A bunch of little fixes to make things work better.

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2023-05-11 11:03:10 -05:00
parent 3ff23ed4d8
commit 0e44182485
2 changed files with 64 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
old-profile (gateway/get-profile db pubkey)
old-date (get old-profile :created-at)]
(when (or (nil? old-date)
(> created-at old-date))
(>= created-at old-date))
(gateway/add-profile db pubkey profile-doc)))
(catch Exception e
(log-pr 1 'json-exception-process-name-event-ignored (.getMessage e))

View File

@ -121,13 +121,17 @@
npub (bech32/encode "npub" pubkey)
event-id (config (select frame [:#id-label]) :user-data)
event (gateway/get-event (get-db) event-id)
profile (gateway/get-profile (get-db) pubkey)
popup-items [(action :name (str "Copy " (subs hex-id 0 10) "...")
:handler (partial copy-to-clipboard hex-id))
(action :name (str "Copy " (subs npub 0 10) "...")
:handler (partial copy-to-clipboard npub))
(action :name "Get info..."
:handler (fn [_e] (show-user-profile pubkey)))]
popup-items (if (= type :author)
:handler (partial copy-to-clipboard npub))]
popup-items (if (some? profile)
(conj popup-items (action :name "Get info..."
:handler (fn [_e] (show-user-profile pubkey))))
popup-items (if (and (= type :author)
(some? profile))
(conj popup-items (action :name "Zap author..."
:handler (partial zaps/zap-author event)))
@ -306,60 +310,61 @@
(when (or new-id?
(not= (get-mem :article-html) article-html))
(set-mem :article-html article-html)
(text! reactions-label (str reactions))
(if reacted?
(text! up-arrow " ")
(text! dn-arrow " "))
(text! up-arrow "👍🏻")
(text! dn-arrow "👎🏻")))
(if zapped?
(text! zap-icon "❗⚡ ") ;₿ use the bitcoin char?
(text! zap-icon ""))
(swing-util/clear-popup relays-popup)
(swing-util/clear-popup reactions-popup)
(swing-util/clear-popup zaps-popup)
(config! relays-popup :items relay-names)
(config! reactions-popup :items (reaction-items (:reactions event)))
(config! zaps-popup :items zap-items)
(text! article-area article-html)
(text! author-name-label
(formatters/format-user-id (:pubkey event) 50))
(config! author-name-label :user-data (:pubkey event))
(text! (select main-frame [:#created-time-label])
(f-util/format-time (:created-at event)))
(config! event-id
:user-data (:id event)
:text (f-util/abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string (:id event)) 20))
(if (some? referent)
(let [replied-event (gateway/get-event (get-db) referent)
reply-to-id (:pubkey replied-event)]
(config! reply-to
:user-data reply-to-id
:text (formatters/format-user-id reply-to-id 50))
(config! citing
:user-data referent
:text (f-util/abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string referent) 20)
:font (if (nil? replied-event)
(do (text! reply-to "")
(text! citing "")))
(if (some? root-id)
(let [root-event-exists? (gateway/event-exists? (get-db) root-id)]
(config! root-label
:user-data root-id
:text (f-util/abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string root-id) 20)
:font (if root-event-exists?
(text! root-label ""))
(text! subject-label (formatters/get-subject (:tags event)))
(text! relays-label (format "%d %s"
(count relay-names)
(f-util/abbreviate (first relay-names) 40))))))
(text! article-area article-html))
(text! reactions-label (str reactions))
(if reacted?
(text! up-arrow " ")
(text! dn-arrow " "))
(text! up-arrow "👍🏻")
(text! dn-arrow "👎🏻")))
(if zapped?
(text! zap-icon "❗⚡ ") ;₿ use the bitcoin char?
(text! zap-icon ""))
(swing-util/clear-popup relays-popup)
(swing-util/clear-popup reactions-popup)
(swing-util/clear-popup zaps-popup)
(config! relays-popup :items relay-names)
(config! reactions-popup :items (reaction-items (:reactions event)))
(config! zaps-popup :items zap-items)
(text! author-name-label
(formatters/format-user-id (:pubkey event) 50))
(config! author-name-label :user-data (:pubkey event))
(text! (select main-frame [:#created-time-label])
(f-util/format-time (:created-at event)))
(config! event-id
:user-data (:id event)
:text (f-util/abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string (:id event)) 20))
(if (some? referent)
(let [replied-event (gateway/get-event (get-db) referent)
reply-to-id (:pubkey replied-event)]
(config! reply-to
:user-data reply-to-id
:text (formatters/format-user-id reply-to-id 50))
(config! citing
:user-data referent
:text (f-util/abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string referent) 20)
:font (if (nil? replied-event)
(do (text! reply-to "")
(text! citing "")))
(if (some? root-id)
(let [root-event-exists? (gateway/event-exists? (get-db) root-id)]
(config! root-label
:user-data root-id
:text (f-util/abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string root-id) 20)
:font (if root-event-exists?
(text! root-label ""))
(text! subject-label (formatters/get-subject (:tags event)))
(text! relays-label (format "%d %s"
(count relay-names)
(f-util/abbreviate (first relay-names) 40)))))
(defn get-user-id-from-subject [subject]