Fix the with-redefs issue.

Render the article window with &nbsp characters replacing strings of spaces.  This prevents the html renderer from compressing spaces.
This commit is contained in:
Robert C. Martin 2022-10-23 08:55:39 -05:00
parent a02f3dd40e
commit e2ef67fcaf
3 changed files with 58 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -157,8 +157,8 @@
(describe "Composing outgoing events"
(context "composing metadata (kind:0) messages"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(it "composes using the keys data structure"
(it "composes using the keys data structure"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 314159)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
keys {:private-key (bytes->hex-string private-key)
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@
(context "composing Text (kind 1) messages"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(it "composes an original message with no subject."
(it "composes an original message with no subject."
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 314159)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
_ (reset! (:event-context @ui-context) {:keys {:private-key (bytes->hex-string private-key)
@ -201,9 +201,10 @@
(should= text content)
(should (do-verify (hex-string->bytes id)
(hex-string->bytes sig)))))
(hex-string->bytes sig))))))
(it "composes an original message with a subject."
(it "composes an original message with a subject."
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 314159)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
_ (reset! (:event-context @ui-context) {:keys {:private-key (bytes->hex-string private-key)
@ -221,9 +222,10 @@
(should= text content)
(should (do-verify (hex-string->bytes id)
(hex-string->bytes sig)))))
(hex-string->bytes sig))))))
(it "composes a reply to a root article."
(it "composes a reply to a root article."
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 42)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
root-id 7734
@ -247,9 +249,10 @@
(should= text content)
(should (do-verify (hex-string->bytes id)
(hex-string->bytes sig)))))
(hex-string->bytes sig))))))
(it "composes a reply to a non-root article."
(it "composes a reply to a non-root article."
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 42)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
root-child-id 7734
@ -281,9 +284,10 @@
(should= text content)
(should (do-verify (hex-string->bytes id)
(hex-string->bytes sig)))))
(hex-string->bytes sig))))))
(it "author is removed from replies"
(it "author is removed from replies"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 42)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
author (bytes->num public-key)
@ -299,9 +303,10 @@
{:keys [tags]} (second event)]
(should= [[:e root-id-hex "" "reply"]
[:p (hexify root-author)]] (take 2 tags))))
[:p (hexify root-author)]] (take 2 tags)))))
(it "composes a message with a slash."
(it "composes a message with a slash."
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 42)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
_ (reset! (:event-context @ui-context) {:keys {:private-key (bytes->hex-string private-key)
@ -322,11 +327,12 @@
(context "compose direct messages (kind 4)"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(it "does not encrypt a regular message"
(should= ["message" 1] (encrypt-if-direct-message "message" [])))
(it "does not encrypt a regular message"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(should= ["message" 1] (encrypt-if-direct-message "message" []))))
(it "encrypts with shared keys"
(it "encrypts with shared keys"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [sender-private-key (util/make-private-key)
recipient-private-key (util/make-private-key)
sender-public-key (get-pub-key sender-private-key)
@ -340,9 +346,10 @@
(bytes->num recipient-private-key)
(bytes->num sender-public-key))]
(should= inbound-shared-secret outbound-shared-secret)
(should= content (SECP256K1/decrypt inbound-shared-secret encrypted-content))))
(should= content (SECP256K1/decrypt inbound-shared-secret encrypted-content)))))
(it "encrypts a direct message"
(it "encrypts a direct message"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [event-context (:event-context @ui-context)
sender-private-key (util/make-private-key)
recipient-private-key (util/make-private-key)
@ -356,9 +363,10 @@
(bytes->num sender-public-key))
[encrypted-message kind] (encrypt-if-direct-message content tags)]
(should= 4 kind)
(should= content (SECP256K1/decrypt inbound-shared-secret encrypted-message))))
(should= content (SECP256K1/decrypt inbound-shared-secret encrypted-message)))))
(it "catches fake DMs with phoney #[xxx] in them."
(it "catches fake DMs with phoney #[xxx] in them."
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [event-context (:event-context @ui-context)
sender-private-key (util/make-private-key)
_ (reset! event-context {:keys {:private-key (bytes->num sender-private-key)}})
@ -370,8 +378,8 @@
(context "compose kind-3 contact-list event"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(it "composes an simple contact list"
(it "composes an simple contact list"
(with-redefs [config/proof-of-work-default 0]
(let [private-key (num->bytes 64 42)
public-key (get-pub-key private-key)
event-context (:event-context @ui-context)

View File

@ -240,6 +240,15 @@
(it "should replace newlines with br tag"
(should= "xx<br>xx" (break-newlines "xx\nxx"))))
(describe "Breaking spaces"
(it "should replace strings of spaces with non breaking spaces."
(should= "just one" (non-breaking-spaces "just one"))
(should= "two&nbsp spaces" (non-breaking-spaces "two spaces"))
(should= "three&nbsp&nbsp spaces" (non-breaking-spaces "three spaces"))
(should= "1 2&nbsp 3&nbsp&nbsp 4&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp ."
(non-breaking-spaces "1 2 3 4 ."))
(describe "Segment article content"
(it "returns empty list if content is empty"
(should= '() (segment-text-url "")))
@ -262,6 +271,8 @@
(reformat-article "<b>Clojure</b>:")))
(it "should format replies and escape HTML entities properly"
(should= "&gt;this is<br>&gt;a reply" (reformat-article ">this is >a reply")))
(it "should replace multiple spaces with &nbsp"
(should= "one two&nbsp three&nbsp&nbsp ." (reformat-article "one two three .")))
(describe "Format User ID"

View File

@ -122,6 +122,14 @@
(defn break-newlines [content]
(string/replace content "\n" "<br>"))
(defn non-breaking-spaces [s]
(let [space-index (.indexOf s " ")]
(if (neg? space-index)
(str (subs s 0 space-index)
(non-breaking-spaces (subs s (+ space-index 1)))))))
(defn format-replies [content]
(string/replace content " >" "\n>"))
@ -152,7 +160,13 @@
(= seg-type :text)
(str formatted-content
((comp break-newlines html-escape format-replies) seg))
) seg)
(= seg-type :url)
(str formatted-content (linkify seg))))