feat: follows only media loading
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ export default function DM(props: DMProps) {
const [decrypted, setDecrypted] = useState(false);
const { ref, inView } = useInView();
const isMe = props.data.pubkey === pubKey;
const otherPubkey = isMe ? pubKey : props.data.tags.find(a => a[0] === "p")![1];
async function decrypt() {
let e = new Event(props.data);
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ export default function DM(props: DMProps) {
<div className={`flex dm f-col${isMe ? " me" : ""}`} ref={ref}>
<div><NoteTime from={props.data.created_at * 1000} fallback={'Just now'} /></div>
<div className="w-max">
<Text content={content} tags={[]} users={new Map()} />
<Text content={content} tags={[]} users={new Map()} creator={otherPubkey} />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { TwitterTweetEmbed } from "react-twitter-embed";
import {
} from "Const";
import { RootState } from 'State/Store';
import SoundCloudEmbed from 'Element/SoundCloudEmded'
import MixCloudEmbed from 'Element/MixCloudEmbed';
import SpotifyEmbed from "Element/SpotifyEmbed";
import TidalEmbed from "Element/TidalEmbed";
import { ProxyImg } from 'Element/ProxyImg';
import { HexKey } from 'Nostr';
export default function HyperText({ link, creator }: { link: string, creator: HexKey }) {
const pref = useSelector((s: RootState) => s.login.preferences);
const follows = useSelector((s: RootState) => s.login.follows);
const render = useCallback(() => {
const a = link;
try {
const hideNonFollows = pref.autoLoadMedia === "follows-only" && !follows.includes(creator);
if (pref.autoLoadMedia === "none" || hideNonFollows) {
return <a href={a} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{a}</a>
const url = new URL(a);
const youtubeId = YoutubeUrlRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const tweetId = TweetUrlRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$2;
const tidalId = TidalRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const soundcloundId = SoundCloudRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const mixcloudId = MixCloudRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const spotifyId = SpotifyRegex.test(a);
const extension = FileExtensionRegex.test(url.pathname.toLowerCase()) && RegExp.$1;
if (extension) {
switch (extension) {
case "gif":
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
case "png":
case "bmp":
case "webp": {
return <ProxyImg key={url.toString()} src={url.toString()} />;
case "wav":
case "mp3":
case "ogg": {
return <audio key={url.toString()} src={url.toString()} controls />
case "mp4":
case "mov":
case "mkv":
case "avi":
case "m4v": {
return <video key={url.toString()} src={url.toString()} controls />
return <a key={url.toString()} href={url.toString()} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{url.toString()}</a>
} else if (tweetId) {
return (
<div className="tweet" key={tweetId}>
<TwitterTweetEmbed tweetId={tweetId} />
} else if (youtubeId) {
return (
<br />
title="YouTube video player"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
<br />
} else if (tidalId) {
return <TidalEmbed link={a} />
} else if (soundcloundId) {
return <SoundCloudEmbed link={a} />
} else if (mixcloudId) {
return <MixCloudEmbed link={a} />
} else if (spotifyId) {
return <SpotifyEmbed link={a} />
} else {
return <a href={a} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{a}</a>
} catch (error) {
return <a href={a} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{a}</a>
}, [link]);
return render();
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export default function Note(props: NoteProps) {
if (deletions?.length > 0) {
return (<b className="error">Deleted</b>);
return <Text content={body} tags={ev.Tags} users={users || new Map()} />;
return <Text content={body} tags={ev.Tags} users={users || new Map()} creator={ev.PubKey}/>;
}, [ev]);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ import { useMemo, useCallback } from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown";
import { visit, SKIP } from "unist-util-visit";
import { TwitterTweetEmbed } from "react-twitter-embed";
import { UrlRegex, FileExtensionRegex, MentionRegex, InvoiceRegex, YoutubeUrlRegex, TweetUrlRegex, HashtagRegex, TidalRegex, SoundCloudRegex, MixCloudRegex, SpotifyRegex } from "Const";
import { UrlRegex, MentionRegex, InvoiceRegex, HashtagRegex } from "Const";
import { eventLink, hexToBech32 } from "Util";
import Invoice from "Element/Invoice";
import Hashtag from "Element/Hashtag";
@ -13,215 +12,134 @@ import Hashtag from "Element/Hashtag";
import Tag from "Nostr/Tag";
import { MetadataCache } from "State/Users";
import Mention from "Element/Mention";
import TidalEmbed from "Element/TidalEmbed";
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { RootState } from 'State/Store';
import { UserPreferences } from 'State/Login';
import SoundCloudEmbed from 'Element/SoundCloudEmded'
import MixCloudEmbed from 'Element/MixCloudEmbed';
import SpotifyEmbed from "./SpotifyEmbed";
import { ProxyImg } from 'Element/ProxyImg';
function transformHttpLink(a: string, pref: UserPreferences) {
try {
if (!pref.autoLoadMedia) {
return <a href={a} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{a}</a>
const url = new URL(a);
const youtubeId = YoutubeUrlRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const tweetId = TweetUrlRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$2;
const tidalId = TidalRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const soundcloundId = SoundCloudRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const mixcloudId = MixCloudRegex.test(a) && RegExp.$1;
const spotifyId = SpotifyRegex.test(a);
const extension = FileExtensionRegex.test(url.pathname.toLowerCase()) && RegExp.$1;
if (extension) {
switch (extension) {
case "gif":
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
case "png":
case "bmp":
case "webp": {
return <ProxyImg key={url.toString()} src={url.toString()} />;
case "wav":
case "mp3":
case "ogg": {
return <audio key={url.toString()} src={url.toString()} controls />
case "mp4":
case "mov":
case "mkv":
case "avi":
case "m4v": {
return <video key={url.toString()} src={url.toString()} controls />
return <a key={url.toString()} href={url.toString()} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{url.toString()}</a>
} else if (tweetId) {
return (
<div className="tweet" key={tweetId}>
<TwitterTweetEmbed tweetId={tweetId} />
} else if (youtubeId) {
return (
<br />
title="YouTube video player"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
<br />
} else if (tidalId) {
return <TidalEmbed link={a} />
} else if (soundcloundId) {
return <SoundCloudEmbed link={a} />
} else if (mixcloudId) {
return <MixCloudEmbed link={a} />
} else if (spotifyId) {
return <SpotifyEmbed link={a} />
} else {
return <a href={a} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{a}</a>
} catch (error) {
return <a href={a} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" className="ext">{a}</a>
function extractLinks(fragments: Fragment[], pref: UserPreferences) {
return fragments.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(UrlRegex).map(a => {
if (a.startsWith("http")) {
return transformHttpLink(a, pref)
return a;
return f;
function extractMentions(frag: TextFragment) {
return frag.body.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(MentionRegex).map((match) => {
let matchTag = match.match(/#\[(\d+)\]/);
if (matchTag && matchTag.length === 2) {
let idx = parseInt(matchTag[1]);
let ref = frag.tags?.find(a => a.Index === idx);
if (ref) {
switch (ref.Key) {
case "p": {
return <Mention pubkey={ref.PubKey!} />
case "e": {
let eText = hexToBech32("note", ref.Event!).substring(0, 12);
return <Link key={ref.Event} to={eventLink(ref.Event!)} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}>#{eText}</Link>;
case "t": {
return <Hashtag tag={ref.Hashtag!} />
return <b style={{ color: "var(--error)" }}>{matchTag[0]}?</b>;
} else {
return match;
return f;
function extractInvoices(fragments: Fragment[]) {
return fragments.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(InvoiceRegex).map(i => {
if (i.toLowerCase().startsWith("lnbc")) {
return <Invoice key={i} invoice={i} />
} else {
return i;
return f;
function extractHashtags(fragments: Fragment[]) {
return fragments.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(HashtagRegex).map(i => {
if (i.toLowerCase().startsWith("#")) {
return <Hashtag tag={i.substring(1)} />
} else {
return i;
return f;
function transformLi(frag: TextFragment) {
let fragments = transformText(frag)
return <li>{fragments}</li>
function transformParagraph(frag: TextFragment) {
const fragments = transformText(frag)
if (fragments.every(f => typeof f === 'string')) {
return <p>{fragments}</p>
return <>{fragments}</>
function transformText(frag: TextFragment) {
if (frag.body === undefined) {
let fragments = extractMentions(frag);
fragments = extractLinks(fragments, frag.pref);
fragments = extractInvoices(fragments);
fragments = extractHashtags(fragments);
return fragments;
import HyperText from 'Element/HyperText';
import { HexKey } from 'Nostr';
export type Fragment = string | JSX.Element;
export interface TextFragment {
body: Fragment[],
tags: Tag[],
users: Map<string, MetadataCache>,
pref: UserPreferences
users: Map<string, MetadataCache>
export interface TextProps {
content: string,
creator: HexKey,
tags: Tag[],
users: Map<string, MetadataCache>
export default function Text({ content, tags, users }: TextProps) {
const pref = useSelector<RootState, UserPreferences>(s => s.login.preferences);
export default function Text({ content, tags, creator, users }: TextProps) {
function extractLinks(fragments: Fragment[]) {
return fragments.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(UrlRegex).map(a => {
if (a.startsWith("http")) {
return <HyperText link={a} creator={creator} />
return a;
return f;
function extractMentions(frag: TextFragment) {
return frag.body.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(MentionRegex).map((match) => {
let matchTag = match.match(/#\[(\d+)\]/);
if (matchTag && matchTag.length === 2) {
let idx = parseInt(matchTag[1]);
let ref = frag.tags?.find(a => a.Index === idx);
if (ref) {
switch (ref.Key) {
case "p": {
return <Mention pubkey={ref.PubKey!} />
case "e": {
let eText = hexToBech32("note", ref.Event!).substring(0, 12);
return <Link key={ref.Event} to={eventLink(ref.Event!)} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}>#{eText}</Link>;
case "t": {
return <Hashtag tag={ref.Hashtag!} />
return <b style={{ color: "var(--error)" }}>{matchTag[0]}?</b>;
} else {
return match;
return f;
function extractInvoices(fragments: Fragment[]) {
return fragments.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(InvoiceRegex).map(i => {
if (i.toLowerCase().startsWith("lnbc")) {
return <Invoice key={i} invoice={i} />
} else {
return i;
return f;
function extractHashtags(fragments: Fragment[]) {
return fragments.map(f => {
if (typeof f === "string") {
return f.split(HashtagRegex).map(i => {
if (i.toLowerCase().startsWith("#")) {
return <Hashtag tag={i.substring(1)} />
} else {
return i;
return f;
function transformLi(frag: TextFragment) {
let fragments = transformText(frag)
return <li>{fragments}</li>
function transformParagraph(frag: TextFragment) {
const fragments = transformText(frag)
if (fragments.every(f => typeof f === 'string')) {
return <p>{fragments}</p>
return <>{fragments}</>
function transformText(frag: TextFragment) {
if (frag.body === undefined) {
let fragments = extractMentions(frag);
fragments = extractLinks(fragments);
fragments = extractInvoices(fragments);
fragments = extractHashtags(fragments);
return fragments;
const components = useMemo(() => {
return {
p: (x: any) => transformParagraph({ body: x.children ?? [], tags, users, pref }),
a: (x: any) => transformHttpLink(x.href, pref),
li: (x: any) => transformLi({ body: x.children ?? [], tags, users, pref }),
p: (x: any) => transformParagraph({ body: x.children ?? [], tags, users }),
a: (x: any) => <HyperText link={x.href} creator={creator} />,
li: (x: any) => transformLi({ body: x.children ?? [], tags, users }),
}, [content]);
const disableMarkdownLinks = useCallback(() => (tree: any) => {
visit(tree, (node, index, parent) => {
if (
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export default function ProfilePage() {
const [tab, setTab] = useState(ProfileTab.Notes);
const [showProfileQr, setShowProfileQr] = useState<boolean>(false);
const aboutText = user?.about || ''
const about = Text({ content: aboutText, tags: [], users: new Map() })
const about = Text({ content: aboutText, tags: [], users: new Map(), creator: "" })
const lnurl = extractLnAddress(user?.lud16 || user?.lud06 || "");
const website_url = (user?.website && !user.website.startsWith("http"))
? "https://" + user.website
@ -26,10 +26,14 @@ const PreferencesPage = () => {
<div className="card flex">
<div className="flex f-col f-grow">
<div>Automatically load media</div>
<small>Media in posts will automatically be shown, if disabled only the link will show</small>
<small>Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show</small>
<input type="checkbox" checked={perf.autoLoadMedia} onChange={e => dispatch(setPreferences({ ...perf, autoLoadMedia: e.target.checked }))} />
<select value={perf.autoLoadMedia} onChange={e => dispatch(setPreferences({ ...perf, autoLoadMedia: e.target.value } as UserPreferences))}>
<option value="none">None</option>
<option value="follows-only">Follows only</option>
<option value="all">All</option>
<div className="card flex f-col">
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export interface UserPreferences {
* Automatically load media (show link only) (bandwidth/privacy)
autoLoadMedia: boolean,
autoLoadMedia: "none" | "follows-only" | "all",
* Select between light/dark theme
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ export interface UserPreferences {
imgProxyConfig: ImgProxySettings | null
export type DbType = "indexdDb" | "redux";
export interface LoginStore {
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ export const InitState = {
dmInteraction: 0,
preferences: {
enableReactions: false,
autoLoadMedia: true,
autoLoadMedia: "follows-only",
theme: "system",
confirmReposts: false,
showDebugMenus: false,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user