lud06 zapping works.

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2023-05-19 08:39:27 -05:00
parent 5627804bdf
commit 655bf5eee0
2 changed files with 67 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -23,47 +23,44 @@
(context "zap address"
(context "zap address is in tag"
(it "determines lud16 zap address from zap tag"
(let [event {:tags [[:zap "zap-address" "lud16"]]}]
(should= "zap-address" (zaps/get-zap-address event))))
(let [event {:tags [[:zap "" "lud16"]]}]
(should= ""
(zaps/get-lnurl event))))
(it "rejects zap address when there are conflicting zap tags"
(let [event {:tags [[:zap "zap-address" "lud16"]
[:zap "zap-address-1" "lud16"]]}]
(should-throw Exception "conflicting zaps"
(zaps/get-zap-address event))))
(it "passes mistyped address"
(let [event {:tags [[:zap "zap-address" "xxx"]]}]
(should= "zap-address" (zaps/get-lnurl event))))
(it "accepts multiple zap tags that don't conflict"
(let [event {:tags [[:zap "zap-address-1" "lud16"]
[:zap "zap-address-1" "lud16"]]}]
(should= "zap-address-1" (zaps/get-zap-address event))))
(it "only accepts lud16"
(let [event {:tags [[:zap "zap-address" "lud06"]]}]
(should-throw Exception "lud06 unimplemented"
(zaps/get-zap-address event))))
(it "assumes an unspecified address type is lud16"
(it "passes untyped address"
(let [event {:tags [[:zap "zap-address"]]}]
(should= "zap-address" (zaps/get-zap-address event))))
(should= "zap-address" (zaps/get-lnurl event))))
(context "No zap tag"
(it "rejects if no profile for author"
(let [event {:pubkey 1}]
(should-throw Exception "no zap tag or profile"
(zaps/get-zap-address event))))
(zaps/get-lnurl event))))
(it "rejects if profile has no lud16"
(let [event {:pubkey 1}]
(gateway/add-profile @db 1 {:name "somebody"})
(should-throw Exception "no lud16 in profile"
(zaps/get-zap-address event))))
(should-throw Exception "no zap tag or profile"
(zaps/get-lnurl event))))
(it "gets zap addr from profile"
(it "gets lud16 zap addr from profile"
(let [event {:pubkey 1}]
(gateway/add-profile @db 1 {:name "somebody"
:lud16 "zap-addr"})
(should= "zap-addr" (zaps/get-zap-address event))))
:lud16 ""})
(should= ""
(zaps/get-lnurl event))))
(it "gets lud06 zap addr from profile"
(let [event {:pubkey 1}
lnurl (bech32/encode-str "lnurl" "the-lnurl")]
(gateway/add-profile @db 1 {:name "somebody"
:lud06 lnurl})
(should= "the-lnurl" (zaps/get-lnurl event))))
(context "lud16 parsing"

View File

@ -18,43 +18,6 @@
(:use (seesaw [core]))
(:import ( URLEncoder)))
(defn get-zap-address-from-tag [event]
(let [zap-tags (events/get-tag event :zap)
[zap-addr lud-type :as zap-tag] (first zap-tags)
lud-type (if (some? lud-type) lud-type "lud16")]
(empty? zap-tags)
(not= "lud16" lud-type)
(throw (Exception. (str lud-type " unimplemented")))
(not (every? #(= zap-tag %) zap-tags))
(throw (Exception. "conflicting zaps"))
(defn get-zap-address-from-profile [event]
(let [author-id (:pubkey event)
profile (gateway/get-profile (get-db) author-id)
zap-addr (:lud16 profile)]
(nil? profile)
(throw (Exception. "no zap tag or profile"))
(nil? zap-addr)
(throw (Exception. "no lud16 in profile"))
(defn get-zap-address [event]
(let [zap-address (get-zap-address-from-tag event)]
(if (some? zap-address)
(get-zap-address-from-profile event))))
(defn parse-lud16 [lud16]
(let [lud16 (.toLowerCase lud16)
match (re-matches config/lud16-pattern lud16)]
@ -67,6 +30,50 @@
(let [[name domain] (parse-lud16 lud16)]
(str "https://" domain "/.well-known/lnurlp/" name)))
(defn- decode-lnurl [lnurl]
(bech32/address->str lnurl)
(catch Exception e
(log-pr 1 'decode-lnurl (.getMessage e) lnurl))))
(defn get-lnurl-from-tag [event]
(let [zap-tags (events/get-tag event :zap)
[zap-addr lud-type] (first zap-tags)]
(empty? zap-tags)
(= "lud16" lud-type)
(lud16->lnurl zap-addr)
(= "lud06" lud-type)
(decode-lnurl zap-addr)
(defn get-lnurl-from-profile [event]
(let [author-id (:pubkey event)
profile (gateway/get-profile (get-db) author-id)
lud16 (:lud16 profile)
lud06 (:lud06 profile)]
(some? lud16)
(lud16->lnurl lud16)
(some? lud06)
(decode-lnurl lud06)
(throw (Exception. "no zap tag or profile"))
(defn get-lnurl [event]
(let [zap-address (get-lnurl-from-tag event)]
(if (some? zap-address)
(get-lnurl-from-profile event))))
(defn make-zap-request [wallet-response event amount comment lnurl]
(let [{:strs [maxSendable minSendable
commentAllowed allowsNostr]} wallet-response
@ -118,8 +125,7 @@
(defn zap-author [event _e]
(let [zap-address (get-zap-address event)
lnurl (lud16->lnurl zap-address)
(let [lnurl (get-lnurl event)
ln-response (client/get lnurl)
wallet-response (json/read-str (:body ln-response))
{:strs [callback status reason]} wallet-response]