Add @koonopek's copy-click to all the id fields of the article panel. Nice work!

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2022-08-05 08:36:50 -05:00
parent dba49c218c
commit 8dca301aa6
2 changed files with 22 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
(let [x (.x (.getPoint e))
y (.y (.getPoint e))
node (.getComponent e)
p (popup :items [(action :name "Copy" :handler #(copy-to-clipboard (.getText node) %))])]
p (popup :items [(action :name "Copy" :handler (partial copy-to-clipboard (.getText node)))])]
(.show p (to-widget e) x y))))
(defn make-article-info-panel []
@ -39,19 +39,20 @@
(listen citing-label :mouse-pressed id-click)
(listen root-label :mouse-pressed id-click)
(listen id-label :mouse-pressed copy-click)
(listen author-id-label :mouse-pressed copy-click)
(let [grid
:columns 3
:preferred-size [-1 :by 70] ;icky.
:items [(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Author:") author-name-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Subject:") subject-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "pubkey:") author-id-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Created at:") created-time-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Reply to:") reply-to-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Relays:") relays-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "id:") id-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Citing:") citing-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Root:") root-label])])]
:columns 3
:preferred-size [-1 :by 70] ;icky.
:items [(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Author:") author-name-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Subject:") subject-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "pubkey:") author-id-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Created at:") created-time-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Reply to:") reply-to-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Relays:") relays-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "id:") id-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Citing:") citing-label])
(flow-panel :align :left :items [(bold-label "Root:") root-label])])]
(defn bold-label [s]
@ -64,10 +65,10 @@
(defn make-article-area []
:content-type "text/html"
:editable? false
:id :article-area
:text editor-pane-stylesheet))
:content-type "text/html"
:editable? false
:id :article-area
:text editor-pane-stylesheet))
(declare go-back go-forward)
@ -94,7 +95,9 @@
(article-tree-util/go-back-by -1))
(defn id-click [e]
(article-tree-util/id-click ui-context (config e :user-data)))
(if (.isPopupTrigger e)
(copy-click e)
(article-tree-util/id-click ui-context (config e :user-data))))
(defn load-article-info [selected-id]
(let [event-state @(:event-context @ui-context)
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@
(swing-util/clear-popup relays-popup)
(config! relays-popup :items (:relays event))
(text! article-area (formatters/reformat-article
(formatters/replace-references event)))
(formatters/replace-references event)))
(text! (select main-frame [:#author-name-label])
(formatters/format-user-id (:pubkey event) 50))
(text! (select main-frame [:#author-id-label])

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
(defn- get-clipboard []
(.getSystemClipboard (java.awt.Toolkit/getDefaultToolkit)))
(defn copy-to-clipboard [text & _]
(defn copy-to-clipboard [text _e]
(let [selection (StringSelection. text)]
(.setContents (get-clipboard) selection selection)))