2022-03-07 08:23:27 -06:00

45 lines
1.4 KiB

(ns more-speech.ui.formatters-spec
(:require [speclj.core :refer :all]
[more-speech.ui.formatters :refer :all]))
(describe "Abbreviations."
(it "abbreviates pubkeys"
(should= "short" (abbreviate "short" 10))
(should= "some lo..." (abbreviate "some long string." 10)))
(describe "reformat article body to fit width."
(it "should not wrap nothing"
(should= "" (reformat-article "" 1)))
(it "should not wrap something shorter than the width."
(should= "xxx" (reformat-article "xxx" 10)))
(it "should wrap something longer than the width."
(should= "xx\nxx" (reformat-article "xxxx" 2)))
(it "should repeatedly wrap long strings."
(should= "xx\nxx\nxx" (reformat-article "xxxxxx" 2)))
(it "should break spaces"
(should= "x\nx" (reformat-article "x x" 1))
(should= "x\nx" (reformat-article "x x" 2))
(should= "xx\nxx" (reformat-article "xx xx" 4)))
(it "should ignore existing single line breaks."
(should= "x x" (reformat-article "x\nx" 5)))
(it "should preserve existing double line breaks."
(should= "x\n\nx" (reformat-article "x\n\nx" 7)))
(it "should preserve leading spaces."
(should= "x\n xxx" (reformat-article "x\n xxx" 6)))
(it "should give priority to leading spaces"
(should= "x\n x\n\nx" (reformat-article "x\n x\n\nx" 20)))
(it "should not break this line. (bug-fix)"
(should= "I found you!" (reformat-article "I found you!" 50)))