Some comments and clojure/spec updates.

This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2022-02-19 08:50:33 -06:00
parent bfb5cd8ad0
commit d749a72550
2 changed files with 36 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
;; Application is the highest level widget and must be the :application
;; member of state.
;; Members
;; :graphics -- The instance of the graphics protocol.
;; :update-articles -- Set to true if the article window content needs updating.
;; :mouse-locked-to -- nil if no lock. Otherwise the path of the widget to which
;; the mouse is locked.
(ns more-speech.ui.application
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[more-speech.ui.widget :refer [widget
@ -12,21 +23,27 @@
[ :as events]
[more-speech.ui.config :as config]))
(s/def ::path (s/tuple [keyword?]))
(s/def ::graphics #(satisfies? g/graphics %))
(s/def ::mouse-locked-to #(or (nil? %) (satisfies? widget %)))
(s/def ::nicknames (s/map-of number? string?))
(s/def ::chronological-text-events (s/coll-of number?))
(s/def ::text-event-map (s/map-of number? ::events/event))
(s/def ::open-thread (s/coll-of number? :kind set?))
(s/def ::update-articles boolean?)
(s/def ::application (s/keys :req-un [::nicknames
(s/def ::application (s/keys :req-un [::path
(declare setup-application)
(defrecord application [path graphics nicknames]
(defrecord application [path graphics update-articles mouse-locked-to]
(setup-widget [widget state]
(setup-application widget path state))

View File

@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
;; Widgets form a hierarchy. Any member of a widget that satisfies? the widget
;; protocol will be considered a child widget. The setup-widget, update-widget,
;; and draw-widget functions are propagated through all the children.
;; Widgets are addressed through their path from the state. The :path member
;; contains that path. (get-in state (:path widget)) will return the current
;; version of the widget. (assoc-in state (:path widget) widget) puts any
;; updates to the widget back into the state.
;; The :x and :y members are in global (screen) coordinates. The :h and :w
;; members are in pixels. By convention child widgets should fit within the
;; x,y,w,h bounds of their parents.
;; Mouse gestures are typically routed to the deepest child that contains them.
(ns more-speech.ui.widget
(:require [more-speech.util.geometry :refer [inside-rect]]))