Fix a few random bugs.

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2023-05-25 15:05:25 -05:00
parent a74aa922c4
commit 5ee857b1fe
4 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
:else npub))
(catch Exception e
(log-pr 2 'get-author-name (.getMessage e))
(str "<" npub "invalid>"))))
(defn replace-nostr-references [s]
(let [padded-content (str " " s " ")

View File

@ -109,9 +109,9 @@
(fn [_e]
(trust id)
(dispose! profile-frame)
(future (show-user-profile id))))
(pack! profile-frame)
(show! profile-frame))))
(future (show-user-profile id)))))
(pack! profile-frame)
(show! profile-frame)))
(defn show-user-profile [id]
(when-let [profile (gateway/get-profile (get-db) id)]

View File

@ -81,7 +81,8 @@
(defn repaint-main-window []
(let [frame (get-mem :frame)]
(when (some? frame)
(.repaint frame))))
(invoke-later (repaint! frame)))
(defn setup-main-timer []
(let [main-timer (Timer. "main timer")

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
tab-label (label :text tab-name)
_ (listen tab-label :mouse-pressed tab-menu)
header-tree (make-header-tree tab-name)
scrollable-header-tree (scrollable header-tree)
scrollable-header-tree (scrollable header-tree :hscroll :never)
search-bar (make-search-bar tab-name)
tab-window (top-bottom-split search-bar scrollable-header-tree)
@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
child (DefaultMutableTreeNode. event-id)]
(.insertNodeInto model child root insertion-point)
(.makeVisible tree (TreePath. (.getPath child)))
;(.scrollPathToVisible tree (.getSelectionPath tree))
(update-mem [:node-map event-id] conj child)))
(defn add-event-to-tab [tab event]