ms-linkifying @references.

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2023-02-16 11:27:55 -06:00
parent ffb1d9ddc9
commit 207a226f3a
2 changed files with 83 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -230,27 +230,44 @@
(describe "Segment article content"
(it "returns empty list if content is empty"
(should= '() (segment-article "")))
(it "returns a single :text element if no url in content"
(should= '([:text "no url"]) (segment-article "no url")))
(it "returns a single :url element if whole content is a url"
(should= '([:url ""]) (segment-article "")))
(it "returns a list of :text and :url elements when content contains multiple text and url segments"
(should= '([:text "Check this "] [:url ""] [:text " It's cool"])
(segment-article "Check this It's cool")))
(it "returns a :namereference segment"
(should= [[:namereference "@name"] [:text " text"]]
(segment-article "@name text")))
(it "returns a list of :text and :url and :namereference segments"
(should= [[:text "Hey "] [:namereference "@bob"] [:text " Check this "] [:url ""] [:text " It's cool"]]
(segment-article "Hey @bob Check this It's cool")))
(describe "Format article"
(it "should escape HTML entities"
(should= "&lt;b&gt;text&lt;&#x2F;b&gt;" (reformat-article "<b>text</b>")))
(it "should linkify url"
(should= "<a href=\"\"></a>" (reformat-article "")))
(it "should ms-link a namereference"
(should= "<a href=\"ms-namereference://@name\">@name</a>"
(reformat-article "@name")))
(it "should escape HTML entities and linkify url"
(should= "&lt;b&gt;Clojure&lt;&#x2F;b&gt;: <a href=\"\"></a>"
(reformat-article "<b>Clojure</b>:")))
(it "should format replies and escape HTML entities properly"
(should= "&gt;this is<br>&gt;a reply" (reformat-article ">this is >a reply")))
(it "should replace multiple spaces with &nbsp"
(should= "one two&nbsp three&nbsp&nbsp ." (reformat-article "one two three .")))
(declare db)
@ -305,3 +322,17 @@
(set-mem :pubkey my-pubkey)
(should= "2-deg<-trusted-pet" (format-user-id trusted-by-trusted-user))))
(describe "combine patterns"
(it "combines a single pattern and name"
(let [pattern (combine-patterns [:name1 #"pattern1"])]
(should= java.util.regex.Pattern (type pattern))
(should= "(?<name1>pattern1)" (str pattern))))
(it "combines multiple patterns and names"
(let [pattern (combine-patterns [:name1 #"pattern1"]
[:name2 #"pattern2"])]
(should= java.util.regex.Pattern (type pattern))
(should= "(?<name1>pattern1)|(?<name2>pattern2)" (str pattern))))

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@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
[ :as contact-list]
[more-speech.ui.formatter-util :refer :all]
[more-speech.config :as config :refer [get-db]]
[more-speech.db.gateway :as gateway])
[more-speech.db.gateway :as gateway]))
(defn format-user-id
@ -153,30 +152,56 @@
uri (if (= 2 (count split-url)) (second split-url) url)]
(str "<a href=\"" url "\">" uri "</a>")))
(defn ms-linkify [type subject]
(str "<a href=\"" (str type "://" subject) "\">" subject "</a>"))
(defn combine-patterns
"patterns are a list of [:name pattern]"
[& patterns]
(let [grouped-patterns (map #(str "(?<" (name (first %)) ">" (second %) ")") patterns)
combined-patterns (interpose "|" grouped-patterns)]
(re-pattern (apply str combined-patterns))))
(defn segment-article
(let [segment (re-find config/url-pattern content)]
(not (nil? segment))
(let [url-start-index (string/index-of content segment)
url-end-index (+ url-start-index (.length segment))
text-sub (subs content 0 url-start-index)
url-sub (subs content url-start-index url-end-index)
rest (subs content url-end-index)]
(if (empty? text-sub)
[[:url url-sub]]
[[:text text-sub] [:url url-sub]])
(segment-article rest)))
(not (empty? content)) (list [:text content])
:else '()))))
(segment-article content []))
([content segments]
(let [patterns [[:url config/url-pattern]
[:namereference config/user-name-pattern]]
pattern (apply combine-patterns patterns)
group-names (map first patterns)]
(loop [content content
segments segments]
(let [matcher (re-matcher pattern content)
segment (first (re-find matcher))]
(empty? content)
(some? segment)
(let [grouped-by-name (map #(vector (keyword %) (.group matcher (name %))) group-names)
the-group (filter #(some? (second %)) grouped-by-name)
segment-type (ffirst the-group)
url-start-index (string/index-of content segment)
url-end-index (+ url-start-index (.length segment))
text-sub (subs content 0 url-start-index)
url-sub (subs content url-start-index url-end-index)
rest (subs content url-end-index)]
(recur rest
(concat segments
(if (empty? text-sub)
[[segment-type url-sub]]
[[:text text-sub] [segment-type url-sub]]))))
(concat segments (list [:text content]))))))))
(defn reformat-article [article]
(let [segments (segment-article article)]
(fn [formatted-content [seg-type seg]]
(= seg-type :text)
(condp = seg-type
(str formatted-content
@ -185,8 +210,11 @@
) seg)
(= seg-type :url)
(str formatted-content (linkify seg))))
(str formatted-content (linkify seg))
(str formatted-content (ms-linkify "ms-namereference" seg))))