2022-01-24 10:30:12 -06:00

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(ns more-speech.ui.widget-spec
(:require [speclj.core :refer :all]
[more-speech.ui.widget :as w :refer :all]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(defrecord child []
(setup-widget [widget state]
(assoc widget :setup true)))
(defrecord child-with-child []
(setup-widget [widget state]
(assoc widget :child (->child))))
(describe "Widgets"
(context "get child widgets"
(it "gets one child"
(let [parent {:child (->child)
:not-child "not-child"}]
(should= [:child] (get-child-widgets parent))))
(it "gets no children"
(let [parent {:not-child "not-child"}]
(should= [] (get-child-widgets parent)))
(it "gets many children"
(let [parent {:child-1 (->child)
:child-2 (->child)
:not-child "not-child"}]
(should= #{:child-1 :child-2} (set (get-child-widgets parent))))))
(context "do-children"
(it "does child widgets"
(let [child-1 (assoc (->child) :path [:parent :child-1])
child-2 (assoc (->child) :path [:parent :child-2])
parent {:path [:parent] :child-1 child-1 :child-2 child-2}
state {:parent parent}
f (fn [widget state] (assoc widget :did-f true))
state (do-children parent state f)]
(should (get-in state [:parent :child-1 :did-f] false))
(should (get-in state [:parent :child-2 :did-f] false))))
(it "does the hierarchy."
(let [grandchild (->child)
child (assoc (->child) :child grandchild)
parent {:path [:parent] :child child}
state {:parent parent}
state (setup-child-widgets parent state)
f (fn [widget state] (assoc widget :did-f true))
state (do-children (:parent state) state f)]
(should (get-in state [:parent :child :did-f] false))
(should (get-in state [:parent :child :child :did-f] false)))))
(context "can be setup"
(it "constructs the path and calls setup for children."
(let [parent {:path [:parent]
:child (->child)}
state {:parent parent}
state (setup-child-widgets parent state)]
(should (get-in state [:parent :child :setup] false))
(should= [:parent :child] (get-in state [:parent :child :path]))))
(it "is harmless if the parent has no children."
(let [parent {:path [:parent]}
state {:parent parent}
state (setup-child-widgets parent state)]
(should= {:parent parent} state)))
(it "handles multiple children."
(let [parent {:path [:parent]
:child-1 (->child)
:child-2 (->child)}
state {:parent parent}
state (setup-child-widgets parent state)]
(should (get-in state [:parent :child-1 :setup] false))
(should (get-in state [:parent :child-2 :setup] false))
(should= [:parent :child-1] (get-in state [:parent :child-1 :path]))
(should= [:parent :child-2] (get-in state [:parent :child-2 :path]))))
(it "handles a hierarchy"
(let [grand-child (->child)
child (assoc (->child) :grand-child grand-child)
parent {:path [:parent] :child child}
state {:parent parent}
state (setup-child-widgets parent state)]
(should (get-in state [:parent :child :setup]))
(should (get-in state [:parent :child :grand-child :setup]))))
(it "handles a hierarchy setup by children."
(let [child (->child-with-child)
parent {:path [:parent] :child child}
state {:parent parent}
state (setup-child-widgets parent state)]
(should (get-in state [:parent :child :child :setup])))