Some tweaks for performance and logging.

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2023-02-06 11:52:15 -06:00
parent bf8176f195
commit 7789d54338
8 changed files with 57 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
[more-speech.db.gateway :as gateway]
[more-speech.db.xtdb :as db]
[more-speech.config :as config]
[more-speech.util.files :refer :all]))
[more-speech.util.files :refer :all]
[more-speech.db.xtdb :as xtdb]))
(declare db)
(describe "xtdb gateway implementations"
@ -16,12 +17,14 @@
(it "adds and fetches profiles"
(let [profile {:name "name"}]
(gateway/add-profile @db 1 profile)
(xtdb/sync-db @db)
(should= profile (gateway/get-profile @db 1)))
(db/delete-profile @db 1)
(should-be-nil (gateway/get-profile @db 1)))
(it "gets and id from a user name"
(it "gets an id from a user name"
(gateway/add-profile @db 1 {:name "name"})
(xtdb/sync-db @db)
(should= 1 (gateway/get-id-from-username @db "name"))))
(it "adds a map of profiles"
@ -34,12 +37,14 @@
(it "adds and fetches events"
(let [event {:id 1 :content "content"}]
(gateway/add-event @db event)
(xtdb/sync-db @db)
(should= event (gateway/get-event @db 1)))
(db/delete-event @db 1)
(should-be-nil (gateway/get-event @db 1)))
(it "checks whether events exist"
(gateway/add-event @db {:id 1 :content "blah"})
(xtdb/sync-db @db)
(should (gateway/event-exists? @db 1))
(should-not (gateway/event-exists? @db 2))
(db/delete-event @db 1)
@ -83,6 +88,7 @@
(context "contacts"
(it "adds and fetches contacts"
(gateway/add-contacts @db 1 {:name "contact"})
(xtdb/sync-db @db)
(should= {:name "contact"} (gateway/get-contacts @db 1))
(db/delete-contacts @db 1)
(should-be-nil (gateway/get-contacts @db 1)))

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
(def article-width 120)
(def days-to-read 3) ;how many daily message files to read in.
(def read-contact-lists-days-ago 2)
(def days-to-read 0.5) ;how far back in time to load old messages from the database.
(def read-contact-lists-days-ago 0.5)
(def migration-level 10)
(def version "2023-02-02T10:17")
@ -60,3 +60,7 @@
(xtdb/get-db "prod-db")
(throw (Exception. "No Database Specified"))))
;------Websocket backlog
(def websocket-backlog (atom 0))

View File

@ -67,14 +67,15 @@
(relays/load-relays-from-file @config/relays-filename)))
(defn load-events [old-events handler]
(loop [events (reverse old-events)
(Thread/sleep 60000)
(loop [events old-events
event-count 0]
(if (empty? events)
(prn 'done-loading-events)
(let [event (first events)]
(when (zero? (rem event-count 100))
(prn event-count 'events-loaded (fu/format-time (:created-at event)))
(Thread/sleep 100))
(prn event-count 'events-loaded (fu/format-time (:created-at event)) 'backlog @config/websocket-backlog)
(Thread/sleep 5000))
(handlers/handle-text-event handler event)
(catch Exception e
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@
(prn 'read-in-last-n-days 'starting)
(let [db (get-db)
now (quot (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000)
start-time (- now (* n 86400))
start-time (int (- now (* n 86400)))
event-ids (gateway/get-event-ids-since db start-time)
events (map #(gateway/get-event db %) event-ids)
times (map :created-at events)

View File

@ -3,13 +3,16 @@
[ :as io]
[xtdb.api :as xt]))
(defn sync-db [db]
(xt/sync (:node db)))
(defn add-entity [db type id entity]
(let [node (:node db)
tx (xt/submit-tx
(assoc entity :xt/id {:type type :id (bigint id)})]])]
(xt/await-tx node tx)))
(let [node (:node db)]
(assoc entity :xt/id {:type type :id (bigint id)})]])
(defn make-profile-transaction [id profile]
(let [id (bigint id)]
@ -104,7 +107,7 @@
:where [[event :created-at event-time]
[event :id id]
[(>= event-time start-time)]]
:order-by [[event-time :asc]]}
:order-by [[event-time :desc]]}
(map first result))

View File

@ -163,18 +163,23 @@
(def event-counter (atom {:total 0}))
(defn count-event [envelope url]
(let [source (second envelope)
(let [type (first envelope)
source (second envelope)
key (str url "|" source)]
(swap! event-counter update :total inc)
(swap! event-counter update key #(inc (if (nil? %) 0 %)))
(when (zero? (mod (:total @event-counter) 1000))
(clojure.pprint/pprint @event-counter))))
(when (= type "EVENT")
(swap! event-counter update :total inc)
(swap! event-counter update key #(inc (if (nil? %) 0 %)))
(when (zero? (mod (:total @event-counter) 1000))
(prn 'websocket-backlog @config/websocket-backlog)
(clojure.pprint/pprint @event-counter)))))
(defn handle-notification [envelope url]
(prn 'NOTICE url envelope))
(defn handle-event [_agent envelope url]
(if (not (.startsWith (second envelope) "more-speech"))
(swap! config/websocket-backlog dec)
(if (and (not= "OK" (first envelope))
(not (.startsWith (second envelope) "more-speech")))
(prn 'strange-message-source url envelope)
(count-event envelope url))
(if (not= "EVENT" (first envelope))

View File

@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
(protocol/request-contact-lists-from-relays contact-lists-request-id)
(when (user-configuration/should-import-metadata? now-in-seconds)
(protocol/request-metadata-from-relays metadata-request-id)
(protocol/request-metadata-from-relays metadata-request-id (- now-in-seconds 86400))
(user-configuration/set-last-time-metadata-imported now-in-seconds))
(protocol/subscribe-to-relays subscription-id subscription-time)
(protocol/subscribe-to-relays subscription-id subscription-time now-in-seconds)
(handlers/update-relay-panel event-handler)
(if (user-configuration/should-export-profile? now-in-seconds)

View File

@ -18,18 +18,20 @@
(defn request-contact-lists [relay id]
(let [now (quot (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000)
days-ago config/read-contact-lists-days-ago
seconds-ago (* days-ago 86400)
seconds-ago (int (* days-ago 86400))
since (int (- now seconds-ago))]
(relay/send relay ["REQ" id {"kinds" [3] "since" since}])))
(defn request-metadata [relay id]
(relay/send relay ["REQ" id {"kinds" [0] "since" 0}]))
(defn request-metadata [relay id since]
(relay/send relay ["REQ" id {"kinds" [0] "since" since}]))
(defn subscribe
([relay id]
(subscribe relay id (int (- (quot (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000) 86400))))
([relay id since]
(relay/send relay ["REQ" id {"since" since}])))
(let [now (int (quot (System/currentTimeMillis) 1000))]
(subscribe relay id (- now 86400) now)))
([relay id since now]
(relay/send relay ["REQ" id {"since" since "until" now}])
(relay/send relay ["REQ" (str id "-now") {"since" now}])))
(defn unsubscribe [relay id]
(relay/send relay ["CLOSE" id]))
@ -40,7 +42,8 @@
(defn handle-relay-message [relay message]
(let [url (::ws-relay/url relay)]
(send events/event-agent handlers/handle-event message url)))
(swap! config/websocket-backlog inc)
(send-off events/event-agent handlers/handle-event message url)))
(defn connect-to-relays []
(let [urls (if (config/is-test-run?)
@ -67,16 +70,16 @@
(unsubscribe relay id)
(request-contact-lists relay id)))))
(defn request-metadata-from-relays [id]
(defn request-metadata-from-relays [id since]
(prn 'requesting-metadata)
(doseq [url (keys @relays)]
(let [relay (get-in @relays [url :connection])
read? (get-in @relays [url :read])]
(when (and read? (some? relay))
(unsubscribe relay id)
(request-metadata relay id)))))
(request-metadata relay id since)))))
(defn subscribe-to-relays [id subscription-time]
(defn subscribe-to-relays [id subscription-time now]
(let [date (- subscription-time 100)]
(prn 'subscription-date date (format-time date))
(doseq [url (keys @relays)]
@ -84,7 +87,7 @@
read? (get-in @relays [url :read])]
(when (and read? (some? relay))
(unsubscribe relay id)
(subscribe relay id date)
(subscribe relay id date now)
(swap! relays assoc-in [url :subscribed] true))))))
(defn unsubscribe-from-relays [id]

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(defrecord seesawHandler []
(handle-text-event [_handler event]
(invoke-now (article-tree/add-event event)))
(invoke-later (article-tree/add-event event)))
(update-relay-panel [_handler]
(invoke-later (relay-panel/update-relay-panel))))