Indirect trust rendered as name<-trusted

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2022-08-04 09:31:22 -05:00
parent 77e46b601c
commit 30ff04d816
4 changed files with 148 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -62,6 +62,21 @@
(should (is-trusted? 2))
(should-not (is-trusted? 3)))
(it "determines second degree trust"
(let [my-pubkey 99
trusted-user 1
trusted-by-trusted-user 2
profiles {trusted-user {:name "trusted"}
trusted-by-trusted-user {:name "second-degree"}}
contact-lists {my-pubkey [{:pubkey trusted-user}]
trusted-user [{:pubkey trusted-by-trusted-user}]}
event-state {:pubkey my-pubkey
:profiles profiles
:contact-lists contact-lists}]
(reset! ui-context {:event-context (atom event-state)})
(should= trusted-user (trusted-by-contact trusted-by-trusted-user))
(it "gets my petname for a trusted user"
(let [my-pubkey 1
contact-lists {1 [{:pubkey 2 :petname "two"}

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
:tags []}
timestamp (format-time (event :created-at))
header (format-header event)]
(should= (str " (111111111111111...) " timestamp " \n") header)))
(should= (str " (1111111...) " timestamp " \n") header)))
(it "formats a simple message"
(let [profiles {}
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
:tags []}
timestamp (format-time (event :created-at))
header (format-header event)]
(should= (str " (111111111111111...) " timestamp " the message\n") header)))
(should= (str " (1111111...) " timestamp " the message\n") header)))
(it "formats a simple message with a user profile"
(let [profiles {1 {:name "user-1"}}
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ the proposition that all men are created equal."
:tags []}
timestamp (format-time (event :created-at))
header (format-header event)]
(should= (str " (111111111111111...) " timestamp " Four score and seven years ago~our fathers brought forth upon this continent~...\n") header)))
(should= (str " (1111111...) " timestamp " Four score and seven years ago~our fathers brought forth upon this continent~...\n") header)))
(it "formats a message with a subject"
(let [profiles {}
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ the proposition that all men are created equal."
:tags [[:subject "the subject"]]}
timestamp (format-time (event :created-at))
header (format-header event)]
(should= (str " (111111111111111...) " timestamp " the subject|the message\n") header)))
(should= (str " (1111111...) " timestamp " the subject|the message\n") header)))
(describe "subject and discussion tags"
@ -180,68 +180,137 @@ the proposition that all men are created equal."
(describe "Escape HTML entities"
(it "returns the same string in the absence of any HTML entities"
(let [content "Hi from more-speech"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "Hi from more-speech" escaped-content)))
(let [content "Hi from more-speech"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "Hi from more-speech" escaped-content)))
(it "escapes `&`"
(let [content "bread & butter"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "bread &amp; butter" escaped-content)))
(let [content "bread & butter"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "bread &amp; butter" escaped-content)))
(it "escapes `<`"
(let [content "< less than"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&lt; less than" escaped-content)))
(let [content "< less than"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&lt; less than" escaped-content)))
(it "escapes `>`"
(let [content "> greater than"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&gt; greater than" escaped-content)))
(let [content "> greater than"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&gt; greater than" escaped-content)))
(it "escapes `\"`"
(let [content "\"bread\""
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&quot;bread&quot;" escaped-content)))
(let [content "\"bread\""
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&quot;bread&quot;" escaped-content)))
(it "escapes `'`"
(let [content "'bread'"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&#x27;bread&#x27;" escaped-content)))
(let [content "'bread'"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&#x27;bread&#x27;" escaped-content)))
(it "escapes `/`"
(let [content "/bread/"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&#x2F;bread&#x2F;" escaped-content))))
(let [content "/bread/"
escaped-content (html-escape content)]
(should= "&#x2F;bread&#x2F;" escaped-content))))
(describe "Linkify URL"
(it "should wrap a hyperlink around the url string"
(should= "<a href=\"\"></a>" (linkify "")))
(should= "<a href=\"\"></a>" (linkify "")))
(describe "Format replies"
(it "always breaks at a reply prefix '>'"
(should= ">this is\n>a reply." (format-replies ">this is >a reply.")))
(should= ">this is\n>a reply." (format-replies ">this is >a reply.")))
(describe "Newlines as <br>"
(it "should replace newlines with br tag"
(should= "xx<br>xx" (break-newlines "xx\nxx"))))
(should= "xx<br>xx" (break-newlines "xx\nxx"))))
(describe "Segment article content"
(it "returns empty list if content is empty"
(should= '() (segment-text-url "")))
(should= '() (segment-text-url "")))
(it "returns a single :text element if no url in content"
(should= '([:text "no url"]) (segment-text-url "no url")))
(should= '([:text "no url"]) (segment-text-url "no url")))
(it "returns a single :url element if whole content is a url"
(should= '([:url ""]) (segment-text-url "")))
(should= '([:url ""]) (segment-text-url "")))
(it "returns a list of :text and :url elements when content contains multiple text and url segments"
(should= '([:text "Check this "][:url ""][:text " It's cool"])
(segment-text-url "Check this It's cool")))
(should= '([:text "Check this "] [:url ""] [:text " It's cool"])
(segment-text-url "Check this It's cool")))
(describe "Format article"
(it "should escape HTML entities"
(should= "&lt;b&gt;text&lt;&#x2F;b&gt;" (reformat-article "<b>text</b>")))
(should= "&lt;b&gt;text&lt;&#x2F;b&gt;" (reformat-article "<b>text</b>")))
(it "should linkify url"
(should= "<a href=\"\"></a>" (reformat-article "")))
(should= "<a href=\"\"></a>" (reformat-article "")))
(it "should escape HTML entities and linkify url"
(should= "&lt;b&gt;Clojure&lt;&#x2F;b&gt;: <a href=\"\"></a>"
(reformat-article "<b>Clojure</b>:")))
(should= "&lt;b&gt;Clojure&lt;&#x2F;b&gt;: <a href=\"\"></a>"
(reformat-article "<b>Clojure</b>:")))
(it "should format replies and escape HTML entities properly"
(should= "&gt;this is<br>&gt;a reply" (reformat-article ">this is >a reply")))
(should= "&gt;this is<br>&gt;a reply" (reformat-article ">this is >a reply")))
(describe "Format User ID"
(it "shows untrusted pubkey if no profile or petname"
(let [profiles {}
contact-lists {}
event-state {:profiles profiles :contact-lists contact-lists}]
(reset! ui-context {:event-context (atom event-state)}))
(let [pubkey 16rdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef]
(should= "(deadbee...)" (format-user-id pubkey 30))))
(it "shows untrusted profile name if no petname"
(let [profiles {1 {:name "the name"}}
contact-lists {}
event-state {:profiles profiles :contact-lists contact-lists}]
(reset! ui-context {:event-context (atom event-state)}))
(let [pubkey 1]
(should= "(the name)" (format-user-id pubkey 30))))
(it "shows trusted petname if present"
(let [my-pubkey 99
his-pubkey 1
profiles {his-pubkey {:name "his name"}}
contact-lists {my-pubkey [{:pubkey his-pubkey :petname "pet name"}]}
event-state {:pubkey my-pubkey
:profiles profiles
:contact-lists contact-lists}]
(reset! ui-context {:event-context (atom event-state)})
(should= "pet name" (format-user-id his-pubkey))))
(it "shows trusted profile name if trusted, but not pet name"
(let [my-pubkey 99
his-pubkey 1
profiles {his-pubkey {:name "his name"}}
contact-lists {my-pubkey [{:pubkey his-pubkey}]}
event-state {:pubkey my-pubkey
:profiles profiles
:contact-lists contact-lists}]
(reset! ui-context {:event-context (atom event-state)})
(should= "his name" (format-user-id his-pubkey))))
(it "shows second degree of trust for user trusted by trusted user"
(let [my-pubkey 99
trusted-user 1
trusted-by-trusted-user 2
profiles {trusted-user {:name "trusted"}
trusted-by-trusted-user {:name "2-deg"}}
contact-lists {my-pubkey [{:pubkey trusted-user}]
trusted-user [{:pubkey trusted-by-trusted-user}]}
event-state {:pubkey my-pubkey
:profiles profiles
:contact-lists contact-lists}]
(reset! ui-context {:event-context (atom event-state)})
(should= "2-deg<-trusted" (format-user-id trusted-by-trusted-user))))
(it "shows second degree of trust petname for user trusted by trusted user"
(let [my-pubkey 99
trusted-user 1
trusted-by-trusted-user 2
profiles {trusted-user {:name "trusted"}
trusted-by-trusted-user {:name "2-deg"}}
contact-lists {my-pubkey [{:pubkey trusted-user
:petname "trusted-pet"}]
trusted-user [{:pubkey trusted-by-trusted-user}]}
event-state {:pubkey my-pubkey
:profiles profiles
:contact-lists contact-lists}]
(reset! ui-context {:event-context (atom event-state)})
(should= "2-deg<-trusted-pet" (format-user-id trusted-by-trusted-user))))

View File

@ -35,6 +35,22 @@
(or (= candidate-pubkey my-pubkey)
(contains? my-contact-pubkeys candidate-pubkey))))
(defn trusted-by-contact [candidate-pubkey]
(let [event-state @(:event-context @ui-context)
my-pubkey (:pubkey event-state)
contact-lists (:contact-lists event-state)
my-contacts (get contact-lists my-pubkey)
my-contact-ids (map :pubkey my-contacts)]
(loop [my-contact-ids my-contact-ids]
(if (empty? my-contact-ids)
(let [my-contact (first my-contact-ids)
his-contacts (set (map :pubkey (get contact-lists my-contact)))]
(if (contains? his-contacts candidate-pubkey)
(recur (rest my-contact-ids)))))))
(defn get-petname [his-pubkey]
(let [event-state @(:event-context @ui-context)
my-pubkey (:pubkey event-state)

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@ -39,8 +39,10 @@
(if (nil? user-id)
(let [trusted? (contact-list/is-trusted? user-id)
trusted-by (contact-list/trusted-by-contact user-id)
petname (contact-list/get-petname user-id)
profile-name (get-in profiles [user-id :name] (util/num32->hex-string user-id))]
id-string (abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string user-id) 10)
profile-name (get-in profiles [user-id :name] id-string)]
(seq petname)
(abbreviate petname length)
@ -48,6 +50,13 @@
(abbreviate profile-name length)
(some? trusted-by)
(let [trusted-id-string (abbreviate (util/num32->hex-string trusted-by) 10)
trusted-profile-name (get-in profiles [trusted-by :name] trusted-id-string)
trusted-pet-name (contact-list/get-petname trusted-by)
trusted-name (if (seq trusted-pet-name) trusted-pet-name trusted-profile-name)]
(abbreviate (str profile-name "<-" trusted-name) length))
(str "(" (abbreviate profile-name (- length 2)) ")")))))))