tabs to relay detail

View File

@ -1,22 +1,9 @@
<script lang="ts">
import cx from "classnames"
import {nip19} from "nostr-tools"
import {
} from "ramda"
import {sortBy, identity, find, sum, last, whereEq, pluck, reject, propEq} from "ramda"
import {onMount} from "svelte"
import {tweened} from "svelte/motion"
import {slide} from "svelte/transition"
import {quantify} from "hurdak/lib/hurdak"
import {warn} from "src/util/logger"
import {Tags, displayRelay, findRootId, findReplyId, displayPerson, isLike} from "src/util/nostr"
@ -33,21 +20,19 @@
import {invoiceAmount} from "src/util/lightning"
import QRCode from "src/partials/QRCode.svelte"
import OverflowMenu from "src/partials/OverflowMenu.svelte"
import ImageInput from "src/partials/ImageInput.svelte"
import Input from "src/partials/Input.svelte"
import Textarea from "src/partials/Textarea.svelte"
import CopyValue from "src/partials/CopyValue.svelte"
import Content from "src/partials/Content.svelte"
import Badge from "src/partials/Badge.svelte"
import Popover from "src/partials/Popover.svelte"
import Modal from "src/partials/Modal.svelte"
import Anchor from "src/partials/Anchor.svelte"
import PersonCircle from "src/app2/shared/PersonCircle.svelte"
import PersonSummary from "src/app2/shared/PersonSummary.svelte"
import RelayCard from "src/app2/shared/RelayCard.svelte"
import Modal from "src/partials/Modal.svelte"
import Media from "src/partials/Media.svelte"
import Anchor from "src/partials/Anchor.svelte"
import NoteReply from "src/app2/shared/NoteReply.svelte"
import {toast, modal} from "src/app/ui"
import Compose from "src/partials/Compose.svelte"
import Card from "src/partials/Card.svelte"
import user from "src/agent/user"
import pool from "src/agent/pool"
@ -58,7 +43,6 @@
import {watch} from "src/agent/db"
import cmd from "src/agent/cmd"
import {routes} from "src/app/ui"
import {publishWithToast} from "src/app"
import NoteContent from "src/app2/shared/NoteContent.svelte"
export let note
@ -70,14 +54,8 @@
export let showContext = false
export let invertColors = false
const getDefaultReplyMentions = () =>
without([user.getPubkey()], uniq(Tags.from(note).type("p").values().all().concat(note.pubkey)))
let zap = null
let image = null
let reply = null
let replyMentions = getDefaultReplyMentions()
let replyContainer = null
let visibleNotes = []
let showDetails = false
let collapsed = false
@ -220,54 +198,6 @@
likes = reject(propEq("pubkey", $profile.pubkey), likes)
const startReply = () => {
reply = reply || true
const removeMention = pubkey => {
replyMentions = without([pubkey], replyMentions)
const resetReply = () => {
reply = null
replyMentions = getDefaultReplyMentions()
const sendReply = async () => {
let {content, mentions, topics} = reply.parse()
if (image) {
content = (content + "\n" + image).trim()
if (content) {
mentions = uniq(mentions.concat(replyMentions))
const relays = getEventPublishRelays(note)
const thunk = cmd.createReply(note, content, mentions, topics)
const [event, promise] = await publishWithToast(relays, thunk)
promise.then(({succeeded}) => {
if (succeeded.size > 0) {"info", {
text: `Your note has been created!`,
link: {
text: "View",
"/" +
relays: pluck("url", relays.slice(0, 3)),
const startZap = async () => {
zap = {
amount: user.getSetting("defaultZap"),
@ -353,14 +283,6 @@
modal.set({type: "note/create", nevent})
const onBodyClick = e => {
const target = as HTMLElement
if (replyContainer && !replyContainer.contains(target)) {
const setBorderHeight = () => {
const getHeight = e => e?.getBoundingClientRect().height || 0
@ -393,8 +315,6 @@
<svelte:body on:click={onBodyClick} />
{#if $person}
<div bind:this={noteContainer} class="note group relative">
<Card class="relative flex gap-4" on:click={onClick} {interactive} {invertColors}>
@ -460,7 +380,7 @@
class={cx("flex", {
"pointer-events-none opacity-75": !$canPublish || muted,
<button class="w-16 text-left" on:click|stopPropagation={startReply}>
<button class="w-16 text-left" on:click|stopPropagation={reply.start}>
<i class="fa fa-reply cursor-pointer" />
@ -527,67 +447,9 @@
{#if reply}
class="note-reply relative z-10 flex flex-col gap-1"
<div class={`border border-${borderColor} rounded border-solid`}>
<div class="bg-gray-7" class:rounded-b={replyMentions.length === 0}>
<Compose bind:this={reply} onSubmit={sendReply}>
class="flex cursor-pointer flex-col justify-center gap-2 border-l border-solid border-gray-7 p-4
py-8 text-gray-3 transition-all hover:bg-accent">
<i class="fa fa-paper-plane fa-xl" />
{#if image}
<div class="bg-gray-7 p-2">
link={{type: "image", url: image}}
onClose={() => {
image = null
}} />
<div class={`h-px bg-${borderColor}`} />
<div class="flex gap-2 rounded-b bg-gray-7 p-2 text-sm text-gray-3">
<div class="inline-block border-r border-solid border-gray-6 py-2 pl-1 pr-3">
<div class="flex cursor-pointer items-center gap-3">
<ImageInput bind:value={image} icon="image" hideInput>
<i slot="button" class="fa fa-paperclip" />
<i class="fa fa-at" />
{#each replyMentions as p}
class="mr-1 mb-1 inline-block rounded-full border border-solid border-gray-1 py-1 px-2">
class="fa fa-times cursor-pointer"
on:click|stopPropagation={() => removeMention(p)} />
<div class="text-gray-1 inline-block">No mentions</div>
<div class="-mb-2" />
<div class="flex justify-end gap-2 text-sm text-gray-5">
Posting as @{displayPerson(getPersonWithFallback(user.getPubkey()))}
<NoteReply bind:this={reply} {note} {borderColor} />
{#if !reply && visibleNotes.length > 0 && !showEntire && depth > 0 && !muted}
{#if !reply?.isActive() && visibleNotes.length > 0 && !showEntire && depth > 0 && !muted}
<div class="relative -mt-4">
class="absolute top-0 right-0 z-10 -mt-4 -mr-2 flex h-6 w-6 cursor-pointer items-center

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
<script lang="ts">
import {nip19} from "nostr-tools"
import {without, pluck, uniq} from "ramda"
import {slide} from "svelte/transition"
import {Tags, displayPerson} from "src/util/nostr"
import ImageInput from "src/partials/ImageInput.svelte"
import Media from "src/partials/Media.svelte"
import Compose from "src/partials/Compose.svelte"
import {getPersonWithFallback} from "src/agent/db"
import {getEventPublishRelays} from "src/agent/relays"
import user from "src/agent/user"
import cmd from "src/agent/cmd"
import {toast} from "src/app/ui"
import {publishWithToast} from "src/app"
export let note
export let borderColor
let data = null
let reply = null
let container = null
export const isActive = () => Boolean(reply)
export const start = () => {
data = {
image: null,
mentions: without(
const reset = () => {
data = null
reply = null
const removeMention = pubkey => {
data.mentions = without([pubkey], data.mentions)
const send = async () => {
let {content, mentions, topics} = reply.parse()
if (data.image) {
content = (content + "\n" + data.image).trim()
if (content) {
mentions = uniq(mentions.concat(data.mentions))
const relays = getEventPublishRelays(note)
const thunk = cmd.createReply(note, content, mentions, topics)
const [event, promise] = await publishWithToast(relays, thunk)
promise.then(({succeeded}) => {
if (succeeded.size > 0) {"info", {
text: `Your note has been created!`,
link: {
text: "View",
"/" +
relays: pluck("url", relays.slice(0, 3)),
const onBodyClick = e => {
const target = as HTMLElement
if (container?.contains(target)) {
<svelte:body on:click={onBodyClick} />
{#if data}
<div transition:slide class="note-reply relative z-10 flex flex-col gap-1" bind:this={container}>
<div class={`border border-${borderColor} rounded border-solid`}>
<div class="bg-gray-7" class:rounded-b={data.mentions.length === 0}>
<Compose bind:this={reply} onSubmit={send}>
class="flex cursor-pointer flex-col justify-center gap-2 border-l border-solid
border-gray-7 p-4 py-8 text-gray-3 transition-all hover:bg-accent">
<i class="fa fa-paper-plane fa-xl" />
{#if data.image}
<div class="bg-gray-7 p-2">
link={{type: "image", url: data.image}}
onClose={() => {
data.image = null
}} />
<div class={`h-px bg-${borderColor}`} />
<div class="flex gap-2 rounded-b bg-gray-7 p-2 text-sm text-gray-3">
<div class="inline-block border-r border-solid border-gray-6 py-2 pl-1 pr-3">
<div class="flex cursor-pointer items-center gap-3">
<ImageInput bind:value={data.image} icon="image" hideInput>
<i slot="button" class="fa fa-paperclip" />
<i class="fa fa-at" />
{#each data.mentions as p}
class="mr-1 mb-1 inline-block rounded-full border border-solid border-gray-1 py-1 px-2">
class="fa fa-times cursor-pointer"
on:click|stopPropagation={() => removeMention(p)} />
<div class="text-gray-1 inline-block">No mentions</div>
<div class="-mb-2" />
<div class="flex justify-end gap-2 text-sm text-gray-5">
Posting as @{displayPerson(getPersonWithFallback(user.getPubkey()))}