The beginnings of the search bar.

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2023-02-20 14:23:55 -06:00
parent 52e3e6630e
commit 867394eb5d

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
[seesaw core font tree color])
(:import (javax.swing.tree DefaultTreeModel DefaultMutableTreeNode TreePath)))
(declare mouse-pressed tab-menu)
(declare mouse-pressed tab-menu search-event)
(defn render-event [widget info]
(if (seqable? (:value info))
@ -59,16 +59,40 @@
(set-mem [:tab-tree-map tab-name] header-tree)
(defn make-tab-data [tab-desc tab-index]
(defn make-search-bar [tab-name]
(let [found-id (keyword (str tab-name "-found"))
search-id (keyword (str tab-name "-search"))
search-field (text :text "" :editable? true :columns 30 :id search-id)
search-items [(label "Find:")
(text :text "" :editable? false :columns 15 :id found-id)
(label "⬆")
(label "⬇")]
bar (flow-panel :align :left :items search-items)]
(listen search-field :key-pressed (partial search-event tab-name))
(defn make-tab [tab-desc]
(let [tab-name (:name tab-desc)
header-tree (make-header-tree tab-name)
_ (config! header-tree
:user-data tab-index)
tab-label (label :text tab-name)
_ (listen tab-label :mouse-pressed tab-menu)
tab-content (scrollable header-tree)]
header-tree (make-header-tree tab-name)
scrollable-header-tree (scrollable header-tree)
search-bar (make-search-bar tab-name)
tab-window (top-bottom-split search-bar scrollable-header-tree)
{:title tab-label
:content tab-content}))
:content tab-window}))
(defn make-tabs []
(loop [tabs-list (get-mem :tabs-list)
header-tree-tabs []]
(if (empty? tabs-list)
(let [tab-data (make-tab (first tabs-list))]
(recur (rest tabs-list)
(conj header-tree-tabs tab-data))))))
(defn add-tab-to-tab-panel [tab-data]
(let [frame (get-mem :frame)
@ -85,8 +109,7 @@
(if (seq new-tab-name)
(do (swing-util/add-tab-to-tabs-list new-tab-name)
(let [new-tab {:name new-tab-name :selected [] :blocked []}
tab-index (swing-util/get-tab-index new-tab-name)
tab-data (make-tab-data new-tab tab-index)]
tab-data (make-tab new-tab)]
(add-tab-to-tab-panel tab-data))
@ -179,10 +202,8 @@
new-tab-name (swing-util/unduplicate-tab-name new-tab-name)]
(when (seq new-tab-name)
(let [tab-desc (swing-util/add-tab-to-tabs-list new-tab-name)
tab-index (swing-util/get-tab-index new-tab-name)
tab-data (make-tab-data tab-desc tab-index)]
(add-tab-to-tab-panel tab-data)
tab-data (make-tab tab-desc)]
(add-tab-to-tab-panel tab-data)))))
(defn change-tab-name [tab-label _e]
(let [tab-name (config tab-label :text)
@ -197,18 +218,9 @@
(config! label :text new-name)
(swing-util/change-tabs-list-name tab-name new-name)
(set-mem [:tab-tree-map new-name] tree)
(set-mem [:tab-tree-map tab-name] nil)))))
(defn make-tabs []
(loop [tabs-list (get-mem :tabs-list)
header-tree-tabs []
tab-index 0]
(if (empty? tabs-list)
(let [tab-data (make-tab-data (first tabs-list) tab-index)]
(recur (rest tabs-list)
(conj header-tree-tabs tab-data)
(inc tab-index))))))
(set-mem [:tab-tree-map tab-name] nil)
(set-mem [:tab-search new-name] (get-mem [:tab-search tab-name]))
(set-mem [:tab-search tab-name] nil)))))
(defn ensure-tab-list-has-all [tab-list]
(if (some #(= "all" (:name %)) tab-list)
@ -282,3 +294,16 @@
(.show p (to-widget e) (.x (.getPoint e)) (.y (.getPoint e)))
(swing-util/select-tab tab-index))))
(defn load-tab-search [tab-name]
(let [[target _n] (get-mem [:tab-search tab-name])]
(prn 'searching-for target)))
(defn search-event [tab-name e]
(let [c (.getKeyChar e)]
(when (= \newline c)
(let [search-id (keyword (str "#" tab-name "-search"))
search-text (select (get-mem :frame) [search-id])
target-text (config search-text :text)]
(set-mem [:tab-search tab-name] [target-text 0])
(future (load-tab-search tab-name))))))