chore: Update translations
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing

This commit is contained in:
Kieran 2023-05-30 10:50:46 +00:00
parent 4572b69d43
commit 8a0cc0bcf6
20 changed files with 77 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"0Azlrb": "إدارة",
"0BUTMv": "بحث...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "عنوان LNURL غير صالح",
"0mch2Y": "الاسم يحتوي على أحرف غير مسموح بها",
"0yO7wF": "{n} ثانية",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "المنشورات المرجعية {n}",
"2k0Cv+": "الاستهجان ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} ساعات",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "خيارات متقدمة",
"3cc4Ct": "فاتح",
"3gOsZq": "المترجمون",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "ارسال",
"9gqH2W": "تسجيل الدخول",
"9pMqYs": "عنوان نوستر",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "فاتورة البرق",
"ADmfQT": "السياق",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "عرض أحدث منشورات {n}",
"DcL8P+": "داعم",
"Dh3hbq": "الومض التلقائي",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "سيتم عرض الوسائط في المنشورات تلقائيًا للأشخاص المحددين ، وإلا سيتم عرض الرابط فقط",
"DtYelJ": "تحويل",
"E8a4yq": "تابع بعض الحسابات المشهورة",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"0Azlrb": "Manage",
"0BUTMv": "Search...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Invalid LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "name has disallowed characters",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secs",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Bookmarks",
"2k0Cv+": "Dislikes ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} hours",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Advanced",
"3cc4Ct": "Light",
"3gOsZq": "Translators",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Send",
"9gqH2W": "Login",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Address",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning Invoice",
"ADmfQT": "Parent",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Show latest {n} notes",
"DcL8P+": "Supporter",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"DtYelJ": "Transfer",
"E8a4yq": "Follow some popular accounts",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Schlüssel exportieren",
"0Azlrb": "Verwalten",
"0BUTMv": "Suche...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Ungültige LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "Der Name enthält unerlaubte Zeichen",
"0yO7wF": "{n} Sek.",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Lesezeichen",
"2k0Cv+": "Gefällt nicht ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} Stunden",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Erweitert",
"3cc4Ct": "Hell",
"3gOsZq": "Übersetzer",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Senden",
"9gqH2W": "Anmelden",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Adresse",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning Zahlungsanforderung",
"ADmfQT": "Vorherige",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Letzte {n} Notizen anzeigen",
"DcL8P+": "Unterstützer",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Medien in Posts werden für ausgewählte Personen automatisch angezeigt, ansonsten wird nur der Link angezeigt",
"DtYelJ": "Transferieren",
"E8a4yq": "Folgen Sie einigen beliebten Konten",

View File

@ -422,4 +422,4 @@
"zjJZBd": "You're ready!",
"zonsdq": "Failed to load LNURL service",
"zvCDao": "Automatically show latest notes"

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Exportar claves",
"0Azlrb": "Gestionar",
"0BUTMv": "Buscar...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "LNURL inválida",
"0mch2Y": "el nombre tiene caracteres inválidos",
"0yO7wF": "{n} seg",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Marcadores",
"2k0Cv+": "No me gusta ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} horas",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Avanzado",
"3cc4Ct": "Claro",
"3gOsZq": "traductores",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Enviar",
"9gqH2W": "Acceso",
"9pMqYs": "Dirección Nostr",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Factura Lightning",
"ADmfQT": "Pariente",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Mostrar últimas {n} notas",
"DcL8P+": "Seguidor",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Se cargarán las imágenes y vídeos automáticamente",
"DtYelJ": "Transferir",
"E8a4yq": "Sigue a cuentas populares",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "استخراج کلید",
"0Azlrb": "مدیریت",
"0BUTMv": "جستجو...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "LNURL نامعتبر",
"0mch2Y": "نام دارای کاراکتر غیرمجاز است",
"0yO7wF": "{n} ثانیه",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} نشانک",
"2k0Cv+": "({n}) ناپسند",
"2ukA4d": "{n} ساعت",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "پیشرفته",
"3cc4Ct": "روشن",
"3gOsZq": "مترجمان",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "ارسال",
"9gqH2W": "ورود",
"9pMqYs": "آدرس ناستر",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "صورتحساب لایتنینگ",
"ADmfQT": "والد",
"AGNz71": "همه را {n} ساتوشی زپ کن",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "{n} یادداشت اخیر را نشان بده",
"DcL8P+": "پشتیبان",
"Dh3hbq": "زپ خودکار",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "رسانه درون یادداشت ها به طور برای افراد انتخاب شده نشان داده می شود، وگرنه تنها لینک آن نشان داده می شود",
"DtYelJ": "انتقال",
"E8a4yq": "حساب های کاربری مشهور را دنبال کنید",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"0Azlrb": "Manage",
"0BUTMv": "Chercher...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "LNURL invalide",
"0mch2Y": "le nom contient des caractères non autorisés",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secondes",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Favoris",
"2k0Cv+": "N'aime pas ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} hours",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Avancé",
"3cc4Ct": "Clair",
"3gOsZq": "Traducteurs",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Envoyer",
"9gqH2W": "Se Connecter",
"9pMqYs": "Adresse Nostr",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Facture Lightning",
"ADmfQT": "Parent",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Afficher les {n} dernières notes",
"DcL8P+": "Supporter",
"Dh3hbq": "Zap automatique",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Les médias dans les messages seront automatiquement affichés pour les personnes sélectionnées, sinon seul le lien s'affichera",
"DtYelJ": "Transférer",
"E8a4yq": "Suivez quelques comptes populaires",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Izvezi Ključeve",
"0Azlrb": "Upravljaj",
"0BUTMv": "Pretraga...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Nevažeći LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "ime sadrži nepodržane znakove",
"0yO7wF": "{n} sekundi",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Oznake",
"2k0Cv+": "Ne sviđa se ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} sati",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Napredno",
"3cc4Ct": "Svijetlo",
"3gOsZq": "Prevoditelji",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Pošalji",
"9gqH2W": "Prijavi se",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Adresa",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning račun",
"ADmfQT": "Matični",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Prikaži posljednje {n} bilješke",
"DcL8P+": "Podrška",
"Dh3hbq": "Automatski Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Mediji u objavama automatski će se prikazati za odabrane osobe, inače će se prikazati samo poveznica",
"DtYelJ": "Prijenos",
"E8a4yq": "Pratite neke popularne račune",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Kulcsok exportálása",
"0Azlrb": "Menedzselés",
"0BUTMv": "Keresés...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Érvénytelen LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "név nem engedélyezett karaktereket tartalmaz",
"0yO7wF": "{n} másodperc",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} könyvjelző",
"2k0Cv+": "Nemtetszések ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} órák",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Speciális",
"3cc4Ct": "Világos",
"3gOsZq": "Fordítók",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Küldés",
"9gqH2W": "Bejelentkezés",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Cím",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning Számla",
"ADmfQT": "Szülő",
"AGNz71": "Zap-elni Mind a {n} sats-ot",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "A legutóbbi {n} bejegyzés mutatása",
"DcL8P+": "Támogató",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "A bejegyzésekben található média bizonyos emberek számára automatikusan megjelenik, másoknak pedig egy link lesz helyette.",
"DtYelJ": "Átvitel",
"E8a4yq": "Kövess néhány népszerű felhasználót",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"0Azlrb": "Manage",
"0BUTMv": "Cari...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "LNURL Tidak valid",
"0mch2Y": "nama memiliki karakter yang tidak diizinkan",
"0yO7wF": "{n} detik",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Penanda Buku",
"2k0Cv+": "Tidak disukai ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} hours",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Advanced",
"3cc4Ct": "Cahaya",
"3gOsZq": "Penerjemah",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Mengirim",
"9gqH2W": "Masuk",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Address",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Faktur Lightning",
"ADmfQT": "Orang Tua",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Tampilkan catatan {n} terbaru",
"DcL8P+": "Supporter",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media dalam postingan akan secara otomatis ditampilkan untuk orang yang dipilih, jika tidak, hanya tautan yang akan ditampilkan",
"DtYelJ": "Transfer",
"E8a4yq": "Ikuti beberapa akun populer",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Esporta Chiavi",
"0Azlrb": "Gestisci",
"0BUTMv": "Cerca...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "LNURL non valido",
"0mch2Y": "il nome ha caratteri non ammessi",
"0yO7wF": "{n} sec",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} preferiti",
"2k0Cv+": "Non mi piace ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} ore",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Avanzato",
"3cc4Ct": "Chiaro",
"3gOsZq": "Traduttori",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Invia",
"9gqH2W": "Accedi",
"9pMqYs": "Indirizzo Nostr",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Fattura Lightning",
"ADmfQT": "Parente",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Visualizza le ultime {n} note",
"DcL8P+": "Sostenitore",
"Dh3hbq": "Zap automatico",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "I media nei post verranno mostrati automaticamente per le persone selezionate, altrimenti verrà mostrato solo il link.",
"DtYelJ": "Trasferisci",
"E8a4yq": "Segui alcuni account popolari",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "鍵をエクスポート",
"0Azlrb": "管理",
"0BUTMv": "検索する",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "無効なLNURL",
"0mch2Y": "名前に使用できない文字が含まれています",
"0yO7wF": "{n}秒",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} ブックマーク",
"2k0Cv+": "イヤ ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n}時間",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "詳細オプション",
"3cc4Ct": "ライト",
"3gOsZq": "翻訳者",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "送信",
"9gqH2W": "ログイン",
"9pMqYs": "Nostrアドレス",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "ライトニング インボイス",
"ADmfQT": "返信元",
"AGNz71": "{n} satsを全てザップ",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "最新の投稿{n}件を表示",
"DcL8P+": "サポーター",
"Dh3hbq": "自動ザップ",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "選択したユーザーの投稿ではメディアが自動的に表示され、それ以外はリンクのみが表示されます",
"DtYelJ": "転送",
"E8a4yq": "人気のアカウントをフォロー",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"0Azlrb": "Manage",
"0BUTMv": "Search...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Invalid LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "name has disallowed characters",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secs",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Bookmarks",
"2k0Cv+": "Dislikes ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} hours",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Advanced",
"3cc4Ct": "Light",
"3gOsZq": "Translators",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Send",
"9gqH2W": "Login",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Address",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning Invoice",
"ADmfQT": "Parent",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Show latest {n} notes",
"DcL8P+": "Supporter",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"DtYelJ": "Transfer",
"E8a4yq": "Follow some popular accounts",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"0Azlrb": "Manage",
"0BUTMv": "Search...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Invalid LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "name has disallowed characters",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secs",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Bookmarks",
"2k0Cv+": "Dislikes ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} hours",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Advanced",
"3cc4Ct": "Light",
"3gOsZq": "Translators",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Send",
"9gqH2W": "Login",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Address",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning Invoice",
"ADmfQT": "Parent",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Show latest {n} notes",
"DcL8P+": "Supporter",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"DtYelJ": "Transfer",
"E8a4yq": "Follow some popular accounts",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Export Keys",
"0Azlrb": "Manage",
"0BUTMv": "Search...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Invalid LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "name has disallowed characters",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secs",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Bookmarks",
"2k0Cv+": "Dislikes ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} hours",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Advanced",
"3cc4Ct": "Light",
"3gOsZq": "Translators",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Send",
"9gqH2W": "Login",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Address",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning Invoice",
"ADmfQT": "Parent",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Show latest {n} notes",
"DcL8P+": "Supporter",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media in posts will automatically be shown for selected people, otherwise only the link will show",
"DtYelJ": "Transfer",
"E8a4yq": "Follow some popular accounts",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Экспортировать ключи",
"0Azlrb": "Управление",
"0BUTMv": "Поиск...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Неверный LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "имя содержит запрещенные символы",
"0yO7wF": "{n} секунд",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Закладок",
"2k0Cv+": "Дизлайки ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} часов",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Продвинутые",
"3cc4Ct": "Светлый",
"3gOsZq": "Переводчики",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Отправить",
"9gqH2W": "Авторизуйтесь",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr адрес",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Лайтнинг-инвойс",
"ADmfQT": "Ветка",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Показать последние {n} заметки",
"DcL8P+": "Саппортер",
"Dh3hbq": "Авто Зап",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Медиа в публикациях выбранных пользователей будут автоматически отображаться в вашей ленте, в противном случае будет показана только ссылка",
"DtYelJ": "Перевод",
"E8a4yq": "Подпишитесь на популярные аккаунты",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "Exportera nycklar",
"0Azlrb": "Hantera",
"0BUTMv": "Sök...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "Ogiltig LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "namnet har otillåtna tecken",
"0yO7wF": "{n} secs",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} Bokmärken",
"2k0Cv+": "Gillar inte ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} timmar",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "Avancerad",
"3cc4Ct": "Ljust",
"3gOsZq": "Översättare",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "Skicka",
"9gqH2W": "Logga in",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr Adress",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "Lightning-faktura",
"ADmfQT": "Förälder",
"AGNz71": "Zappa Alla {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "Visa senaste {n} anteckningar",
"DcL8P+": "Supporter",
"Dh3hbq": "Auto Zap",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "Media i inlägg visas automatiskt för valda personer, annars visas endast länken",
"DtYelJ": "Överför",
"E8a4yq": "Följ några populära konton",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "சாவிகளை ஏற்றுமதி செய்யவும்",
"0Azlrb": "நிர்வகி",
"0BUTMv": "தேடு...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "செல்லாத LNURL",
"0mch2Y": "பெயர் அங்கீகரிக்கப்படாத எழுத்துக்களைக் கொண்டுள்ளது",
"0yO7wF": "{n} வினாடிகள்",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} புக்மார்க்குகள்",
"2k0Cv+": "விருப்பமின்மைகள் ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} மணி",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "மேம்படுத்தப்பட்ட",
"3cc4Ct": "ஒளி",
"3gOsZq": "மொழிபெயர்ப்பாளர்கள்",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "அனுப்பு",
"9gqH2W": "உள்நுழை",
"9pMqYs": "நாஸ்டர் முகவரி",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "லைட்னிங் விலைப்பட்டியல்",
"ADmfQT": "பெற்றோர்",
"AGNz71": "Zap All {n} sats",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "சமீபத்திய {n} குறிப்புகளைக் காட்டு",
"DcL8P+": "ஆதரவாளர்",
"Dh3hbq": "தானாக ஜாப்",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட நபர்களுக்குக் குறிப்புகளில் உள்ள மீடியா தானாகவே காண்பிக்கப்படும், இல்லையெனில் இணைப்பு மட்டுமே காண்பிக்கப்படும்",
"DtYelJ": "பரிமாற்றம்",
"E8a4yq": "சில பிரபலமான கணக்குகளைப் பின்தொடரவும்",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "导出密钥",
"0Azlrb": "管理",
"0BUTMv": "搜索...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "LNURL无效",
"0mch2Y": "名称中有禁用字符",
"0yO7wF": "{n} 秒",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} 个收藏",
"2k0Cv+": "踩 ({n})",
"2ukA4d": "{n} 小时",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "高级",
"3cc4Ct": "浅色",
"3gOsZq": "翻译人员",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "发送",
"9gqH2W": "登录",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr 地址",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "闪电发票",
"ADmfQT": "上一层",
"AGNz71": "打闪所有 {n} 聪",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "显示最新的 {n} 条笔记",
"DcL8P+": "支持者",
"Dh3hbq": "自动打闪",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "帖子中的媒体将自动显示给选定的人,否则只会显示链接",
"DtYelJ": "转移",
"E8a4yq": "关注一些受欢迎的帐户",

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
"08zn6O": "導出密鑰",
"0Azlrb": "管理",
"0BUTMv": "搜索...",
"0ehN4t": "Please connect a wallet {here} to be able to pay this invoice",
"0jOEtS": "LNURL 無效",
"0mch2Y": "名稱中有禁用字符",
"0yO7wF": "{n} 秒",
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
"2a2YiP": "{n} 個收藏",
"2k0Cv+": "踩 {n}",
"2ukA4d": "{n}小時",
"380eol": "here",
"3Rx6Qo": "高級",
"3cc4Ct": "淺色",
"3gOsZq": "翻譯人員",
@ -71,6 +73,7 @@
"9WRlF4": "發送",
"9gqH2W": "登錄",
"9pMqYs": "Nostr 地址",
"9qtLJC": "Payment Required",
"9wO4wJ": "閃電發票",
"ADmfQT": "上一層",
"AGNz71": "打閃所有 {n} 聰",
@ -102,6 +105,7 @@
"DZzCem": "顯示最新的 {n} 條筆記",
"DcL8P+": "支持者",
"Dh3hbq": "自動打閃",
"DqLx9k": "You must pay {n} sats to access this file.",
"Dt/Zd5": "帖子中的媒體將自動顯示給選定的人,否則只會顯示鏈接",
"DtYelJ": "轉移",
"E8a4yq": "關注一些受歡迎的帳戶",