
109 lines
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(ns more-speech.ui.button-spec
(:require [speclj.core :refer :all]
[more-speech.ui.button :refer :all]
[more-speech.ui.widget :as w]
[ :as g]))
(defrecord mock-graphic [x y which time]
(get-mouse [_graphics] [x y which])
(get-time [_graphics] time))
(defn- left-up [button state]
(assoc-in state (concat (:path button) [:left-came-up]) true))
(defn- left-down [button state]
(assoc-in state (concat (:path button) [:left-went-down]) true))
(defn- left-held [button state]
(assoc-in state (concat (:path button) [:left-held-down]) true))
(def NOW 1234) ; mock time of day
(def mouse-out (map->mock-graphic {:x 0 :y 0}))
(def mouse-in (map->mock-graphic {:x 10 :y 10}))
(def mouse-in-left-down (map->mock-graphic {:x 10 :y 10
:which :left
:time NOW}))
(def mouse-in-right-down (map->mock-graphic {:x 10 :y 10 :which :right}))
(def b (map->button {:x 10 :y 10 :w 10 :h 10
:button-state :whatever
:left-up left-up
:left-down left-down
:left-held left-held
:path [:application :button]}))
(defn- make-state [graphics]
{:application {:graphics graphics
:button b}})
(describe "mouse position and button state"
(it "is :out if mouse is not in the rectangle."
(let [state (make-state mouse-out)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should= :out (:button-state b))))
(it "is :in if mouse is in rectangle."
(let [state (make-state mouse-in)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should= :in (:button-state b))))
(it "is :left if mouse is in rectangle and left is down."
(let [state (make-state mouse-in-left-down)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should= :left (:button-state b))))
(it "is :right if mouse is in rectangle and right is down."
(let [state (make-state mouse-in-right-down)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should= :right (:button-state b))))
(it "calls :left-up if left button comes up while inside."
(let [state (make-state mouse-in)
state (assoc-in state [:application :button :button-state] :left)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should (:left-came-up b))))
(it "records when the left button goes down."
(let [state (make-state mouse-in-left-down)
state (assoc-in state [:application :button :button-state] :in)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should= NOW (:left-time b)))
(it "erases left button down time when left button comes up"
(let [state (make-state mouse-in)
state (assoc-in state [:application :button :button-state] :left)
state (assoc-in state [:application :button :left-time] NOW)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should= nil (:left-time b))))
(it "calls :left-down when left button goes down while in"
(let [state (make-state mouse-in-left-down)
state (assoc-in state [:application :button :button-state] :in)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should (:left-went-down b))))
(it "does not call :left-down if left already down."
(let [state (make-state mouse-in-left-down)
state (assoc-in state [:application :button :button-state] :left)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should-not (:left-went-down b))))
(it "calls :left-held if left already down."
(let [state (make-state mouse-in-left-down)
state (assoc-in state [:application :button :button-state] :left)
state (w/update-widget b state)
b (get-in state [:application :button])]
(should (:left-held-down b))))